May 29, 2021

10 Insider Skincare Tips For Those Over 30

10 Insider Skincare Tips For Those Over 30 By Barbies Beauty Bits

If you're over 30, you've probably noticed that your skin isn't as youthful and smooth as it once was. Whether it's a few wrinkles, some uneven skin tone, or large pores, it's clear that your skin has changed since your 20s and that you'll need to change how you age by implementing skincare tips for those over 30! But what can you do?

Fortunately, you can do plenty of things to reduce the signs of aging and keep your skin looking fresh and younger for longer. While you can't stop aging, you can certainly influence the rate and extent of aging appearance. And most importantly, you should start now, and I'm here to help with my Skincare Tips For Those Over 30

Top 10 Skincare Tips For People In Their 30's

Good skincare is the foundation of youthful-looking skin. You don't have to invest in expensive skincare products, but you should invest in a good skincare routine with clean skincare products like You should also invest in a good diet to increase your skin's natural production of antioxidants. You can do plenty of other things to keep your skin healthy. See some of them below.

Tip 1: Shun The Sun
Nothing looks better in your 50's than sunscreen in your 20's. This quote is so true as sun-damaged skin is one of the biggest aging contributors.  The best thing to do when it comes to younger looking skin is to seek shade, not sun! It would be best if you looked for a sunscreen that offers broad-spectrum protection and has an SPF of at least 30. You also want to make sure you are wearing a wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses and use a great eye cream with active ingredients like CBD.

The importance of double cleansing your face, by barbies beauty bits

Tip 2: For Pete's Sake Do Not Wash Your Face With A Bar Of Soap

Trade-in that soap for a hydrating facial cleanser. Yes, a bar of soap does a fantastic job of getting your body clean by removing dirt and oils, so wouldn't you want to use it to clean your face too? Nope! Soaps do their job a little too well, removing so much oil that it strips the skin of its natural protective barrier, leaving your skin dull, dry, flaky, and itchy.

It would be best if you were using a gentle cleanser every day to wash your face. This will help remove dirt and oil from your skin without stripping away the natural oils, which will help keep your skin soft. One of my favorite cleansers is a hydrating face balm. They are especially ideal for those who are not too sure whether the face wash they selected will be too harsh.

One face balm I've loved lately is Kimtrue's "Makeup Meltaway Cleansing Balm with Bilberry & Moringa Seed Extracts."  Face balms are like concentrated skin superheroes. They are enriched with plenty of plant-based antioxidant-rich ingredients that help to deeply cleanse the skin while being richly hydrating, sealing in moisture for a long-lasting healthy glow.

Tip 3: Double Cleanse Your Face
The double cleanse is a skincare regimen in which you use two different cleansing products to cleanse your face thoroughly.

First Cleanse With A Cleansing Oil Or Face Balm
I love using cleansing oils and face balms since they're really for all skin types – yes, even oily skin because oil cuts oil!  These cleansers melt into the skin upon application and completely rids it of makeup, dirt, oil and impurities.

Second, Use A Foaming Antioxidant Cleanser
Calm the skin and bring it life-giving a radiant, healthy glow by using an antioxidant enriched facial cleanser.The antioxidants also helps to boost collagen production and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Exfoliating your skin in your 30 by barbies beauty bits

Tip 4: Exfoliate Your Face
Ever notice a picture of yourself on Facebook and think, I do not look so great, I must be tired. No, that rugged look you see is from the dead skin cells building up on your face, making you look older than you are. It also impacts how your makeup looks. Ever wonder why your makeup creases, looks patchy or caked on? It's because you have not exfoliated your skin!

Foundation will never look flawless on dry, patchy skin. So make sure to exfoliate regularly as it will help with a smoother foundation application and allow your skincare to penetrate deeper and be more effective.

Exfoliating not only removes dead skin cells but can also stimulate new cell growth and minimize pores. A good exfoliator should be gentle, but it should be effective at removing dead skin cells and revealing the fresh new cells underneath. But do not overdo it!

Tip 5: Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize
Moisturizing helps your skin stay young. That plump, firm feeling in your face after moisturizing isn't an illusion. And while moisturizing can seem like a chore to some, it is a must in your 30's as properly moisturized skin accumulates wrinkles at just a fraction of the rate of those with dry skin.

Tip 6: Have Some Hyaluronic Acid
Wait...Is Hyaluronic Acid something I want? The answer is yes! And while the name may sound scary, it is not an acid. Hyaluronic Acid is a sugar found naturally in our skin that attracts up to 1,000 times its weight in moisture. But as we age, it diminishes.

For that reason, adding an active ingredient like an HA (that's the abbreviation, we're not laughing) to your skincare routine is a must to boosting the skin's moisture content by drawing moisture from the air and providing superior anti-aging benefits.

The Best Retinol Creams For Your 30s By Barbies Beauty Bits

Tip 7: Invest In A Retinol
Retinol is a vitamin A derivative. This holy grail ingredient is incredible at stimulating cell turnover and boosting collagen production, thereby reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It is also amazing at helping with adult acne!

Tip 8: Exercise
Exercising is a great way to maintain a younger look. Recent studies suggest that exercising boosts your immune system and improves blood circulation. With a stronger immune system, your body can fight diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, enabling you to age like fine wine.

Exercise also allows you to de-stress and relax your mind while keeping your body in good shape. Create a suitable home-based workout routine, hit the gym, and stay active with activities like swimming, engaging in outdoor sports, running, and walking.

best exercises for 30 year old women By Barbies Beauty Bits

Tip 9: Limit Exposure To Free Radicals
Two of the most visible effects of free radicals are wrinkles and the breakdown of collagen. While avoiding total exposure to free radicals is almost impossible, it is possible to delay the process by limiting our exposure to unnecessary free radicals and several external culprits like pollution, overexposure to the sun, and even ingredients in makeup that can cause early signs of aging.

Tip 10: Load Up On Antioxidants
Antioxidants take center stage when it comes to fighting and preventing aging caused for free radicals. Whether from your diet or skincare, antioxidants, help your skin repair itself, allows the renewal process to take place, and stimulates collagen and elastin.

In conclusion, if you want healthy skin while aging like fine wine. You need to be taking care of your skin as well as your body. Protect yourself against harmful UV rays, eat healthy foods, implement a skincare routine, exercise, and avoid bad habits like smoking.



  1. I am over 30 ok over 40 and I try very hard to stay out of the sun and exercise but the other tips I am a little behind. I should try to moisturize more so wish me luck on the others.

  2. These are such great tips. I know that since I've gotten older, I've definitely tried to shielf my skin from the sun. I wish I'd done that years ago.

  3. Yup, I try to do all of these things. I need to start wearing hats when I am out though.

  4. I need to exfoiliate more. I have a coffee scrub that I will start using more.

  5. My skin is so much different in my 40's. I need all the tips I can get.

  6. This post is really informative, thanks for sharing these tips.

  7. I love these tips as I have been needing to invest more into my skin routine! I'm 40 now so things are changing.

  8. I think these tips will also work well for men like me who are close to 40. I think I need to treat my skin better.

  9. These are some awesome tips. I will certainly give them a try!

  10. Thanks for reminding, especially about the HA, I'll share this to my friends.

  11. Nice skin care tips! Very useful for women like my age!

  12. I love Invest in a Retinol tip. It's something that I haven't done yet!

  13. These are some wonderful tips. I use to use soap on my face, so I'll try what you recommend. I agree about soap leaving your skin dry sometimes.

  14. I've been trying to stay out of the sun since my 20's. It is probably too late for me, but I'll try some of these other things too.


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