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January 27, 2021

Beauty Tips To Help Rock That First Impression

Beauty Tips To Help Rock That First Impression By Barbies Beauty Bits

Beauty Tips To Help Rock That First Impression

Your appearance is usually what people judge first; for many, it IS the first impression. Really, it sounds a little vain, right? Yep, but it's the truth that can even cause the most confident of people to feel a little- self-conscious.

Even though most try to do their best not to judge a book by its cover, as humans, we are visual, and everything from a person's height to their teeth can affect the way we perceive them.

With that in mind, it makes sense that a beauty routine that can be best fitting to all life occasions, especially when making a first impression, is ever so important. They say that first impressions are everything, so why wouldn't you want to make a good one?  So, if you want to find out to rock that first impression, continue reading.

How A Smile Can Impact The First Impression By Barbies Beauty Bits

How A Smile Can Impact The First Impression
There is an old saying: "That a good smile warms hearts and opens doors." An attractive and welcoming smile is an integral part of making a positive impression. Smiles express confidence, happiness, and friendliness, and according to a recent study, they're increasingly crucial for reflecting personal and professional success.

But what happens is you have crooked teeth? Or your teeth are yellow? It can cause many to feel self-conscious.

Luckily, there are many correction measures available to improve your smile.  If you would like to acquire a pearly smile, you can turn to effective options like whitening your teeth, even veneers.

For most people, crooked or misaligned teeth are worse than stained teeth.  This is not just a vanity problem that can affect one's personal appearance but also dental care. When your teeth are misaligned, you may find it hard to clean each tooth, which in turn creates the perfect environment for tooth-eroding bacteria to fester. (talk about a confidence stealer).  

Thankfully, it is much easier and conspicuous to correct crooked teeth than when I was a kid in today's modern world using invisible aligners. (An aligner made of clear plastic, which makes it hard for people to notice them, far from those metal braces I wore back in the 80's). The most popular brand is Invisalign, but if the price is beyond your budget, there are more affordable alternative invisible braces like Byte, ALIGNERCO, and Candid.

Beautiful skin makes a great first impression by barbies beauty bits

Invest In Your Skin. It's Going To Represent You For A Long Time
A good skincare routine is only as good as the products you use. While good quality products can help your skin look better now and in the future, inferior quality products can be ineffective and even cause harm.

The bottom line, since many are judging a book by its cover (YOU). Do you want a rugged old looking cover that looks like it has been through the wringer, and no one gave two shits about trying to preserve it? Or one that shows it was cared for and loved?

And no worries, as skincare does not have to be complicated. And boy does TreCeuticals realize this, which is why they've created a skincare line with three powerful active ingredients, achieved in three simple steps, three minutes a day.
This simple 3-step skincare routine combines three highly effective active ingredients to exfoliate, hydrate, and smooth the skin. Plus, their secret sauce, which is CBD oil.

By using a quality skincare line like TreCeuticals you will help your complexion by:

  • Keeping Your Skin Glowing And In Good Condition. An effective skincare routine can help prevent acne, treat wrinkles, and help keep your skin looking its best.
  • Allowing You To Look More Youthful: As we age, our cellular turnover slows down, causing many to look haggard because of a loss of collagen and elastin, ultimately leading to premature aging and wrinkles. Using a quality skincare line can boost cellular turnover, helping remove dead skin cells so your body will replace them with newer, more radiant, youthful cells.
  • Prevention Is More Manageable Than Correction: The goal with skincare is in 4 -folds: Treat, repair, prevent, and maintain. Preventing is more manageable -– and less costly – than trying to fix them in the future, with cosmetic surgery.
  • Boosting Your Self-confidence: When your skin looks better, you'll feel better about yourself and have more self-confidence. And is a must to rock that first impression.
How food affects your skin By Barbies Beauty Bits

Understand You Are What You Eat
This statement has never been more real than when it comes to looking good. The goal is to ensure you maintain a healthy eating regime that will include lots of water, fruits, and vegetables. Be keen on your carbs and sugar intake, as it will affect your skin luster and acne flare-ups.

how to make the first right impression with makeup By Barbies Beauty Bits
Dress The Part When It Comes To Your Makeup
Your makeup tells people a lot about you before you even open your mouth -- make sure it's saying the right thing. There is a good look for every occasion as makeup can play a helpful or harmful role in the impact you make on others, depending on the situation. The flirtatious smokey eye trend your rock when you go out might backfire during a job interview for that high-powered position. Or that bold red lipstick you might wear when you are on a date with your man can give the wrong impression when meeting his parents. The key is to understand that there are tons of beauty looks befitting the many life occasions when making a good impression!

