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December 6, 2020

How To Become A Product Tester And Get Free Product On Amazon

How To Become A Product Tester And Get Free Product On Amazon By Barbies Beauty Bits

How To Become A Product Tester And Get Free Product On Amazon, Just In Time For Christmas!

One company out there is FBA reviews, enabling you to get products from AMAZON and share your HONEST feedback about a product sent to you. And one of the best parts is you not required to share it on social media or another place where you CHARGE for your thoughts (an influencer). Just on the product review or through a feedback form provided from FBA!

The only cost to you is the time it takes you to write up a review of the product samples you receive. Not bad, huh? So how does this work?

How To Get Products To Test For Free  By Barbies Beauty Bits

Who Can Become A Product Tester And Get Free Product

Well, first, let me say that ANYONE can; you do not need to be an influencer, blogger, or content created to do so; all you need is to be an Amazon Prime member, willing to try out product for free.

About FBA Reviews
As former FBA sellers themselves, they are compliant with Amazon ToS.  You see, FBA is a 3rd party sending out complimentary products (not the brands or sellers themselves), providing users opportunities to test new products for free in exchange for their honest feedback on the items they try. 

Per their website, they like to think of their organization as a focus group. Thus, they give their product testers the product in advance, that way it’s never tied back to or contingent upon leaving a review.

  • They do not offer  rebates or reimbursements only after someone leaves a review
  • They do NOT ask testers to leave reviews
  • They do NOT influence what people write
  • You are not compensated for reviews 

FBA reviews has products across nearly every category, from beauty products to home goods, electronics, health, wellness, fitness, jewelry, and even goodies for your pets.

 How to get free product to test by barbies beauty bits

How Does It Work:

  1. To be eligible, all you have to do is sign up HERE To Become An Product Tester
  2. Once accepted FBA reviews will then send emails out with a list of products you can get for free, and all you have to do is let them know which product(s) you want to try. See some BEAUTY examples...
    1. Hemp Skincare Products
    2. Body Wipes
    3. Eyelash Curler
    4. Skin Protectant Seal
    5. Hair Restore Shampoo
    6. Body Scrubber
    7. Fat Freezing Product
    8. Jewelry
  3. You can leave an HONEST thoughts and comments about the product (good, bad, and ugly). You can do this via the product review or leave feedback via FBA's feedback form. 
  4. Don't want to leave a review you do not have to.
  5. It is that easy!!!
Ready to get started and just in time for the holidays!

Register Here

Common questions on FBA Reviews

UPDATE FAQ's... Is This ToS Complaint

As shown above, this is a sponsored post. While I have not tried this myself, I like to share "bits" of information I find interesting or of value. With that, I've had a lot ask is this ToS complaint; I asked this myself before accepting this sponsorship. With that, I know that most do not read everything in a blog post. But under this header, many will just go to this area, and we are here to assist! So the answer to this question is yes, it is, because...
  1. The transactions are through a 3rd party, FBA Reviews. YOU ARE NOT working with a seller on Amazon.
  2. You purchase the product and try it as any customer would.
  3. While FBA asks you to leave your HONEST feedback on the product that you have tried (good, bad, and ugly) either by email, their feedback form, or a review on Amazon, you are not obligated to do so.

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  1. Oh cool, I'll look into this. I shop on Amazon so much and it would be cool to get things for free!

  2. This is right up my alley! I used to be a secret shopper but that took a chunk of time. This sounds easier.

  3. That sounds like a wonderful deal! I like things where free means really free too.

  4. Oh, I need to try this.

  5. I like that they give you the money upfront. I hate those brands that ask you if you want free product and they want you to purchase with your own money. Like I am going to trust them to give me the money back after the fact. Thanks for sharing as I am going to sign up!!!

    1. Please keep mind this is not the Amazon seller offering anything. It is a 3rd party sending out product to help get valuable feedback on products, which is what brands needs to succeed.

  6. What a great way to try new products. I love being the first to try new items and sharing my thoughts on them.

  7. Such agreat way to get product in exchange for honest product reviews. I have not tried this but I will keep it in mind.

  8. Id love to do this! What a fun thing to do this time of year!

  9. I always thought this was against Amazon's ToS, but it's nice to know that there are ways to do it!

    1. You are not working with a seller on Amazon. FBA is a 3rd party. Secondly, you are not required to leave a GOOD review in exchange for anything. If you want to leave a review it should be an honest one (the good, the bad and the ugly). And you have a variety of options to leave a review. Either by email, their feedback form, or a review on Amazon, however you are not obligated to do so. This is why I like working with FBA. Hope that cleared up some questions.

