November 2, 2023

When Should You Consider Getting A Mole Removed


When Should You Consider Getting A Mole Removed?

Considering getting a mole removed? This article discusses the signs to look out for and when it may be necessary to consider mole removal.

Moles are a common occurrence in most people's lives. While some moles are harmless, others may pose a risk to one's health. That is why it is essential to know when to consider getting a mole removed.

This informative guide outlines the factors to consider and when it might be time to consult a dermatologist.


Understanding Moles

Moles, or nevi, are common skin growths that can appear anywhere on the body. They are formed when melanocytes, the skin cells that produce pigment, grow in clusters. Most moles are harmless and do not require any treatment. However, in some cases, moles can become cancerous and need to be removed.

Moles can vary in size, shape, and color. They can be flat or raised, smooth or rough, and can range in color from pink to brown to black. Moles can also change over time, becoming darker or lighter, growing hair, or developing irregular borders.

While most moles are benign, certain moles are more likely to become cancerous. These include:

  • Atypical moles: These are moles that are larger than usual, have irregular borders, and may have different shades of color.
  • Congenital moles: These are moles that are present at birth and are usually larger than normal.
  • Dysplastic nevi: These are moles that have abnormal cells and are more likely to develop into melanoma.

It is essential to monitor moles for any changes in size, shape, or color. If a mole begins to itch, bleed, or become painful, it should be evaluated by a dermatologist.

In general, asymmetrical moles, have irregular borders, have multiple colors, are larger than a pencil eraser, or are changing in size or shape should be evaluated by a dermatologist. Depending on the type of mole and the risk of cancer, the dermatologist may recommend removal.


When To Consider Mole Removal

Moles are a common occurrence on the skin, and most of them are harmless. However, in some cases, they can be a cause for concern. It is important to know when to consider mole removal to prevent any potential health risks.

Dermatologist Examination

If someone notices a new mole on their skin, especially after the age of 20, it is recommended to see a dermatologist and examine it. Dermatologists can identify any moles that may be cancerous or have the potential to become cancerous. They will examine the mole and determine if it needs to be removed.

Ugly Duckling Moles

An "ugly duckling" mole looks different from the other moles on the body. If someone has an ugly duckling mole, it is recommended to have it examined by a dermatologist. These moles can be a sign of skin cancer or can become cancerous in the future.

ABCDE Rule In Mole Examinations

The ABCDE rule is a helpful tool in identifying potentially cancerous moles. The rule stands for asymmetry, border, color, diameter, and evolving. If a mole has any of these characteristics, it is recommended to have it examined by a dermatologist.

Cancerous Moles

If a mole is cancerous, it needs to be removed as soon as possible. The dermatologist will remove the mole and send it for testing to determine if it is cancerous. If it is, further treatment may be necessary.

Benign Moles

Most moles are benign and do not need to be removed. However, if a benign mole is in an area where it is constantly irritated or rubbed, it may need to be removed to prevent further irritation.


Mole Removal Procedures

If a mole is suspected to be cancerous or causing discomfort, removal may be necessary. A dermatologist or healthcare provider will determine the best method of removal based on the size, shape, and location of the mole.

The most common mole removal procedures are surgical or shave excision and cryotherapy. During surgical excision, the mole is cut out along with a margin of healthy skin surrounding it. Shave excision involves using a blade to shave the mole off at the skin level. Cryotherapy involves freezing the mole with liquid nitrogen to destroy the cells.

Another option is laser mole removal, which uses an electric current to remove the mole. This procedure may be more expensive and is typically reserved for smaller moles.

It is important to note that mole removal procedures may leave scars, especially if the mole is large or deep. Patients should discuss the risks and benefits of each method with their healthcare provider and follow aftercare instructions carefully to promote proper healing.

Before Getting A Mole Removed

Before getting a mole removed, it is essential to schedule an appointment with a dermatologist. During this appointment, the dermatologist will conduct a skin exam to determine if the mole looks suspicious and if it needs to be removed. This is also known as a skin cancer screening.

If the dermatologist determines that the mole needs to be removed, there are a few methods that can be used. These include a shave biopsy, punch biopsy, or skin biopsy. The method used will depend on the size and location of the mole, as well as the dermatologist's preference.

Once the mole is removed, it will be sent to a lab for analysis. The mole will be examined under a microscope to determine if it is cancerous or not. It is important to note that not all moles are cancerous, but it is better to be safe than sorry.

Before the procedure, it is essential to follow any instructions given by the dermatologist. This may include avoiding certain medications or stopping blood-thinning medications before the procedure. The dermatologist may also provide instructions on how to care for the area after the mole is removed.

What Happens During The Mole Removal Procedure

When a dermatologist decides to remove a mole, they will first numb the area with a local anesthetic. The type of procedure used will depend on the size, location, and type of mole being removed.


Shaving Off A Mole For Testing 

For smaller moles that do not protrude above the skin, a dermatologist may use a scalpel or razor blade to shave off the mole. This procedure is called shaving, and it typically leaves little to no scarring.

Excision Of A Mole

For larger moles or those that are suspected to be cancerous, a dermatologist may perform an excision. This involves cutting out the mole and a small area of surrounding skin. The dermatologist will then close the wound with stitches, which will be removed after a week or two.

