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November 17, 2022

Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin This Thanksgiving

Beauty Tips For Glowing Skin This Thanksgiving, Barbie's Beauty Bits
Beauty Tips to Have Glowing Skin This Thanksgiving With Barbie's Beauty Bits

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are right around the corner, and while this can be such a wonderful time of year, it can also be stressful!

The risks include not getting enough beauty sleep, gaining weight, dehydration, breakouts, family drama, stress, and drinking. Dealing with all of this can be frustrating and place a toll on our body and mind.

So, you need to find ways to give your body, skin, and mind a break, and we are here to help.


Beauty And Skincare Tips During Thanksgiving


Get Your Beauty Sleep For Glowing Skin

Beauty Sleep really exists. You hear me say this a lot, and it's true, especially because Holiday stress can really impact your sleep.

Our bodies require 7 to 9 hours of sound sleep to replenish, heal, and restore. 

Every night, it's like going to the fountain of youth since our skin goes into repair mode when we sleep.Tthe regeneration process at night can be up to 3 times faster than during the day. Your body will produce more collagen, which is key to keeping the skin plump and youthful!  

During the holiday, it can be challenging to get enough sleep. But you still need to stay on schedule and not blast the heat. Cooler temperatures are best for sleeping. 

A tip is to make time in your schedule for thirty minutes to unwind before bed. This is a fantastic time to cleanse your face and use our Beauty Sleep set, which is packed with potent antioxidants that help your skin heal itself overnight.


How to properly wash your face, barbies beauty bits

Wash Your Face Like A Pro

You may be asking yourself, cleanse my face like a pro. How difficult is it to wash my face? Isn't it pretty straightforward? There is a way to cleanse your skin properly, and NO it does not include using bar soap and water unless you want to upset your skin's PH balance, causing more bacteria to grow and breakouts.

When it comes to cleansing, you want to avoid harsh cleansers. While removing oil from your skin may seem ideal, it is not. The truth is your skin produces healthy oils to help protect the skin. Many do not realize they can damage their moisture barrier and end up with breakouts by over washing the face with the wrong type of cleanser.

A skincare line I love is  La Roche-Posay. 90,000 Dermatologists worldwide recommend it. Do I need to say more?  


Treat Yourself To A Glowing Spa Treatment

Setting time aside to pamper yourself is a must to survive the start of the craziness that the holiday season will bring. There is nothing like spa treatments to set yourself up for success. Whether in the comfort of your home or at a spa.

chemical peel or microdermabrasion is one of the best ways to add that glow to your skin. These rejuvenating treatments will help boost collagen,significantly reduce the appearance of wrinkling, and give back that radiance and glow to the skin. 

Beauty Essentials You Need To Pack In Your Thanksgiving Travel Bag

Thanksgiving is the busiest travel time of the year, with traffic delays, busy airports, and roads.

Did you know that airplane cabins have extremely low humidity, which causes dryness and dehydration in the skin—this is why it is a must to pack a hydrating toner.

A favorite hydrating toner of mine is Meebak 2-in-1 Cica Misting Toner. Not only can this face toner be used for some significant hydration for your skin, but you can also use it to blend and set your makeup or refresh and revive your look throughout the day. 


So there you have it. Beauty tips to have glowing skin this Thanksgiving.-gobble, gobble!  



  1. I will keep these tips in mind. My skin looks rather blah.

  2. A spa treatment sounds just right for around this time of the year. I could use some relaxing.

  3. Lots of great tips here. I love having glowing skin. It's a good feeling when your skin glows too.

  4. We are going to a Thanksgiving dinner and I have been so frazzled lately. I will be using some of your tips to look more refreshed!

  5. I will be trying these tips. I would love glowing skin.

  6. Thanks for the recommendation! I'll have to check out their skincare products.

  7. What a really great and helpful tips you have here! We need to take care of our skin! Thanks for sharing this with us !

  8. I would like a Spa treatment once in a while. And you are right, I need my beauty sleep!

  9. I could use a facial soon. I'm hoping it will help with some of my old acne scaring.

  10. I want to try that skin care line. I'm getting frustrated with what I currently use.

  11. These are some great beauty tips. It's been ages since I've had a spa treatment -- I need to book one!

  12. The sleep is my biggest issue. I try to get to bed at a decent time, but usually fall asleep really late.

  13. Such great advice and tips! I can tell a difference in my skin for sure when I get enough sleep versus not enough.

  14. These are amazing tips that I have to keep in mind. thanks for sharing them with us.

  15. These look like great beauty tips for making our skin glow during Thanksgiving!

  16. I am the worst at beauty sleep and lately, my nighttime skin routine has been inconsistent at best. I need to try out that toner.

  17. These are great suggestions! It's been long since I did a hair spa! I'll have to book an appointment soon.

    Everything Enchanting

  18. I'm long over due a spa treatment for my face. It makes such a difference to my skin

  19. I'd like to treat myself to a spa treatment again. It's been a while. -LYNNDEE

  20. it's like you read my mind. i so needed this post. my skin needs some serious help.


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