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May 11, 2021

Summer Ready Looks With Microblading, Lash Lifts, And Hair Extensions

 Summer Ready Looks With Microblading, Lash Lifts, And Hair Extensions By Barbies Beauty Bits

Wake up, made up with mircroblading, lash lifts, and hair extensions this summer! Low maintenance beauty is right around the corner!

Low Maintenance Summer Beauty Tips, what? Yep, saying that out loud as I type it, I can hear many say... "Barbie, those two words low maintenance and beauty, is an oxymoron, especially in the Summer, when we are all about fun times, and the last thing I'm thinking about is bothering with my hair and makeup."

While that may be partially true, the truth is many still want to look and feel beautiful, and now you can without having to spend hours getting ready. Thanks to some modern-day technologies.

Let’s face it — summers are hot and add humidity to the mixture, your hair and makeup can start to spell disaster. But how can you keep yourself looking glam with minimal maintenance and without having to worry about sweat taking a toll on your look? With Microblading, Lash Lifts, And Hair Extensions!

Summer Proof Your Eyebrows With Microblading By Barbies Beauty Bits

Summer Proof Your Eyebrows With Microblading
Microblading and other semi permanent makeup options are fantastic, low-maintenance alternatives to applying makeup daily without worrying about it sweating or melting off because of the summer heat.  But what exactly is microblading?  The process of microblading is that the final look mimics eyebrow hairs. These hair like strokes are created with a manual hand tool, that has a blade made up of many tiny pins, that create tiny “ hair like cuts” into the skin where the pigment is placed to create the look of a hair.

Benefits Of Microblading In The Summer
Although microblading does require healing, lots of people have events planned, maybe even some trips, now that some Covid restrictions are letting up and not having your makeup melt off and to wake up, made up on a summer vacation, makes everything ever so easy. Plus...

No More Daily Makeup Application
No more brow makeup. Say goodbye to those brow bars, powders, gels, and more for those perfect brows. And hello to saving time and money.

Brows Stay On At the Pool Or Beach
Waterproof and smudge-proof. If you plan to go swimming this Summer, micro-blading can give you fuller brows that will stay on even after going underwater and drying your face off with a towel. 

How To prevent makeup from melting this summer By Barbies Beauty Bits

Eyebrows Won’t Sweat Off
Simply going for an outdoor dinner can turn disastrous if it is really humid outside, which is it in my neck of the woods. Microblading is a great way to keep your eyebrows looking as good as they did when you left the house, no worrying about them sweating off.  

Microblading Saves Time
Some people spend 15 minutes or longer just on their eyebrows; I know my niece did before getting her eyebrows microbladed. Add that up over a year, which is about how long microblading lasts, and you have some time on your hands.

Not All Microblade Artists Are Equal
Microblading, like other permanent makeup options, is semi-permanent, and you want to make sure you are not going to a hack as it will be on your face for at least a year. Just because someone learned how to microblade does not mean they do good work. 

Micorblading gone bad by barbies beauty bits
 Oops, But I'm Cute... Don't You Wanna Look Like Me?

Like many services, all are not equal for the quality of services rendered, general aesthetics of completed eyebrows, etc. So before scheduling an appointment, you need to make sure you do your research by reading reviews and, most importantly, always looking at before and after photos. Any reputable microblading artist will share these online, via their website, or on social media. If they don't share, don't you share your time and money visiting them. PERIOD!

Lastly, be warned some old-school salons are mismarketing microblanding with eyebrow tattoos. There is a difference, so do not be fooled as you will be highly disappointed with tattooed eyebrows, looking like a grandma from the '80s.

Is Microblading Safe
All cosmetics procedures can carry a slight risk of infection or allergic reaction, but most people undergo the process with no problem. You do, however, have to sign a Microblading consent form for safety.

What is a lash lift By Barbies Beauty Bits

Lashes On Fleek With A Lash Perm And Lash Lift
What the heck is this? A lash lift and perm are eyelash treatments using using a silicon rod covered in a Keratin Formula that semi-permanently curls your natural lashes and lifts for weeks. Although the terms are used interchangeably, technically, they’re two different things. In short, long, curled, lifted lashes, so no more falsies or the need to curl your lashes with one of those evil eyelash curlers! You can even go without mascara if you prefer, personally, I still like to wear mascara, but it is up to you! 