  10. How cool! I live on Amazon so I totally need to look into this! Thanks!

  11. This is really cool. Thanks for sharing this.

  12. I haven't heard of this program before, and it sounds like it could be great! I like they that pay you up front too.

  13. this definitely sounds interesting. I am sure that being committed to the reviews and giving accurate ones helps. Thanks for sharing this

  14. Becoming a product tester sounds really interesting and easy. I need to check this out, thank you!

  15. This was such an informative thing.
    I dont know about this before.
    I'll definitely look into this.

  16. Wow,that is awesome! I would definitely love to get some products for free just for reviews.

  17. I’m interested in this, how do I go about it?

    1. Click one of the links above that read register here. Or go to...

  18. Oh, I had no idea about this. Will check it out. -LYNNDEE

  19. I use to do a lot of Amazon testing myself. I need to look in to this again. I haven't really done much with it anymore.

  20. Wow that's awesome! Who wouldn't like to receive free stuff. I may consider this. Aside from testing stuff I get to have free some for free!

  21. Great ideas. I've never considered being a product tester before but it sounds interesting.

  22. This post has the answer to my question about the topic. I was trying to become a tester for amazon and now I know how. Thanks. - Amalia

  23. That sounds like a great way to review items for free. I love you don't need to share on socials.

  24. I've never heard about Amazon tester but it sounds great. I can have a lot of fun trying new products!

  25. I don't really mind writing blogs on my reviews but sounds great that you don't have to :)

  26. Now that is a pretty sweet gig! I would love to test products.

  27. I haven't heard of this program before, and it definitely seems like a great one! Thanks for sharing with us.

  28. always wish to be part of this tester team, gonna check out more details & then perhaps joining it. thanks for sharing. cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  29. wish that we have amazon here,,im willing to do the hair restorer shampoo.definitely need that one

  30. I never heard about amazon tester, sounds great. I will check it out. it is great way to know about new products.

  31. I didnt know there was something like this, I shop with amazon so often now, I might as well

  32. Great post, definitely something I am interested in. I have bookmarked for later. Thanks for sharing.

  33. I order a lot from Amazon but I didn't know about this tester program. I'll definitely check it out!

  34. Oh I didn’t know about this for Amazon! I’m going to register. Thanks for the info!

  35. this is so great especially if you already shop on Amazon! I can't wait to register- thanks so much for sharing this opportunity

  36. this is so great especially if you already shop on Amazon! I can't wait to register- thanks so much for sharing this opportunity

  37. I would love to become a product tester! What a great way to make some extra product considerations!

  38. How nice to be able to get free items to review. Sounds like you've gotten some great products!

  39. How cool! I want to look into this now. Didn't know this was a thing.

  40. Thanks for the info! It's really great have something for free, and I love trying out different products.

  41. I was a product tester in the past, but I didn't know that Amazon has this service too. I was glad to find out about it from your pos!

  42. I think this is something many will want to do. I hope that getting a free product doesn't influence peoples reviews.

  43. This is great. I'll have to check in to it. I order a lot from Amazon, so this would be great.

  44. That's nice to know. There's also a company here in my country that sends out samples of beauty products to testers. I guess the concept it the same.

  45. Sounds like a great program as long as all the tos are followed. I know many who lost their accounts. This sounds interesting!

  46. I've commented on this b4 saying I wanted to try this. I've been doing this now for a while and I LOVE IT!! I've gotten so many amazing things!

  47. This sounds so fun! I want to do this. My friend was doing something similar but she has to pay for the product and then get reimbursed which always seemed weird to me.

  48. This is indeed a great way to try products. Is it only available for skincare/makeup products?

  49. That's quite interesting and thanks for sharing this informative post with us. I didn't know about this until now.

  50. Thanks for sharing this information. I will try to register some. Love to get some skincare products.

  51. How fun! The idea of trying products and sharing real reviews is so cool. As a consumer, I trust regular people way more than the commercials.

  52. I would love to do this. Thanks for the help and tips. I would happily say you recommended me, if that helps you in any way!

  53. It would be so great to be a product tester, thanks for sharing tips on how to be one.

  54. I am interested in reviewing products on Amazon. Thanks for showing me how.

  55. I love being able to try out new products. I've worked on some for Amazon before to. They are pretty simple to do.

  56. How great to be able to try out different products. Sounds like a lot of fun and a great opportunity!

  57. I'm interested and looking forward to reviewing lots of products on Amazon, at least now I have these tips.


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