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June 21, 2021

8 Skincare Tips For Healthy Skin This Summer

Tips To Healthy, Glowing Skin By Barbie's Beauty Bits

Summertime may be people's most favorite time of the year, but the hot weather, sticky humidity, and high UV index can create severe issues for your skin. But not any longer with these eight skincare tips for healthy skin this summer.

1. Lighten Up Your Skincare In The Summer
One of the questions I get a lot is "What kind of cleanser should I use when it is 100 degrees outside?”  Just like your wardrobe, regardless of the temperature, you still need to wear a shirt in the summer. However, you wouldn't wear a sweater. You would lighten it up by wearing a tank top. The same goes for your skincare! So swap out that heavy cream cleanser for a light foaming face cleanser when washing your face.

2. Seek Shade Not Sun, And Make Sure To Slather On The Sunscreen
You will read and hear from medical professionals the fundamental don't leave home without skincare tip in the summer is wearing an SPF of at least 30, but that is only part of the equation. You need to be protecting your skin in some other ways from the sun, which isn't just from slathering your body in sunscreens.

This comes by with being mindful of your exposure to the sun. So instead of sitting wide open on the beach, consider sitting under an umbrella. Also, wear sun-protective gear, like a wide-brimmed hat, a cute cover-up, and, of course, sunglasses. And do not forget to protect your feet and hands! 

Brush On Block Sunscreen review By Barbie's Beauty Bits

3. Eat Your Way To Healthy Skin
I've said this many times, you are what you eat, and this is ever so true when it comes to your skin. Eating properly directly affects the appearance of your skin. In the summer months, where the weather is much hotter, it is even more critical to make sure you are eating the right foods to help you get through your day. Eating fruits and fiber will elevate your skin's hydration level. Similarly, cooler temperature foods, green vegetables, and anything high in vitamin c are great options to eat in the summer months. These foods improve immunity as well as contribute to happy and healthy skin.

4. Keep Your Skin Hydrated In The Summer
It is much easier for your body to become dehydrated in warm weather as you sweat more than you would in a cooler season. Replenishing that water intake (I like to infuse my water with fruit) is beneficial for your body and your skin to have the hydration it needs to be healthy. Hydrating body wash, face balms, and facial sprays can also refresh the skin with the extra nutrients it needs to be healthy in the summer months.

Best face cleanser for summer clayton shagel, By Barbies Beauty Bits

5. Moisturize, Moisture, Moisturize
When some think of a moisturizer on their skin in the summer, they cringe as most envision a moisturizer suffocating them in their own skin. But no worries, as there is a solution to this; just like a lightweight cleanser, you want a light moisturizer. As with the season change, so does your skin. An increase in temperatures and humidity causes the skin to produce more oil. Combine that with a heavy moisturizer, and you will have the perfect storm for clogged pores, breakouts, and other skin ailments. Keeping the skin hydrated is a must and being educated on the type of moisturizer you need for a particular season is non-negotiable in my book.

6. Protect Your Skin From Chlorine And Salt Water
There is nothing like taking a refreshing dip in a nice cool pool or spending a beautiful day at the beach. But what is not cool is what chlorine and too much salt water can do to the skin. Hence you owe it to your skin to take a few measures if you want to enjoy that summertime fun.

  • Get your skin wet before taking the plunge in; doing so reduces the amount of chlorine and salt your skin absorbs.
  • Do not wash off the sweat in the pool. Yep after laying in the hot sun, cooling off in the pool seems like the natural thing to do, but actually, the combination of the ammonia from the sweat and chlorine creates chloramine and is more harmful to the skin than the chlorine. 
  • Take a tepid shower to wash away the chlorine. Hot water can strip your skin of essential oils.
  • Stay away from harsh body washes and soaps: Natural oils in the skin are zapped away with harsh soaps and alcohol-based products. We suggest using cleansers with moisturizing properties and free of fragrances, synthetics, and other harsh chemicals that can further irritate the skin.
  • Use a moisturizer or face serum high in vitamin c will make your skin feel smooth and hydrated after exposure to pool chemicals.

Summer skincare tips By Barbie's Beauty Bits

7. Protecting Your Lips And Eyes From The Scorching Summer Sun
Most forget to pay attention to their lips and eyes when dealing with high exposure to the sun.

Frequently, lip care is an afterthought in our skin routine, but our lips need some extra TLC to keep them healthy. Ensure to exfoliate, moisturize, and do not forget the SPF to get kissable lips this summer.

One easy way to protect your eyes from the intense summer sun AND prevent wrinkles is choosing the best sunglasses, so you can stop squinting. Repetitive facial positions, like squinting, eventually lead to lines and wrinkles. And do not forget to show your eyes some additional love with some an eye cream enriched with CBD.

8. Prepare Your Skin For Summer By Exfoliating
As you have seen thus far, our skin goes through a lot in the summer, which is why exfoliation is a step that you should not skip if you want healthy, glowing skin. However, avoid over-exfoliating as it can weaken the protective skin barrier.  Always follow up with an intense hydrating moisturizer to provide long-lasting moisture to soothe and restore your complexion.

To Sum It Up
It is important to remember to protect your skin with sunscreen and your lips with lip balm while outside in the harsh summer rays. Eating a healthy diet of greens, fruits, and foods high in vitamin c will also give your skin the proper nutrients it needs. Using a light moisturizer and an oil-removing face wash also repairs and protects your skin for your daily summer activities. Following these suggestions above can help make your skin it's happiest and healthiest during the summer.

Summertime may be people's most favorite time of the year, but the hot weather, sticky humidity, and high UV index can create severe iss...

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  1. I have learned through the years that I must seek shade and always wear sunscreen if I go out especially in summer. A good lip balm and moisturizer helps too.

  2. These are all important tips. I always seek shade and wear a high sunfactor. I drink loads of plain water to keep hydrated too.

  3. I will keep these tips in mind. I know I need to take better care of my skin.

  4. Water and eating healthy has done wonders for my skin! Thanks for the tips!

  5. I bought a big floppy hat last year. I try to wear in when I am outside in my garden

  6. Summer weather definitely takes a toll on my skin. It is nice to have some tips to make skincare easier.

  7. Thanks, thanks, I'm gonna follow all your tips. Great article!

  8. Great job with this article, I'll keep these all in mind.

  9. These are all such wonderful and important tips. I think always having on sunscreen is so important. I always make sure the kids and I have that on.

  10. I am 40 now and staying in the shade and using an SPF every day is everything! Also I swear by using a retinol based serum in the evening.

  11. We all want healthy and glowing skin and it's good that there are tips such as this one that are available online.

  12. hydration is so much more important in the summer months!!

  13. The heat is on so I moisturize, moisturize and moisturize. :) Thank you for the tips! -LYNNDEE

  14. Great tips. Hydration, sunglasses, a big floppy hat are key to healthy summer skin. Love this!

  15. These are all good tips. Thank you for sharing them!

  16. I love taking care of my skin and giving it a good treatment. These are some awesome ideas.

  17. Yes, summer means beach time so we must protect our skin from Chlorine and Salt water! You have shared some great tips, thanks hun 🙂

    Everything Enchanting

  18. Since it's summer time already it's important to take extra care of your skin nowadays. Those are some wonderful tips to keep in mind.


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