October 22, 2020

Let's Go Nude, With Your Makeup That Is


Let's Go Nude, With Your Makeup That is By Barbies Beauty Bits

Going Nude With Makeup? And no, it doesn't mean going without makeup; it means simplifying your makeup color palette by using neutral colors that match your skin perfectly! Doing so will allow you to hide those imperfections instead of highlighting them with too much makeup.

Before diving into some neutral must-haves for your lips, eyes, and that glow with foundation. It is important to remember this one rule for a nude makeup look, which is... Less color (not meaning fewer makeup shades) is better, by using neutral colors like browns, beige's, peaches, and my favorite rose colors that complement your skin tone and hair color. So if you want to go nude, with your makeup that is continue reading!

How To Pick The Perfect Nude Foundation
When choosing a foundation, you want to determine your undertones. An undertone is a color from underneath the surface of your skin that affects your overall hue. There are three undertones - warm, cool, and neutral. But how do you know which one you have?

  • Cool undertone is a match for those who have hints of blue, pink, or a ruddy red complexion.
  • Warm undertone is more golden, peachy, or yellow.
  • A neutral undertone is a mixture or neither warm or cool.

Hacks To Determine Your Undertones

  • Look at your vein color.
  • Silver or gold jewelry test.
  • White vs. off white shirt, which do you look better in?

Once you know your undertone, you can start testing some foundations. We suggest when doing this to try on a few places on your body. Also, keep the time of year into consideration, meaning if you tan in the summer, a foundation for winter may not work. The goal with the perfect foundation is to create a blank, perfect flawless canvass.

How To Pick The Perfect Nude Lipstick By Barbies Beauty Bits

How To Pick The Perfect Nude Lipstick
Pucker up baby! When you are looking at nude lipsticks, the choice can be somewhat overwhelming, as there are a lot to choose from.

What you want when it comes to selecting a nude lipstick is considering the color of your natural lips; you also want to try implementing some of these tips.

  • Pick colors that flatter your undertones.
  • Select colors that will reflect off your teeth in a positive way. (some colors, like pinks, can bring out the yellow in your teeth)
  • Don't go for something lighter than your natural shade.

With all the colors, types, and brands of lip products out there, it can become a daunting task deciding what to choose. From what colors look best, should you use lip liner, gloss or not, and most importantly, what colors to avoid. Bottom line educate yourself, so your lips are pucker pretty

Picking The Perfect Nude Eyeshadow By Barbies Beauty Bits

Picking The Perfect Nude Eyeshadow
We saved the best for last. As just because you're using nude eyeshadows does not mean you're going for a boring look. There are tons of nude eyeshadow palettes as well as eyeshadow looks, for example.

The Nude Smokey Eye
Similar to the classic smoky eye, the nude option provides definition and glam.

The Nude Colorful Look
It seems contradictory as the last thing you think of when it comes to nude is color. But a well-placed nude shadow can complement a colorful eyeshadow.

Did Someone Say Mascara
No makeup look is complete without mascara. A mascara is a must for any eyeshadow look. If you think there is no such thing as a magic wand, you're not making the best of your mascara! Mascara's can magically add that drama to your lashes and complement the intensity of a nude eyeshadow look!


October 20, 2020

Affordable Way To Exfoliate Using Spa Sciences Nova's Sonic Cleansing Brush

Affordable Way To Exfoliate Using Spa Sciences Nova's Sonic Cleansing Brush By Barbies Beauty Bits

Spa Sciences Partners Up with top beauty blogger barbies beauty bits

An affordable Sonic Cleansing Brush? Are you serious?? Yes, beauties, I sure am, and the best part, this luxurious sonic cleansing brush can be found at Walmart of all places!

I hear it time and time again from people, "Barbie, I know I should be exfoliating, but I can't afford it." The truth is, moisturizing and cleansing is not enough for healthy, younger-looking skin! As if you are not exfoliating using sonic technology, your skin and makeup are not looking as good as it should be.  