Rock Your Confidence
In conclusion, there are no good looks without self-confidence. Believe in the efforts you put forth and stand tall. Raise your self-esteem and let the compliments flow, and rock that first impression with the beauty tips above.

Beauty Tips To Rock That First Impression By Barbies Beauty Bits

January 6, 2021

Top Ways To Conquer Those January Blues

Top Ways To Conquer Those January Blues By Barbies Beauty Bits

Yes, help me conquer those January Blues... PLEASE!

Undoubtedly, 2020 has posed some of the greatest challenges most of us have experienced in our lifetime. Whilst there is no magic wand to change everything back to how it was before the pandemic. For us all to lead a happy life, we need to care for ourselves, both mentally and physically.  

This New Year, I think it is worse than ever, as in January sets in, many start to feel those January Blues. It's not uncommon this time of the year to experience fatigue, sadness, difficulty concentrating,  seasonal affect disorder, can't sleep, and more!  But what if there was a way to try to beat those January Blues?

With the start of the new year, more so than any other year, I feel it is a great time to start getting yourself ready so you can put your best self forward in 2021-starting today!

Do Not Give In To The January Blues
The holidays are over, and come January; reality starts to set in for some. From the cold-ass nasty weather to the credit card statements coming in from holiday shopping. The realization our government is only issuing us a measly $600 stimulus check, New Year resolutions, and throw COVID in, you can see where the term January Blues comes into play more so than ever. (The most depressing time of the month is the third Monday of the month, which has the official name of "Blue Monday.")

Instead of giving in to "The January Blues," we are going to provide you with some tips to give yourself the kickstart for the best year! Here are our tips for giving yourself the best start to your year.

Beat Those January Blues By Barbies Beauty Bits

Review Your Routine
Before you can update your routine, it is always best to take an honest look at it. Secondly, when it comes down to reviewing your routine, it is crucial to take smaller steps to create long-term positive changes and not feel overwhelmed or depressed if you think you need to make some profound changes.

Big or small changes, it is crucial to understand that our routine has a significant impact on the way we look and feel, as if we do not feel good mentally and physically, we do not look good.  For example, someone that is always stressed and struggles to enjoy a full night's sleep is bound to look tired, have aging puffy eyes, and unkempt. Bottom line, you want to embrace a positive routine with achievable goals, not goals out of guilt because you feel you should. These WILL backfire on you, which can cause you to spiral backward, even become depressed or angry. That is not the goal here, so when setting goals, ONLY set realistic and achievable ones.

Start Your Day Off With A Bang
When redesigning your routine, keep in mind that it all starts in the morning. The first moments after you get up can set the pace for the rest of the day and even influence your mood! So, start by reviewing what you usually do and how you can improve it.

The best way to set your mood for the day is to do something you enjoy or think you will since we are making some changes. For example, you might decide to start your day off by exercising instead of scrolling through social media. Switch out that bagel with cheese for a healthy smoothie. Take time to eat with your significant other  Or something I love, which is to start your day off with a morning skincare routine.   See below how you can implement some of these.

healthy foods for the new year By Barbies Beauty Bits

Boost Your Mood With Healthy Food
The expression you are what you eat has never been more real. Life is all about balance. Our body's health needs to have healthy water, vitamins, antioxidants, oils, and other nutrients.  

Furthermore, what we eat can significantly influence our energy level, mood, and motivation.  The key here is not to think this is about dieting but more about finding a nutritional regime that brings you the happiness you need to feel at your best while also helping you achieve your fitness goals.

If you are unsure where to start, load up your fridge with fresh vegetables and fruits, unprocessed ingredients, and natural foods. Then, check out some communities that can help you discover a new way of eating. For example, you might accept an alternative challenge, such as Meatless Monday or Veganuary - which are in full swing during this time of the year. So, you won't ever be short of handy resources!

Implement A Morning Skincare Routine
One crucial step to tie into your morning routine is an effective skincare routine. To rock your day, you need to be prepared, and your skin is not excluded.

To not overwhelm yourself, you want to stick with a somewhat easy skincare routine.  And yes, skincare does not have to be complicated. And boy does TreCeuticals realize this, which is why they've created a skincare line with three powerful active ingredients, achieved in three simple steps, three minutes a day.
This simple 3-step skincare routine combines three highly effective active ingredients to exfoliate, hydrate, and smooth the skin. Plus, their secret sauce, which is CBD oil.