Mole Removal Aftercare

After the procedure, the dermatologist will cover the area with a bandage. It is crucial to keep the area clean and dry and to avoid strenuous activity that may cause the wound to reopen. The dermatologist will provide instructions on how to care for the wound and when to return for a follow-up appointment.

How To Care For Your Skin After A Mole Removal

After the mole removal procedure, it is important to take proper care of the treated area to ensure proper healing. It is normal to experience some bleeding, redness, and irritation in the treated area immediately after the procedure. The treated area may also be covered with a bandage to protect it from infection.

In most cases, the treated area will heal within a few weeks, and any scarring will fade over time. However, in some cases, keloid scars may form, which are raised and more noticeable than regular scars. While keloid scars are not harmful, they can be unsightly and may require additional treatment to reduce their appearance.

To promote proper healing and reduce the risk of scarring, it is important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the dermatologist. This may include applying petroleum jelly to the treated area to keep it moist and prevent scabbing. It is also important to avoid picking at the scab or exposing the treated area to direct sunlight.

If the treated area becomes infected or shows signs of excessive bleeding, it is important to contact the dermatologist immediately. In some cases, additional treatment may be necessary to prevent complications and promote proper healing.


Understanding The Results Of The Lab Analysis Of A Suspicious Mole

After a mole has been removed, it is sent to a lab for analysis. The lab will examine the mole to determine whether it is harmless or cancerous. If the mole is cancerous, it will be diagnosed as melanoma skin cancer.

The lab may also examine the shape and size of the mole, as well as its appearance. If the mole is rough or itchy, or if it bleeds or changes in appearance, it may be more likely to be cancerous. However, it is important to note that not all moles that exhibit these characteristics are types of skin cancer.

If the results of the lab analysis reveal that the mole is cancerous, the patient will need to undergo further cancerous mole removal treatment, such as surgery or radiation therapy. It is vital to catch melanoma early, as it can spread quickly and become life-threatening if left untreated.

If the mole was found to be harmless, the patient can rest assured that they do not have melanoma and that the mole was removed for cosmetic reasons or to alleviate any discomfort caused by itching or irritation.

Additional Considerations Before Deciding To Have A Mole Removed

Before deciding to have a mole removed, there are a few additional considerations to keep in mind.

  1. It is important to ensure that the mole is not infected before undergoing the removal procedure. Infection can cause complications during the procedure and can lead to complications during the healing process. If the mole is infected, it may be necessary to treat the infection before proceeding with the removal.
  2. The mole removal procedure is typically performed on an outpatient basis. This means the patient can usually go home on the same day as the procedure. However, it is important to make arrangements for transportation as driving may not be recommended immediately after the procedure.
  3. Patients should avoid wearing makeup or applying any hair products to the area where the mole is to be removed. This ensures the area is clean and free of any contaminants that may interfere with the procedure.
  4. Avoid plucking or shaving the mole before the removal procedure. This is because these actions can cause irritation or damage to the mole, making it more difficult to remove and increasing the risk of side effects.
  5. It is essential to understand that the removal of a mole may leave a small lesion or scar. While these scars are usually minor and fade over time, patients should be aware of the potential for scarring and discuss any concerns with their healthcare provider.

In Conclusion:

We hope this article, "When Should You Consider Getting A Mole Removed," has been helpful in recognizing warning signs and knowing when to seek professional advice. Don't ignore changing moles out of fear, but also don't procrastinate. Most moles are harmless, and consulting a healthcare professional can ease your concerns. However, it's crucial not to disregard a suspicious mole, as early diagnosis and treatment can be life-saving, particularly with skin cancers like melanoma. Ignoring a potentially dangerous mole can have serious consequences, so remember, it's better to be safe than sorry.



  1. I would if it were large. I have one on my face but it's pretty light so I've kept it.

  2. This is always good to know. I think I would personally get them removed just in case.

  3. Richelle Escat MilarNovember 8, 2023 at 9:18 PM

    This is very informative. this is my first time knowing that some moles should be remove. Thank you for this!

  4. Did not realize that moles can become cancerous.. and this post does give insight and details into the process and more

  5. I think it is so important to keep an eye on any moles we may have and if you see any changes go straight to the doctors to have them checked out.

  6. I’m a believer that it is always good to get a mole checked out! My sister had to have one removed not to long ago. Some people consider them beauty marks but they can be harmful if not monitored and examined

  7. I have a few moles but my dermatologist says they're harmless so I'm going to leave them.

  8. I swear....for me it seems like moles are age rings on a tree LOL.... I get more of them as I grow older. I have a few I may have removed and appreciate the post!

  9. Iv'e never known this was a thing, nice to know there's always a way!!

  10. Melanoma is no joke, it's always better to play it on the safe side and get any new moles cropping up or old ones looking funny checked out ASAP!

  11. I know too many people who have developed skin cancer here In FL that I am always keeping an eye on skin issues. Very important!

  12. Such great advice! I know of someone who will find this information super helpful!

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  13. It’s been a while since I’ve had my moles checked out. I need to go see a dermatologist soon. Plus I have the little red dots all over too.

  14. I know that moles are a delicate thing that should be supervised continuously!


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