August 20, 2021

Why Medical Aesthetics Are Booming Despite The Pandemic

Why Medical Aesthetics Are Booming Despite The Pandemic, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

Medical Aesthetics Are Booming Despite The Pandemic? That is right! Even the pandemic hasn't slowed down the demand for Botox, fillers, and tummy tucks. I've been seeing this amongst my aesthetic clients, which is why I asked Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Matthew Schulman, to help me to understand better what has been going on in the medical aesthetics industry despite the pandemic. Let's read what he said about why the demand for cosmetic procedures is on the rise amid the pandemic.

Most people cannot remember a more challenging year in their lifetime than 2020. The pandemic changed everything — from how we work and interact with our families to how we grocery shop or ride the subway. Unfortunately, that fear, uncertainty, and dread that originated in 2020 have also followed us into 2021 and continues.

Like most other professionals, plastic surgeons have seen these global changes impact their practice. One of the things being how would we ever recover from the impact of this global setback?

But fortunately, over the past few months, the cosmetic industry has seen an increase in demand for invasive plastic surgery procedures as well as nonsurgical procedures. Across the board, we’re seeing new and impressive trends taking over the industry.

Below, please take a closer look at this phenomenon and the new medical aesthetics trends we see in 2021 as they continue to unfold, according to Dr. Matthew Schulman Plastic Surgery in New York City.

cosmetic surgery trends in , By Barbie's Beauty Bits

2021: Changing Trends In The Plastic Surgery Landscape Amid The Pandemic

Something unique occurs when people are forced to stay in their homes for long periods, and their regular routines are completely upheaved and drastically altered.

On the one hand, it’s a time to look inward. We are abruptly reminded that everything can change in an instant, so we take a deep breath and think that over: “Okay, what have I been putting off that I actually desperately want to accomplish?”

On the other hand, it’s a time to look beyond ourselves. Social distancing and quarantining make us reexamine our relationships with others and with the outside world at large. We ask ourselves anew: “When I do have a chance to see and interact with people normally again, what exactly do I want to show and present to the world that I’m not already showing and presenting?”

Take these two overwhelming trains of thought, and many people often conclude that changes need to be made in their lives. To be sure, the monotony of everyday living can keep us from making significant changes in the first place. “There’s always tomorrow” and “I’ll get started on that later” are sentiments that live very comfortably in routine and patterned behavior.

Throw in a pandemic, and things are very different.

When COVID-19 threw a wrench into our lives, everyone felt the blow. But as someone who works in an industry focused on radical life changes and big transformations, I had a unique vantage point. Whereas I was worried I’d see the industry falter because of the economic downturn and rampant fear of medical establishments and procedures, I was also aware that people don’t stop wanting to put their best feet forward even in the worst of times.

Lo and behold, as soon as restrictions softened last year, I saw an influx of people who had been reexamining their lives and who had realized they needed a change. After all, plastic surgery/cosmetic surgery is where they want to begin for many people who want a change.

Why Do We See An Increased Interest In Cosmetic Procedures Despite The Pandemic, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

Why Do We See An Increased Interest In Cosmetic Procedures Despite The Pandemic
Overall, we’ve seen an increased demand for both surgical and nonsurgical procedures in 2021. I’d say the main reason for this is that more people are working from home than ever before, which is ideal for recovery.

Reason #1: The Pandemic Has Allowed More Time For Isolated Recovery For Cosmetic Procedures
One of the main things that hold people back from getting plastic surgery is going through a lengthy recovery period. Even if you can get time off from work to stay home and fully recover, it can make people feel self-conscious to have everyone know why you're taking time off from work. During a pandemic, though, everyone's at home anyway. At certain points during this ordeal, you wouldn’t even be pressured to meet someone for a coffee or to go to someone’s birthday party.

Likewise, you can generally have all the recovery time you need when you work from home — or at least a lengthier period than you would otherwise have. With certain procedures, it’s hard to get up and get dressed for a while. Commuting and sitting at a desk for any length of time can be challenging too. Now, if you work from home, you can recover more peacefully and for longer.

Reason #2:
  Nonsurgical Procedures Have Increased Amid The Pandemic

In terms of nonsurgical procedures, I see many patients happy to stay at home and away from others after getting Botox, fillers, chemical peels, and laser treatments. That way, they can remain isolated during any period of temporary redness, swelling, bruising, or discomfort.

Reason #3:  Finding Child Care Has Been Easier During The Panic

At the same time, when you get plastic surgery, and you have a family, you need to make arrangements for someone to take care of your children. If you get a tummy tuck when you have small children who need to be watched over closely, chased after, and frequently picked up, this necessitates help.

During this pandemic, finding easy childcare can go one of two ways. For some people, with quarantining, social distancing, and general anxiety is pervasive, it can be difficult to find child care. For many, though, it's actually easier to find childcare now than it was pre-pandemic. Friends and family aren't as busy and maybe around, ready, and able to assist in caring for children after your surgery. It all depends on where you live, who you know, and what your personal circumstances are.

The Hottest Pandemic Cosmetic Procedures, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

The Hottest Pandemic Cosmetic Procedures? (Botox Boost)

I’ve also noticed changes in where people want to get surgery or nonsurgical procedures on their body. In many ways, the focus has shifted to areas that are covered by masks. Because mask-wearing is so pervasive, it’s easy to hide this area of the face if you’ve recently had lip fillers, chin augmentation, a neck lift, Botox, etc. This makes a recovery far easier for the patient.

For more invasive surgeries, it seems that patients who may have only been interested in augmenting one area of their body previously are now looking for full-body contouring and breast augmentation — often within the same procedure. Again, this seems to be due to the current ability of many to recover in privately isolated quarters for as long as necessary.

Quote From Dr. Schulman: "Undoubtedly, we are living in a unique era of history. More than ever before in our lifetime, it seems that no one knows what tomorrow will bring. As plastic surgeons, my colleagues and I have seen increased demands for our services across the board. We are trying to handle this influx as best as we possibly can — all while maintaining high levels of care and strict safety standards for the sake of our staff and patients."

For more information about Dr. Schulman, visit his practice online at Dr. Matthew Schulman Plastic Surgery in New York City.





  1. I am glad to know I am not the only one who wants to keep getting procedures during this pandemic. I was thinking of getting my regular botox soon.

  2. I haven't done any sort of surgery like these yet. But it's great to know that the business is working great

  3. Glad to know that the pandemic didn't affect you at all.

  4. Really interesting! I would not have thought that these procedures were still happening. People need to look good, so they continue to get there treatments.

  5. At first I was surprised to hear the rate of these procedures have gone up but then it makes sense since recovering at home is easier. I've been wanting to try botox so bad!

  6. Yes, I think it makes sense because people are just cooped up at home and they have more time to be away from people while they recover from surgeries.

  7. I am glad to hear that there's a lot of people undergo these procedures. Maybe because they will be having more time to recover at rest at home.

  8. Really interesting perspective and experience. The aspects of having time to isolate and clear up redness and co, makes a lot of sense

  9. I've been hearing a lot about people getting botox. I would like to try it someday. -LYNNDEE

  10. I'm actually shocked that it has not been impacted due to the pandemic, glad for you though!

  11. Yes this is interesting. Pandemic did something good here.

  12. Interesting. I didn't realize cosmetic surgeries were happening during the pandemic. The rest time makes a lot of sense.

  13. Wow! I'm kinda surprised that some people still managed to undergo aesthetics procedure these days! Maybe the place they're staying is not that infected with Covid

  14. Working from home now makes it so much easier for treatments. I'm getting botox in a few days!


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