Best Skin Products To Try By Barbies Beauty Bits

Commit To Using Beauty Products Free Of Harmful Ingredients
The skincare industry has slowly become more safety-conscious in the past few years, but it needs consumers' help to invigorate the push toward more EWG verified beauty brands. If a product has an "EWG Verified™" logo on it, this means it meets EWG's strictest standards and contains none of EWG's chemicals of concern. Furthermore, all companies that are EWG Verified have disclosed full transparency regarding formulations and their manufacturing process. This further means that this product is safe and healthy.

Beat Those January Blues By Exercising
When it comes to feeling energized and in a better mood, nothing works better than exercising. The benefits of exercising are enormous. Ever hear the expression "A runners high." Well, this isn't a myth; that sense of euphoria is real. That feel-good boost you get from those positive feelings washing over you is what you experience with the runners high and a sense of accomplishment.

You see, exercising releases endorphins and has many benefits for your body's health both physically and mentally, like:

  • Boosts self-esteem by helping you look younger as working out brings more oxygen to your skin cells, leaving you with skin that's nourished and firmer
  • Better sleep
  • Decreases anxiety and stress levels
  • It gives you more energy
  • Physical shape
  • Enhanced sex life

Beat The January Blues With Exercise By Barbies Beauty Bits

Help, I Want To Work Out, But I'm Afraid To Go To The Gym
There are plenty of exercising options out there that does not require you to go to the gym. While some look at exercise to get out of the house, this has been a must for me.  With Covid, there is that struggle- with going to a gym and being around people who are not wearing masks to getting the hell out of the house. Our suggestion is to start small. You can do some activities outside, like walking, bike riding, even hiking.

Additionally, you can find tons of workout programs on Amazon Prime Videos, from Pilates to cardio, weight lifting, even mediation. This brings us to our next tip... Meditate

Adjust Your Mind, Mood, And Health By Meditating
Of course, this collection of January Blues tips are designed to make you look your best and help you feel confident and energized. Yet, sometimes, we are at the mercy of aspects in our lives that we don't think can affect our physical health as much. So, when trying to give your skin a healthier appearance, toning-up that body, or vowing to eat a bit healthier, these are not the only things to consider! We need also need to readjust our aura.

For example, the way we deal with everyday events and the level of stress we withstand during our daily lives can significantly affect our physical health. And, if you have been exploring this connection, you might have also encountered many remedies that can help you keep your stress levels low and feel more energized.

Though you may not eradicate the roots of stress, you can minimize its effects on your body. One of the easiest and most achievable stress-relieving techniques is meditation.

Meditating for as little as 15 to 20 minutes a day has the power to help you raise self-awareness and understand in-depth how you react to daily events. In turn, this can help your body to:

  • Repairs and revitalizes
  • Lowers your blood pressure
  • Relaxes you
  • Improve the quality of sleep
  • Even give your complexion a fresh and youthful glow.
How To Beat The January Blues With meditation By Barbies Beauty Bits

DIY Beauty Tips To Beat The January Blues
This has been a favorite pastime of mine, DIY Beauty. However, I know many are not like me and solely rely on their hairstylist, nail tech, even aesthetician to fulfill their beauty needs, and now with COVID have let themselves go.  

But in 2021, beauties, this does not need to be the case. There are plenty of at-home beauty treatments you do for yourself, and trust me; you will feel so much better when doing them. See some of my favorites below.

  • Give Yourself An At-home Facial
  • Bag Those Puffy Eyes
  • Magnetic Eyelashes
  • Do Something Different With Your Hair
  • Redlight Therapy

Beauty Tips To Beat The January Blues By Barbies Beauty Bits

Look After Your Smile
Our smile says a lot about our health and lifestyle and can significantly influence our confidence level. Indeed, our smile is what other people notice first upon meeting us, impacting our personal and professional relationships. Simultaneously, many adults don't go far beyond investing in teeth whitening methods because they believe that improving their smile is something they should have done when they were teens!

And, of course, the idea of wearing braces can be horrifying for everybody. However, today, there are alternatives that you might consider if you wish to start working towards the perfect smile. For example, an  Invisalign dentist might help you find discreet, almost-invisible solutions that can start yielding results in less than three months.

Some other tips to beat those January Blues and put your best self forward in 2021

  • Less screen time, by taking a break from the news and social media
  • Stay away from negativity
  • Have a buddy in your corner, friend time
  • Get your beauty sleep
  • Ain't no sunshine, so try some light therapy to help with SAD
  • Find a new hobby and stick to it

In conclusion, remember January is just one month of twelve, and if it is not all that great, so be it. That doesn't mean the other months will follow, especially if your try to implement some of these tips to kick January blues in the ass!