If you follow my blog regularly, you will see numerous posts on exfoliating and using sonic devices. When it comes to anti-aging, these two skincare methods are the most effective ways to promote healthy, younger-looking skin, and Spa Sciences NOVA's Antimicrobial Sonic Cleansing System is here to the rescue.

Affordable, High-Quality Sonic Skincare Tools
While there is a wide variety of high-quality skincare products out there, not everyone can afford them. But this is not the case with Spa Sciences. This brand was created to provide alternatives to professional skincare procedures and devices that can be used in the comfort of your own home by the average consumer.  

So, if you want to find out more about this fantastic skincare brand and how you can have healthy, younger-looking skin without spending a fortune, continue reading.

In this blog post, I am going to discuss

  • What Is Exfoliation
  • Why Is Exfoliation Important
  • How Exfoliation And Makeup Go Hand In Hand
  • Why You Need To Add Sonic Skincare To Your Beauty Routine

Spa Sciences Nova Brush Review By Barbies Beauty Bits

What The Heck Is Exfoliation
Exfoliation is derived from the Latin term exfoliatus (to strip of leaves). It is the process of removing dead, built-up skin cells from the outer layer of your skin.  Exfoliation is a must in a skincare regimen, and the best part you can do in the comfort of your own home!

Why Is Exfoliation Important
You see, as we age, our cellular turnover slows down, meaning that our body is slower to shed dead skin cells and produce new ones. This buildup of dead skin cells can harm our skin, leaving it looking dry and dull, or worse, this accumulation can result in excess oil production and clogged pores, which could lead to problematic skin.
Additionally, this build of dead, dull skin can highlight imperfections on your complexion and sometimes create false wrinkles, and no one wants that.

Furthermore, if you are not removing your dead skin cells, it will create a barrier for your skincare products. So those expensive serums and creams that you're spending all that money on can't get to the fresh new skin, which is hidden below this barrier of dead skin cells.

Your Makeup Doesn't Suck It Is Your Skincare By Barbies Beauty Bits

Your Makeup Doesn't Suck It Is Your Skincare
If there is one reason why I love this brush, this is it!!!!

The key to flawless makeup application is smooth skin. Caked on, flakey makeup happens because of dead skin cells' buildup, not because your makeup sucks.
To balance out your skin, you need to buff away those dead, dry, or dying cells. Otherwise, when you apply makeup, you will highlight those imperfections instead of concealing! It seems contradictive, doesn't it? But that layer of skin cells creates false wrinkles, flakiness, creasing, and other issues as your makeup clings to it, which is why it is crucial to exfoliate 2-3 times a week! By doing so, you are sloughing off dead skin, creating a smoother canvas on which the makeup can adhere, making for a more even, flawless makeup look.

What Is The Best Way To Exfoliate The Skin
Generally speaking, when it comes to exfoliating, there are two approaches: mechanical and chemical exfoliation.  And today, we are discussing mechanical, and that is where NOVA - Antimicrobial Sonic Cleansing System from Spa Sciences comes to play!

What Is The Best Way To Exfoliate The Skin At Home By Barbies Beauty Bits

Why Sonic Technology To Properly Exfoliate And Cleanse The Skin
Aside from being one of the hottest trends in the beauty industry, in the skincare world, the term "sonic" essentially means that the product will oscillate to perform a specific task. Sonic cleansing technology is far better for your skin than traditional cleansing. The sonic vibrations in the NOVA cleanse and exfoliate without interrupting the skin's natural cycle. Some other reasons why I love the Nova Sonic Cleansing brush include...

  • Promotes cellular turn over
  • Helps to diminish fine lines and wrinkles
  • Minimizes the appearance of age spots and other sun damage
  • Even out skin tone and texture
  • Unclogs and reduces the appearance of pore size
  • Stimulates blood flow to help improve the skin's elasticity
  • Aids in the penetration of skincare products by up to 20%
Spa Sciences Nova Best Sonic Cleansing Brush By Barbies Beauty Bits

Tell Me Why I Will Love Spa Sciences Nova Sonic Brush
The NOVA has 32,000 brush bristles that move at the sonic speed of approximately 300 times per second and 18,000 times a minute! This sonic movement thoroughly cleanses the pores while also brushing away dead skin 7x better than manual cleansing.

