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March 7, 2022

Ways To Save On Appliances, Work Attire, Skincare And More


From nice outfits for working from home and spotlighting frugal buys to knowing how to buy the right appliances online, we have you covered this week with these tips on how to save on appliances, work attire,skincare and more!

/skin regimen/ ginger cleansing oil, made by Davines, is extraordinarily lovely from its texture, to its smell, to its unmistakable efficacy. Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog loves the gorgeous light ginger aroma, and that it feels like velvet on the skin

At Your True Self Blog, Angie’s key goals when getting dressed are to have comfort and style at the same time. With that in mind, she came up with lots of different ways to create some nice outfits for working from home. She hopes that her ideas will inspire new ways to add variety to your everyday life.

Allison from Never Say Die Beauty shares her beauty empties from February. Find out why several of her 14 empties were repurchased already.

Just like when purchasing skincare tools, technology has positively impacted with advanced home appliances. Knowing how to buy the right appliances can bring multiple benefits for your home and the environment. So make sure to take your time and take advantage of all the great tools out there like this ultimate buying guide to appliances from Barbie’s Beauty Bits.

This week Marcia has been spotlighting frugal buys from Hard Candy and Eveline. See what her favorite $6 item is and why it’s making her happy.

  From nice outfits for working from home and spotlighting frugal buys to knowing how to buy the right appliances online, we have you covere...

Would you like to comment?

  1. I love this! I am always looking to save on everything! I will even google to try to find ways to save.

  2. I'm all for saving especially on appliances since I need a new refrigerator! Thanks for the tips!

  3. I love saving money, will have to check out these resources!

  4. I like learning about the empties. It is a good story.

  5. The words comfort and style talk to me! I have to be comfortable, I don't want to think about my clothes once my day has started.

  6. If you know how to buy the right appliances and clothes online you can save tons of money. Thanks for these tips

  7. Make-up I have no issues purchasing online, or small appliances. Larger appliances I would have to purchase in person so I could check them out. I enjoyed reading your post.

  8. These sound like they are interesting blogs. Thanks for sharing. I'll pop over and take a look.

  9. These are all really great tips! This will help me a pot for sure thanks for sharing this with us!

  10. I checked out the products Allison posted from Never Say Die Beauty. I love that she found a cheap eye cream that actually works.

  11. Thanks for sharing this information on how to save. With three teenage girls this article is truly golden.

  12. Thank you for the buying guide for appliances. They do not make them like they used to so it is best to do your research.

  13. Thank you for the appliance guy. They do not make them the way they used to so it is best to do as much research as possible before buying.

  14. They are great and very helpful posts! I can't wait to check the ultimate buying guide to appliances.

  15. I love the idea to save and even if I work from home, I need a lot of things.


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