Best Tips To Conquer Those January Blues By Barbies Beauty Bits

January 1, 2021

Best Beauty Hangover Tips


Best Beauty Hangover Tips By Barbies Beauty Bits

Welcome to a New Year! But are you feeling merry and bright or feeling a fright because you are hungover? Headaches, drowsiness, and nausea? Oh my. But on top of these, did you know that alcohol can also wreak havoc on your skin. From dryness, dullness, breakouts, even premature aging. But what are you to do? Start right away with these Best Beauty Hangover Tips!

The Night Before Skincare Hangover Routine

hydrate skin after drinking alcohol By Barbies Beauty Bits

Yes, if you are somewhat coherent, you should attempt to implement some of these hangover beauty routines before you pass out.

Remove Your Makeup With A Makeup Eraser 

No matter how comfy that bed may look you need to remove your makeup. A Makeup Eraser is a quick and easy way for you to remove your makeup as all you need is water. The makeup eraser will work its magic even on waterproof mascara, with ONLY WATER! And a bonus it will also exfoliate the skin.

Makeup Eraser Discount Codes By Barbies Beauty Bits

Pile On An Over Night Recovery Sleeping Skincare Mask
A hydrating mask is key to restoring moisture to your skin, alleviating dullness, and fighting under-eye circles the next day. And Dr. Brandt's Hydro Biotic Recovery Sleeping Mask is here to the rescue. With soothing peptides along with a restorative blend of ceramides, fatty acids, and calming ingredients. They also work the night shift to help soothe, nourish, and restore hydration to the skin. Come morning, angsty skin is hydrated and beautifully balanced for a glowing, refreshed complexion.

how to get rid of hangover eyes By Barbies Beauty Bits

Show Your Eyes Some Love With A Calming Eye Cream Enriched With CBD
Show your eyes some love with TreCeutical's Eye Love Cream. A fantastic eye cream formulation challenge is to have effective, nutrient-rich ingredients to tackle alcohol-induced issues such as puffiness and dehydration. And TreCeuticals eye cream does just that as it is enriched with CBD to the bag those hangover eyes- full-spectrum CBD is known to soothe and nourish the skin.

Sleep On An Extra Pillow After Drinking Too Much
Consider sleeping on your back with a few extra pillows propped under your head as it will promote fluid drainage, so you'll look less puffy the next day.

best black out eye masks by barbies beauty bits

Sleep With A Light Blocking Eye Mask To Prevent A Hangover

Gently cover your eyes for a peaceful night's sleep! Aside from skin issues, alcohol can also affect your Rem sleep as well as a light leading to post-sleep tiredness. That's why you need a blackout sleep mask that covers and conforms to your eyes to block 100% of light, even in broad daylight — so you always get deep, uninterrupted sleep.

This contoured sleep mask from Aroma Season is very light and comfortable to wear. It is soft, flexible, and has an eyes feel free to design, so it doesn't move and distracts your eyes and head from pressure, helping you wake up relaxed and refreshed. (Some eye masks are also designed to ease headaches).

If a black out mask is not your choice no worries as Aroma Season has countless of options to choose from,  for every type of concern you may have, not just for preventing a hangover. For example:

  • Aromatherapy Heated Eye Mask
  • USB Steam Heated Eye Mask
  • Moist Heated Eye Mask
  • Weighted Sleep Mask

Best Sleep Masks By Barbies Beauty Bits

The Morning After Hangover Beauty Routine

Pamper Your Skin After Drinking With A Soapnut Cleanser

No matter how well you think you cleaned your face the night before, chances are your drunken self did not do it very well.  You want to give your hungover skin the boost it needs by using a soapnut cleanser that gently cleanses without stripping natural oils of the skin, and Zoi Naturals Neroli Face Wash is the must-have wash to help balance the skin's PH for that morning after.

But what the heck is a soapnut?
Soapnuts seem to be the newest and oldest all-natural trend for cleansing. This isn't surprising as they have been around for hundreds of years! People in Nepal, India, even Native Americans have known about the incredible cleansing powers for years.  They are actually the dried shells (or husks) from the soapberry nut, which come from the Sapindus mukorossi tree—a unique species of trees found in both the eastern and western hemispheres.

Soapnuts and skincare By Barbies Beauty Bits

Soapnuts are excellent at pampering dry hungover skin as they are a mild, gentle natural cleanser great for soothing the skin.  I love to use Neroli's face wash after drinking a bottle of wine because it also has some other skin-loving ingredients, like...

  • Aloe Vera - Soothes the skin and helps regenerate cellular turnover.
  • Calendula Extract- Reduces the occurrence of dry skin.
  • Coconut Oil - Moisturizes the skin and prevents acne.
  • Olive Oil - Prevents dryness and rejuvenates the skin.
  • Neem - Prevents pimples and protects the skin.
  • Shea Butter - Diminishes wrinkles and increases blood circulation.