Skincare For Everyone
I have tried many skincare products, but the typical comment I get is, you get paid to test products. What about use everyday Joes, who can't afford to give up a mortgage payment for a skincare device? Well, this is why I am a big fan of Spa Sciences as they offer high-quality sonic skincare tools without the high-quality price tag. The brand was built on the philosophy of providing affordable and convenient beauty tools to help both women and men of all ages and skin types to achieve the skin they have always wanted.

Spa Sciences Nova, the best way to exfoliate your skin by barbies beauty bits

In Conclusion
Everyone should feel confident and comfortable in their own skin, and now you can start with Spa Sciences, an affordable spa solution to enjoy in the comfort of your own home!

So what are you waiting for, beauties? Grab your face mask and head to Walmart. Or you can purchase at Walmart.com!

Gorgeous Makeup With Proper Skincare By Barbies Beauty Bits


October 19, 2020

No7 Beauty Products To Fall In Love With

No7 Beauty Products To Fall In Love With By barbies Beauty Bits

No7 Beauty working with top beauty blogger barbies beauty bits

Fall is in full swing! Crisp, cooler air, shorter nights, and changing leaves are amongst us! And with this transition to Fall comes a revamp of your wardrobe (hello tall boots, leggings, and blazers).

But what is not so lovely in this seasonal shift is dry, flaky, dehydrated skin. As who wants their skin as dry as leaves? Not me! Which is why you need to be changing up beauty routine as well. And No7 Beauty is here to help, with these top Beauty products to FALL in Love With.

No7 Beauty Bag Must-Haves By Barbies Beauty Bits

About No7 Beauty
I am a big fan of No7 beauty products. I first discovered them while on vacation one year as I left some of my skincare products at home and needed something to hold me over. And to my surprise, the products were fantastic, and I've been hooked ever since!

No7 Beauty has been all the rage in the UK at a popular store called Boots, offering premium, affordable beauty products. That principle still holds strong today as No7 is now found in the US and many countries worldwide with fantastic products from age-defying serums to products designed to address specific skincare needs, skincare-infused foundations, and more!

Beauty Bag Must-Haves

No7 Beauty Shopping Guide For Fall

And so, without further ado, my No7Beauty.com favorites to "FALL" in love with!

Best Serum for Fall No7 Laboratories Line Correcting Booster Serum, by barbies beauty bits

No7 Laboratories Line Correcting Booster Serum
The fall air zaps the moisture from our skin, leaving dry skin that shrivels plump skin cells, which, unfortunately, can lead to fine lines and wrinkles. I do not know about you, but that is not one thing I want this Fall. This brings me to my first product, No7 Laboratories Line Correcting Booster Serum. This serum is designed to be applied directly to fine lines and wrinkles, so there is no wasted product.

I love this product because it contains Matrixyl 3000 plus, 7x more Matrixyl 3000 Plus™ than their other products. These ingredients are renowned for boosting collagen production, promoting skin cells growth, helping reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It's like my own tube of Botox!

This product works great with other skincare products, so I apply this serum after I exfoliate. By removing the top-most layer of skin from exfoliation, you're making it easier for your skin treatments to sink deep below the surface where they could make a difference.

No7 Instant Results Nourishing Hydration Mask Review By Barbies Beauty Bits

No7 Instant Results Hydration Mask
One of the most repetitive words that we hear in the Fall related to skincare is hydration. And what must have No7 Beauty product provides a natural boost of hydration? No7's Instant Results Hydration Mask! This mask contains lipids that are ultra-moisturizing and helps keep the skin hydrated, plump, and radiant.

best foaming cleanser for fall by barbies beauty bits

No7 Radiant Results Purifying Foaming Cleanser
My favorite No7 cleanser was the Radiant Results Revitalizing Hot Cloth Cleanser. I may have gotten it in a holiday gift set one year, and unfortunately, they do not sell this in the USA. Hence I substituted an online order with No7 Radiant Results Purifying Foaming Cleanser, and it was a great move!

