March 28, 2022

Spring Beauty Tips And More

Spring Beauty Tips, Barbies Beauty Bits

Spring weather will be here soon, which means pretty Spring attire, fun Spring lipsticks, and more. To pull it all off, the beauty spotlight team has put together some beauty tips to allow you to look SPRINGtastic 

The warmer weather is amongst us, so it is time to lighten up your load, and we are not just talking about your wardrobe. When switching out those heavy sweaters from the winter months for a lighter blouse, the same goes with our makeup routine as Barbie’s Beauty Bits share her tips on how to transition your makeup from winter to spring.

Nude Spring Lipsticks

Westman Atelier Lip Suede in Les Nudes is a gorgeous customizable nude lip palette that is nourishing and moisturizing. The shades range from warm rose and mulled wine to the lighter shades peony and café crème, and Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog is bewitched by the colors and formula.

Spring Wardrobe

Angie at Your True Self Blog has a simple way that she likes to use every year to transition her wardrobe from winter to spring. She shares this technique with you in her post “How to Clean Out Your Closet for Spring in 6 Easy Steps.”
Allison from Never Say Die Beauty announces City Beauty’s 20th Anniversary Sale, 40% off everything, now through March 31. Click here for the code and details.
What do you consider a toy – makeup wise that is? Marcia introduces you to the fun Alleyoop Multi-Tasker brush on Never Say Die Beauty.


  1. I basically wear the same thing all year long. I'll show my daughter though, she actually wears more makeup!

  2. I started wearing makeup again. So time to update my colors.

  3. I don't wear makeup, but it makes sense that you would change your makeup routine with the seasons.

  4. These spring beauty tips are so helpful, I can't wait to give them a try.

  5. Spring is a good season to rethink our beauty routines. Thanks for sharing some inspiration to get started.

  6. You always have the best ideas when it comes to beauty tips. I really enjoyed your spring beauty tips when it came to makeup as well as spring wardrobe.

  7. Wow! These are all really great and perfect beauty tips! This is so helpful thanks for sharing!

  8. Love the "clean out your closet for spring" steps, I really needed them. Thank you!

  9. At my age I am just getting into makeup! I love watching talented people work on it and then learning some small trick to bring home.

  10. Love to change my make to spring. It makes me feel better. I even change the frangrance in spring!

  11. I just started a new job and this is perfect timing. I need to take my makeup game up a little and also switch it over to spring!

  12. I still have to get me a few nude lipsticks. I have always loved the look. -LYNNDEE


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