May 7, 2021

Get Your Feet, Lips, And Skin Summer Ready With These Tips

Get Your Feet, Lips, And Skin Summer Ready With These Tips, By Barbies Beauty Bits

Back with my Friday Favorites from the "Beauty Spotlight Team" with some love for your feet, lips and let's not forget about some skincare, just in time to get us Summer ready! 

Lip Love

Frugal Friday on Prime Beauty is all about finding products that are fabulous and priced frugally. Cindy has the scoop on all the new Eco Lips balms and masks available and she thinks you’ll want some.

Summer Skincare

If you are looking to up your cleansing game, then Lola’s Secret Beauty Blog recommends the FOREO LUNA Mini 2 and FOREO LUNA Mini 3. They are both gentle and effective, and they will forever change how you wash your face. Read the review to see which one is right for you!

Show Your Feet Some Love With These Summer Tips

Listerine isn’t only good for your teeth; it can also be good for your feet! Barbie’s Beauty Bits has your whole body covered with these DIY beauty tips, from a banana hair treatment to a coffee body scrub and a dash of coconut for luscious lashes.

Are your feet sandals-ready? Allison from Never Say Die Beauty has been using the Oprah-approved foot care system to get her feet ready for the cute new pink sandals she bought. Find out about the zillion Foot nanny kits and individual footcare products that make great last minute Mother’s Day or wedding-prep gifts! 
If you are a blogger (does not have to be beauty) and would like to be included in this weekly round-up let me know below. Please include your blog and email address or send an email to and I will forward to the appropriate person. 


  1. I know keeping your lips moist and unchapped is always important no matter what season. Listirine for feet is a new trick and I will have to try it for my sore feet

  2. Wow, I never knew Listerine could do good on my feet, I can't wait to try this hack!

  3. I always have a lip balm in my purse. I'm going to check those lip balms. -LYNNDEE

  4. Yes! I can't believe it almost summer. I've been making sure to incorporate more self care into my daily routine.

  5. I am carrying a lip balm in my bag but yours look much more enticing!

  6. I really love my lips moisturize but this listerine tip for my feet is a new one. I will try it out

  7. I love treating my feet. I need to give them some TLC again.

  8. I need to start planning for summer with your tips. It is good to have a plan!

  9. I think it is high time to think about summer beauty care. Thanks for sharing this tips.

  10. My feet really need some more love. Thank for these beauty care tips!

  11. My feet get so dry throughout the year. I tend to forget to put lotion on them. Thank you for the reminder.

  12. My feet get so dry throughout the year. I tend to forget to put lotion on them. Thank you for the reminder.

  13. My feet get so dry throughout the year. I tend to forget to put lotion on them. Thank you for the reminder.

  14. IceCreamnStickyFingersMay 21, 2021 at 6:15 PM

    My feet get so dry throughout the year. I tend to forget to put lotion on them. Thank you for the reminder.

  15. My feet get so dry throughout the year. I tend to forget to put lotion on them. Thank you for the reminder.


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