I love me a foaming cleanser. Gel-based cleansers are overly drying, and that is the last thing you want during the Fall, which is why I opted for a foaming cleanser. Not only are they superb at dissolving makeup and other environmental factors we expose our skin too that can lead to free radical damage. But a foaming cleanser is the perfect tool to diminish pores' appearance by deeply cleansing, preventing your pores from clogging, stretching, and getting bigger.

Best eye cream for fall by barbies beauty bits
No7 Protect And Perfect Intense Advanced Eye Cream
Bye, bye are the days of contoured faces, bronzed skin, dewy cheekbones, and creating the perfect bold lip, as most of this is covered up with a darn face mask. Now is the time to focus on the health and appearance of our eyes.

That's right; our eyes are taking center stage, but are your eyes ready to be the center of attention? Well, they will be if you are using No7 Protect And Perfect Intense Advanced Eye Cream. I love that this cream is lightly tinted. It serves dual purposes for me. First and foremost, it is very hydrating, helping you achieve smoother skin under the eye. Secondly, I use it to prime the under-eye area before applying and other eye makeup. Without it, I have found that my makeup will settle into fine lines around the eyes. 

No7 Airbrush Away Pore Minimizing Primer review by barbies beauty bits

No7 Airbrush Away Pore Minimizing Primer
A must-have in my beauty arsenal is a face primer. I look at a face primer the same as you would look at priming a wall before painting as the goal is to create a perfect canvass for a flawless application.

Without a primer, your makeup will sit in your pores, create false wrinkles leaving a dull appearance, especially if you have dry, flaky skin, as dry skin will make any of your imperfections more pronounced! On the other hand, when you do use a primer, you'll find that your foundation will have a much smoother finish while minimizing the appearance of pores and fine lines, essentially working like spackle to airbrush your face.

No7 Instant Results Nourishing Hydration Mask Review By Barbies Beauty Bits

Radiant Results Revitalizing Cleansing Wipes
Last but not least, these wipes are one of my all-time No7 Beauty Products. I always had these Fragrance Free No7 Cleansing Wipes in my carry on when I traveled to protect me from the not so friendly skies of flying.

Flying takes a toll on the skin, and these wipes were always my savior. These bad boys are amazing at sweeping away all traces of yuckiness you can get from the recycled air on a plane, that not only can dry the skin but also add to premature aging because of the free radical damage from the pollutants.  

Aside from the cleansing, there is another reason why these wipes are a favorite, which has nothing to do with skincare but rather makeup. See below.

Hack To A Perfect Cut Crease Eyeshadow Look By Barbies Beauty Bits

Hack To A Perfect Cut Crease Eyeshadow Look
I use these wipes to create a cut-crease eyeshadow look, a sharp eyeshadow cut, or a cat-eye cut. (Before using these, I used scotch tape, but found out that tape can pull and tug on the skin, which leads to premature aging).

This is the perfect makeup hack for those who are sloppy at applying eyeshadow, as the application does not have to be perfect. Simply build up your eyeshadow and extend it out past the corner of the eye. You also want to apply your eyeliner. When you are finished, wrap one of the No7 cleansing cloths around the tip of your finger and swipe up in a diagonal. Voila, you will have that eyeshadow cut and cat-eye eyeliner look, similar to how you would if you were to use scotch tape and peel off to reveal the purrfect cat eye cut. This trick is especially beneficial to those with mature skin or droopy eyes as it helps give your eyes the illusion of lifting them up by the outer corners.

Hack to the perfect cat eye by barbies beauty bits

Oh, and this wipe is perfect for cleaning up shadow fallout and removing No7's Intense Volume Mascara.

