September 4, 2020

Secrets Revealed To Living Your Best Life- Despite The Pandemic

Secrets Revealed To Living Your Best Life- Despite The Pandemic By barbies Beauty Bits

We always hear you can be anything you want to be, but your life's quality mostly depends on you and how you see yourself, not much of a secret there is it? But, how you live with the cards you are dealt with, so to speak, can and is one of the secrets, to living your best life, despite the pandemic.

We can't deny the catastrophic impact of what has been going on in the world for the past six months and its effects on people's lives. From losing your loved ones to job losses, others have to take pay-cuts on top of being isolated. Basically, our everyday norms, that we have taken for granted have changed.

These changes have taken a toll on many. Especially being isolated day after day or feeling stuck with the same ole people and routine or worse, living alone. When the walls feel like they're closing in, these eight tips will help you to live your best life now and find some normalcy during this time.

Tips To Living Your Best Life- Despite The Pandemic

Exercise Daily
The benefits of exercising are enormous. Ever hear the expression "A runners high." Well, this isn't a myth; that sense of euphoria is real. That feel-good boost you get from those positive feelings washing over you is what you experience with the runners high and a sense of accomplishment.

You see, exercising releases endorphins and has many benefits for your body's health both physically and mentally, like:

  • Boosts self-esteem by helping you look younger as working out brings more oxygen to your skin cells, leaving you with skin that's nourished and firmer
  • Better sleep
  • Decreases anxiety and stress levels
  • Gives you more energy
  • Physical shape
  • Enhanced sex life
The mental benefits of exercising by Barbies Beauty Bits

Try Something New
Some of us have much more time on hand. Instead of wallowing in boredom, why not try some of those past things you wanted to do but never did because life held you back, and go for them now. Something like taking some online classes at a local college, getting a website together for that business you've been wanting to launch, learning a new sport, writing a book, taking an online cooking class, and much more. The possibilities are endless.

Virtual Night Out With Some Friends
Where I live, you can eat at a restaurant; however, the times are limited and other restrictions. Furthermore, not everyone feels comfortable venturing out, and if this is you or your circle of friends, it is time to be creative with a virtual night out. You can do so many cool things, like virtual facials, virtual happy hour, streaming a movie together. Whatever it is you do, it is essential to make an effort to set a designated time to connect with friends and loved ones.

Virtual parties during the pandemic By Barbies Beauty Bi

Boost Your Self Confidence With A Little Pampering
If you want to live your best life, you need to understand this... that a little TLC and pampering is essential to living a healthy, happy life. But most seem to place everyone else's needs above theirs, especially moms, who are trying to work from home, home school, run the household, and more!

Addressing your personal needs so that you can find a happy balance in your life is essential. Not only does it allow you to be better equipped to handle life's challenges, but it is the best way to prevent emotional, mental, and physical burnout.

A sense of attractiveness can be strongly connected to self-confidence and a positive mindset about ourselves.  Hence, making some changes in your beauty routine will enable you to take charge of your life. As the more that you invest in yourself, the better you'll feel, and the more confidence you'll have. This can be as simple as a new hairstyle, some new clothes, or even more severe like getting Botox for those unwanted wrinkles or clip-on veneers to give you an instant glowing smile.  Whether you want to believe it or not, individuals are more confident and have higher self-esteem when they smile.  Smiling and laughing have a dramatic impact on the brain. And considering how important laughing and smiling is, it is no surprise if you want to take steps to fix those deep smile lines or cracked teeth.

How botox can help your smile lines by barbies beauty bits

Create A Vision Board
Don't laugh, but a vision board is a great way to make those dreams a reality. Even the ones you have on the back burner or doubt.  A vision board is an excellent way of reminding you of your vision of a life to be.  It can allow you to take daily actions towards the goals you want. And when you can visually see them in the present moment, you can see what you created and the next steps you need to move you closer to your dream.

Set A Schedule And Follow It
We understand that it can be challenging to stick to a regular schedule when the world around us can seem crazy. But creating a daily routine will help to keep you grounded.

Add Meditation To Your Life
You should consider meditation if you want to forge a deeper connection with yourself, as it is a route for you to become acquainted with your true self. It offers you a medium to live a happier life by having an understanding of who you are. It also reminds you that happiness cannot be bought but bred from within. If you are ever in doubt, listen to what Lao Tzu said about correcting your mind to allow the other parts of your life to fall into place.

The benefits of Meditation By Barbies Beauty Bits

Stay Away From Negativity Online
While social media is a great way to stay connected with the world and with friends. If you want to live your best life, you need to stay away from being a social media troll. Subconsciously this negativity can be mentally toxic. This goes with sharing posts that could be fake news; factcheck before you post. Resist chiming in on far fetched political posts and more. Statistics show this behavior can do more harm than good to your aura.

Don't get me wrong I am all about social media as it is a great way to stay connected, but there is a dark side if you are depressed. For example, you may find yourself comparing how you look to others, feeling upset as you see a photo of a night out you could not attend, seeing people with their kids or parents, etc.  Studies have shown that negative engagement and behaviors can trigger or worsen your depression. So when you post and engage, keep it positive.

How social media can affect your help by barbies beauty bits

To Sum It Up
At the end of the day, the decision to be either optimistic or pessimistic largely depends on you. You can endeavor to be your best self and take the necessary steps to live without regrets for as far as you can go. The pandemic could be here with us for a while, but you have the choice of how you deal with it. I choose to living my best life, despite the pandemic! 

Top Secrets Revealed To Living Your Best Life-During The Pandemic By Barbies Beauty Bits



  1. These are some great ideas, we have all had to adapt to the new normal around us and it is always good to have more ideas to work with.

  2. Great tips! I can't do meditation because it makes me laugh, but I do love to read, so I do that daily.

  3. These are all great tips. I had to laugh when I saw "Stay Away From Negativity Online". Not because it's a bad tip, but because it's so hard to do these days. I love that you mentioned exercise. I know I feel better when I exercise.

  4. I think one of the things that has really helped me is to stay away from negativity online. I found my attitude improved since I started doing that.

  5. I really enjoyed reading this post. Love all of your tips.

  6. I definitely need more sleep, this is basic for a healthy lifestyle and for keeping my beauty too plus being positive too.

  7. These are all great ideas! Attempting to stay away from negativity has really helped me, especially these days...

  8. Love the ideas. I will be the first to admit that I got into quite the funk during the quarantine we've had here. I am currently the only one awake enjoying me time which has been such a selfish indulgence.

  9. There is a lot we can accomplish during this hard and isolated times. Stay strong, we are almost done!

  10. Staying away from the negativity is hard, the meditation is great.

  11. Thanks for sharing this now schools are started so life is becoming slight normal still not going out . Yes I need to use your tips as excercising is taken a back seat now.

  12. Nathalie Porbes ( 17, 2020 at 2:47 AM

    A lot of people are having a hard time now so it's really good to try doing something to make the best of your life for each day. These are great ideas! Thank you so much

  13. Love these tips! I need to remember them always! I know following these suggestions will help me a lot!


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