Fight Dry Hungover Skin By Exfoliating

Your skin has lost a lot of moisture after consuming too much alcohol so it may feel drier than usual and flaky patches may even appear.  Exfoliation is one of the best ways to repair your skin after drinking! While there are some great skincare products to exfoliate with, the beauty tool needed to do the job is Spa Sciences Sonic Cleansing Brush. Use this with Neroli's Face Wash and you'll soon be on your way to glowing, happy skin!

Fight Dry Hungover Skin By Exfoliating By Barbies Beauty Bits

Cure A Hangover Fast With Dry Brushing
Give your body a good brush over with dry brushing. Dry brushing is a way to increase circulation through your body, which will help to move the alcohol out of your body quicker.

how dry brushing can help with hangovers By Barbies Beauty Bits

Elevate Your Electrolytes After Drinking Too Much Alcohol
My new best friend is a refreshing hydration mix when it comes to a hangover cure called Hydrant! Created to rehydrate the body fast this product is a lightly flavored real fruit juice powder that contains the precise blend of electrolytes you need to own your day. This rapid-hydration formula strikes a balance of potassium, magnesium, sodium, and zinc to keep you truly hydrated! You can instantly feel it working.

Review on hydrant to help with a hangover by barbies beauty bits

Hydrate The Skin After Drinking With Cica
We all know that alcohol is a direct cause of dehydration, but this dehydration can also lead to premature aging as it deprives cells of the water they need to keep skin hydrated and healthy. So just as you are drinking a glass of Hydrant right now, your skin also needs some more hydration. So why not start with a hydrating face mist enriched with CICA.

What the heck is Cica, you ask with that hangover headache? Cica has a plethora of skin-loving benefits, from toning the skin, boosting collagen, rebuilding the skin barrier, aiding in cellular repair, providing some much-needed hydration, and yes, there is more! Cica is also full of nutrients that are beneficial to the skin, like beta-carotene, amino acids, niacin, and vitamins A, B1, B2, and C, all that are amazing at moisturizing and brightening the skin!

My all-time favorite CICA brand is Meebak and their toner that doubles as a mist is terrific at calming relief to even the most sensitive dry, alcohol-induced dry skin. 

Best way to hydrate skin after a hangover By Barbies Beauty Bits

Brighten The Skin After Drinking With Gold
Gold, yes, you read correctly. A go-to secret weapon of mine is a 24K Gold Cream. Infused with gold flakes and hyaluronic acid, this rich moisturizer brings that much-needed glow to your complexion, so you will look as if you hadn't drunk the extra shot as the ball dropped last night!  (24K GOLD has been used in skincare for hundreds of years due to its anti-aging properties)

ice roller to help with a hangover headaches By Barbies Beauty Bits

Remove Puffiness And Toxins With A Isla Face Roller
Face massage is the key to reducing post-alcohol puffiness as it helps boost circulation and encourage lymphatic drainage. Better than just using your fingers, Spa Sciences Isla Sonic Face & Body Contouring Ice & Heat Roller (can be used cool from a skincare fridge or warm from room temperature) is my go-to beauty tool after enjoying a bottle of Pinot Noir.  Not only will this beauty help to restore your skin to its toned and supple self, but it is excellent to help relieve that hangover headache as the uplifting sonic technology is fantastic at soothing and relaxing your muscles.

A bonus the ISLA helps to penetrate your skincare deeper, so use it with an eye cream under the eyes to help alleviate under-eye puffiness and swelling.  It also works great with your favorite hyaluronic serum, which brings us to the next skincare product to help with your hungover skin.

Hyaluronic Madness With A Shot Of Ginseng
Now do not get queasy as you are not doing any shots. But Ginjo Beauty has an excellent 24-hour collagen serum that delivers a cocktail of nutrients and hydrators like hyaluronic acid, Korean forest-grown Ginseng, Squalene, Green tea, and shea butter, all that help nurture the delicate facial skin to perfection by optimally nourishing and replenishing the skin’s own moisture!

Best way to repair skin after drinking By Barbies Beauty Bits

Ready To Create Your Own Beauty Hangover Kit?

Well now you can as some brands were nice enough to offer a discount code:

30% off on Zoi Naturals Neroli Face Wash exclusively on

10% Off Initial Order For A 3d Light Blocking Eye Mask
Click Here

Hydrant: 50% Off Your First Order
Click Here

TreCeuticals: 20% Off Your First Order
Click Here

Shop Amazon For Some Others
Spa Sciences Isla... Click Here


Best skincare tips to treat hangover skin By Barbies Beauty Bits