Bogo sale on no7 Beauty products by barbies beauty bits

It's Time For A Discount
Yes, beauties. No7 Beauty was nice enough to offer all my readers a discount so you can have your skin Fall ready!

BOGO 50% Off Serums at No7Beauty.com
No code is needed, but you need to click here to get access.

Site-Wide Offer
Save $10 on Orders of $50+ or $15 on Orders of $60+ at No7Beauty.com.
Coupon Code: SPENDSAVE
Click here to get access.

So, there you have it, beauties, my top No7 Beauty Products To Fall In Love With! Have you tried any No7 Beauty products? If so, what are your favorites for Fall?

Best No7 Beauty Products For Fall By Barbies Beauty Bits

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


October 14, 2020

Top Beauty Tips For A Busy Career Woman

Top Beauty Tips For A Busy Career Woman By Barbies Beauty Bits

Beauty tips for a busy career woman can be on the back of their morning to-do list. But looking the part is an essential element to being successful, whether you like it or not. Instead of fighting it, why not embrace it with these top beauty tips for a busy career woman.

Women Hold More Jobs Than Men
Why am I bringing this up? It shows you there is a real need for beauty tips for busy career women! A 2019 report by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that women hold more jobs than men, representing 50.4% of positions.  In other words, women are juggling the high demands of a Boss-girl career and home demands, especially if you have kids.  Luckily, I am here to help you discover some quick and simple beauty tips you can use as a busy career woman. More importantly the reasons, not just do this!!!

Premature Aging Caused From Your Office
WTF, am I joking here? No, I am not. Have you ever noticed that your skin isn't looking as great as it did when you walk out of your house, only a few hours later? The culprits of this skin battle kick in as soon as you walk into your office, one being the overexpose the recycled air. From heat to the air conditioner, they both can suck the moisture out of your skin, which can lead to a dull, dehydrated complexion, prone to premature aging and wrinkles.

How Your Computer Is Causing Wrinkles By Barbies Beauty Bits

Skin Damage Caused By Your Office Computer  

You got SCREEN FACE!!! A second enemy is the long-term blue light energy, a.k.a. high-energy visible (HEV) light that omits from your computer screen. This can cause skin damage, including inflammation, wrinkles, and even weakening of the skin's surface.

Skincare Products To Block Premature Aging Caused From Your Office
In terms of technology harming your skin, you want to look for blue light blocking skincare. Seek out products high in antioxidants and products formulated to defend our skin against free radicals caused by blue light and other environmental stressors.

Lastly, always apply a skincare product containing zinc oxide, a physical UV skincare blocker that will block and reflect UV and blue light to prevent skin damage!

An Easy Skincare Routine For The Busy Career Woman

An Easy Skincare Routine For The Busy Career Woman
Skincare does not have to be complicated. One brand that I am a big fan of is TreCeuticals Skincare.  This company is all about inspiring busy career women to feel more beautiful and confident in their skin but letting us know that skincare does not have to be complicated.  But using three highly effective active ingredients to exfoliate, hydrate, and smooth the skin. Plus, their secret sauce, which is CBD oil.

Using a few skincare products that contain medical-grade ingredients, you can quickly renew your skin's youthful glow while reversing the damaging effects of sun exposure, stress, and other environmental factors, in the comfort of your own home.

The Solution To Finding Time For Makeup And Other Beauty Essentials
I found that you need to prioritize this, and the best way for me is to keep all the things I need to get ready for work all in one place. I have so many beauty products, and trying to go through them all when you're short on time is a nightmare. Hence keeping a work beauty drawer by storing all your essentials in that place makes getting ready much more accessible.

Easy Makeup Tips For A Busy Career Woman By Barbies Beauty Bits

Use Makeup That Has Multiple Purposes
Did you know that everyday makeup products have multiple uses? Exciting, isn't it? Plus, it can also help you save money and time, especially if it's one of those days you need to get out the door quickly while still looking like a million bucks!