What Is An  Eyelash Perm
Lash perms are incredible at opening and widening the eyes and curling the lashes, kind of like a hair perm, but for your lashes. From personal experience, this works better if you have longer lashes. A good technician should tell you this, but if not, I warned you.

What Is A Lash Lift
I prefer this as it lifts your lashes from the base. This, too, will open up your eyes and give the appearance of longer lashes. But without the need for eyelash extensions, which can damage the lashes.

How Long Does A Lash Lift Last
A lash lift and lash perm will last the growth cycle of each of the natural lashes present at the time of the initial procedure. To keep your lashes on fleek, it is essential to know your eyelash shedding cycle before going so you can get the most extended lash wear.

The best time to get your lashes lifted or permed is during the catagen stage of the lash growth cycle (mid lashes), not the telogen stage of the growth cycle. An experienced professional can help you with this, which is why you should always schedule a consultation first, so you can find out the best time to get your lashes lifted or permed.

This is a proactive tip as many salons will not tell you this, take your money, and your lashes start to fall out as they applied them during the wrong stage. I hear this frequently online a person saying, do not get as it made my lashes fall out. More than likely, no, it did not make your lashes fall out. You just got your lashes done during the wrong cycle. 

Hair Extensions Over forty By Barbies Beauty Bits

Clip In Hair Extensions
Clip-in hair extensions are one of the easiest ways to look glamourous in minutes. Doing my hair takes the longest for me, and clip-in hairpieces are one of the easiest ways to add length, volume, and curl in minutes.

Hair extensions also offer a wide array of different looks. If you want to have highlights without damaging your hair by having your hair chemical-treated hair (which can also thin the hair), human hair extensions are an excellent safe alternative.

Clip-in human hair extensions can be worn many times before washing, which means curl them once, and you'll have the style each time you place them in your hair. One tool I love is a 4 in 1 Hair Extension Style Caddy Designed To Hold Your Extensions While You Wash Securely, Style, Pack, and Store Them.

Hair works 4 in 1 hair extension caddy on amazon, By Barbies Beauty Bits

Hair Extension Maintenance
For the best hair quality, you want to purchase 100% Remy hair, which can stand up to heat and coloring if need be, but just like your normal hair, you have to take care of it properly.

For example, when it comes to the end of the night, you want to make sure you do not sleep in your hair extensions. Also, over-exposing the hair to extra heat can cause them to wear down more quickly. While you can wash and curl human hair extensions, you want to keep it at a minimum. And do not overdo with hair products, hair products cause the hair to get dirty quicker, so the less, the longer you can go in between washings. And never blow-dry the hair. Let it air dry overnight.

To Sum It Up
So there you have my tips for low-maintenance beauty this Summer. I am sure these tips are not something many would realize are low maintenance. But semi-permanent makeup options like microblading and lash lifts, plus clip-in human hair extensions can really save you time when it comes to getting all glammed up. And while the initial cost can seem costly to some, they do end up saving you money in the end, plus time is money!

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  Wake up, made up with mircroblading, lash lifts, and hair extensions this summer! Low maintenance beauty is right around the corner! Low M...

Would you like to comment?

  1. I would love to try microblading because my eyebrow hair is so light. The summer is meant for fun so these ideas are perfect for looking good in the heat.

  2. I don't think I'd do any of these. They just aren't for me. However, I can see my daughter doing them. She's into all the beauty fads.

  3. I like the way this prevents smudges from makeup. Less work sounds awesome to me.

  4. Thanks for these tips. I’ve always wanted to get microblading done.

  5. Great to know about microblading, lash extensions options! Thanks for sharing these tips 🙂

    Everything Enchanting

  6. I never knew a lash perm was a thing! And now that I survived my first tattoo I'm considering microblading.

  7. Sounds like a good option to avoid makeup smudges. I better share this with my sister. Thank you!

  8. I love all these ideas! Semi permanent makeup for the sweaty summer months seems ideal.

  9. I didn't know you could summer proof eyebrows. Mine are plucked only, they're pretty dark without help.

  10. Microblading sounds very interesting. My friend had it done but I didn't know much about it.

  11. Thanks for sharing the knowledge and tips! I really loved to try different hair extensions.

  12. I haven't done any of these. Need to try it. I have long hair so there is no extension of hair.

  13. I try microblading here at home at I really like it. My skin is so smooth after doing it. -LYNNDEE


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