  • Face Primer: No need to purchase three different primers. Purchase one and use it on your lips, face, and eyes.
  • Bronzer: This one is a winner for me! As you can use it to contour, apply to cheeks, use as an eye shadow, cover grays, and more.
  • Blush: Aside from the obvious, which is applying to your cheekbones, this little beauty works wonders on your lips. You can mix it with a gloss or even layer it with another color to create a shimmer lip color. It also works fabulously as an eye shadow.
  • White Eyeliner: This can be used as a highlighter on the bridge of your nose, corner of the eyes, and waterline.
  • Mascara: This has a lot of purposes, as well. Like using it on your eyelashes, eyebrows. It is also great for covering grays.
  • Lipstick: You can wear lipstick both on your lips and on your cheeks for blush.  
  • Eyeliner Pencil: You can use a simple eyeliner to shape your brows, as an eyeliner, and for a lighter color, you can contour your nose with it.

Quick Hair Tips For The Busy Woman By Barbies Beauty Bits

Quick Hair Tips For The Busy Woman
Washing your hair daily is not needed, and more so, it is not healthy for your hair. While I wash my hair in the evenings, I use dry shampoo to give my hair a few extra days before the next wash. Not only does dry shampoo absorb the oil, but it also adds volume to your hair, so it is still looking fabulous!

Use Clip Hair Extensions
Clip-in hair extensions are a savior to me. Basically, your hair is already ready in a few snaps. Some of the benefits of using clip in hair extensions are...

  • You can pre-style them ahead of time, and they are ready in a snap.
  • A great style that can last a while with minimal upkeep is natural-looking beach waves that can be easily achieved by curling your hair extensions using a rotating hair curling iron.
  • Hair extensions are fully customizable with regard to style and color. Just make sure you are using human hair extensions.
  • They add that finished glamourous, full looking hair whether you are wearing your hair up or down.  
  • Easy to clean with a grooming brush that uses an ultrasonic spray technology

best leather tote bag for business women, barbies beauty bits

Behind Every Successful Woman Is A Fabulous Leather Tote Bag 

We’ve all been there with our hectic schedules: dragging around a handbag, a tote bag, and an extra laptop bag because we could not find the right business bag to carry all our daily essentials in style. The best work bag for us girl bosses should be a tote handbag that's stylish, versatile, durable, and functional.

When it comes to carrying your daily essentials, the easiest solution is to have some leather tote bags that can easily match almost any outfit!

To Sum It Up

Through no fault of theirs, busy career women have little time to commit intensive beauty routines regularly. The above list concentrates on speed and efficiency, while focusing on achievable, hair, makeup, skincare, and other skincare cleansing tips.  If you follow these, you will look beautiful in no time, literally!

If you are currently looking for a new job, give Jooble a try!

Beauty Tips For A Busy Career Woman By Barbies Beauty Bits


October 6, 2020

Purrfect Gifts For The Cat Lover In Your Life


Purrfect Gifts For The Cat Lover In Your Life By Barbies Beauty Bits

Looking for a special gift for that female who loves beauty, wine, jewelry, and cat inspired gifts?  Well, fret no more as I have put together the PURRfect list for that cat lover in your life, whether, mom, sister, friend, or girlfriend, we have that cat lady covered!  

Pearly Lustre Cat Inspired Pearl Jewelry
As Coco Chanel once said: "A woman needs ropes and ropes of pearls’; they’re timeless and glamorous whilst boasting an understated poise." And Pearlyy Lustre signifies the pure radiance of pearls. Pure Radiance of Pearl resembles health, good luck, tranquillity, and wealth, sounds PURR-fect to me!

So why not make some cat lady happy with these cat-inspired pearl pieces? And the best part is they are 50% OFF! Now you can't beat that with a cats paw! Simply use code: BARBIESBEAUTYBITS at checkout!

Check out some of these cuties.

Pearly Lustre Cat Inspired Pearl Jewelry Review By Barbies Beauty Bits

Wonderland Pearl Collection

Kitty Cat Freshwater Pearl Ring And Earrings
Appreciate the natural beauty of life with this adorable ring and earrings featuring freshwater pearls with sterling silver, gold plated ears! Pearly Lustre has an amazing selection of pearls, not just cat inspired, so make sure to check out all of their items. You'll be sure to find that special someone in your life the perfect pearl!

Wanna show some more CATtitude? Check out some of Pearly Lustre's other cat inspired jewelry from the wonderland collection like this matching necklace, earring, and ring!

Bling It Up
Bling it up with these adorable earrings with a hint of pink, they are MEOWtastic! 

Hello kitty pearl and diamond earrings by barbies beauty bits

Cat Inspired Beauty Items
From the Purr-fect pout to cats eyes we have you covered with these cat inspired beauty items!

NOVO Cat Moisture Lasting Lipstick
For the purr-fect pout, check out this adorable novo cat lipstick set! MUAH

NOVO Cat Moisture Lasting Lipstick Review By Barbies Beauty Bits

Tony Moly Cat's Purrfect Beauty Items 

Tony Moly has you set with so many cute cat inspired beauty items!

  • TONYMOLY Cat's Purrfect Eye Mask found at Ulta. This mask will replenish and rejuvenate the skin around your eyes in as little as 15 minutes!
  • Tony Moly Night Mask
  • Tony Moly Purrfect Eye Contour
  • Day Cream

Tony Moly Cat's Purrfect Beauty Items Review By Barbies Beauty Bits

Catlady Mirrors
Unbreakable Stainless Steel Mirror, Portable Compact Cat Hand Mirror! The cute cat mirror comes in eight different colors and expressions for you to choose from!

cat mirrors on amazon by barbies beauty bits

I Dew Care Cat Headband Bundle
Looking purr-fect even while you wash up with this super cute, super soft White Cat Headband.


I Dew Care Cat Headband bundle on amazon

Pink Cat Makeup Mirror With Lights
Mirror, mirror on my vanity, who is the PURR-fect one of them all? Why this Pink Cat Mirror Found On Amazon! 

cat vanity mirror on amazon by barbies beauty bits

More Wine Right Meow

Gifts For That Wine Lover

We all know at least one wine lover that has a cat. Though cats can't drink wine, you can deck out your wine accessories with a few unique cat-themed gifts. Just take a look!

Hug That Bottle
Tooarts Cat Shaped Wine Holder Wine Rack shelf Metal Sculpture Practical Home decoration Crafts!

Cat Shaped Wine Holder Wine Rack shelf Metal Sculpture Found On Amazon By Barbies Beauty Bits

Show Me Your Kitties Wine Glass
Maybe we've had a bit too much too drink, but this cat wine glass is just too cute!

Cat inspired wine glasses on amazon by barbies beauty bits

Cat Shaped Ceramic Measuring Spoons
Let's Spoon with these smiling kitty cats measuring spoons on Amazon! They will immediately brighten up your day when cooking, baking or preparing tea, coffee & cocoa.

cat inspired measuring spoons on amazon revie by barbies beauty bits

Meow Lovers Sleepwear 

This Meow Sleepwear Set is an amazing new sleepwear set that helps every cat lover to look cute and sexy even at home! Comes in gray, pink and teal! 

Cat lovers sleepwear by barbies beauty bits

 Cloth Cat Face Masks

7 Layers Cat Face Mask comes with 5 layer PM2.5 Activated Carbon Filter *Not meant to provide medical protection* You can also remove the carbon filter and use as mask cover.

Cloth cat face mask by barbies beauty bits

Kitty Loves Pom Pom Bag

These  kitty purses are so cute I had to add just one more! 

  • Sling bag over your shoulder for a chic, casual look
  • Option to detach shoulder sling and hand carry 
  • FAUX FUR Pom Pom

Kitty Purses by barbies beauty bits

Looking for some more cat inspired gifts? Well in the process of writing this blog post, I found this cute Crazy Cat Shop that has all you need, there are even some gifts for the cat in your life! 


Perfect Gifts For The Cat Lover In Your Life By Babies Beauty Bits

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