July 16, 2020

Thyroid Testing Without Going To A Doctor

At Home Thyroid Testing Without Going To A Doctor By Barbies Beauty Bits
I can get "Thyroid Testing Without Going To A Doctor?" Yes, you read correctly. And if you are a female, this blog post is something you need to be reading!

Why? Because more women are more likely to have thyroid disease than men. Unfortunately, one in eight women will develop thyroid problems during her lifetime, especially right after pregnancy and after menopause, it can happen to women in the age range of 35-55.

What Is The Thyroid Glands Function
Your thyroid gland is located at the base of your neck, below the adam's apple. It's part of your endocrine system that manages your body's hormones and controls many activities in your body, including your energy level, how fast you burn calories, and other bodily functions:
  • Body temperature
  • Brain development
  • Cholesterol levels
  • Digestive function
  • Hair growth
  • Heart rate
  • Metabolic rate
  • Mood and energy levels
  • Muscle control
  • Nervous system
Diseases of the thyroid cause these hormone levels to become too low or too high, and when this happens, you may experience a wide range of symptoms.

how to tell the difference between thyroid and menopause by barbies beauty bits

When Your Thyroid Goes Array
Is it menopause? Are you hormonal, or could your thyroid gland be to blame? Your thyroid can become overly active (Grave's Disease) or underactive (Hashimoto's Disease). Either way, these symptoms can be confused with menopause.  For example
  • Being overly fatigued
  • Hot and cold sweats
  • Unexplained change in weight
  • Memory loss

how to tell the difference between thyroid and menopause by top beauty blogger barbies beauty bits

When this starts to happen, DO NOT BRUSH IT OFF  as I'm just getting older, or heck am I premenopausal, as it could be more of a severe health problem, like thyroid disease. This is especially so if you have additional symptoms like swelling in the neck, hair loss, brittle nails, muscle weakness, trembling hands, or change in heart rate. As if left untreated can cause some severe issues.

Where Can I Order An At Home Thyroid Test By Barbies Beauty Bits

Where Can I Order My Thyroid Testing Panel
I know with pandemic going on, if you are like me, the last thing you want to do is sit in a doctor's office where there are people there testing for COVID. So what can you do? Order the thyroid testing panel online!

For this post, I partnered up with Ulta Lab Tests - Direct Labs Online, as they offer a variety of tests that you can order online.  I was happy that I was able to find this service as not only can it save me money, but also time by skipping the middle man, the doctor's visits, (no script needed) and go straight to a testing facility, after ordering the thyroid testing panel online. Ulta Lab provides direct access to the nation's most cutting-edge testing facilities with the most medically-verified technology to complete your tests.

And on top of that, they were also kind enough to offer my readers a discount code: Thyroid20, which gives 20% OFF their already super low Thyroid Health Test Packages.

How to get lab tests with ulta labs by Barbies Beauty Bits
How Does Ulta Lab's Thyroid Tests Work? 
Get Started Today - Its Simple and Confidential - No Prescription Needed.

Step 1: Instantly & securely place your online thyroid test order. There are four different Ulta Lab Thyroid Health Test Packages
  1. Thyroid Health - Basic - $55 + 20% OFF (Retail Value: $271.35)
  2. Thyroid Health - Basic Plus - $79 + 20% OFF (Retail Value: $535.49)
  3. Thyroid Health - Advanced - $153 + 20% OFF (Retail Value: $882.11)
  4. Thyroid Health - Comprehensive - $326 + 20% OFF (Retail Value: $1,375.54)
Step 2: There is no doctor or prescription required. Simply take your Lab Requisition to the selected "Patient Service Center" to get your specimen collected. (selected at checkout - 2,100 nationally)

Step 3: Receive an email notifying you that results are available online (24-48 hours for most tests)

online thyroid testing sites by barbies beauty bits

More Information About Thyroid Diseases
Thyroid disease is a serious issue and I am not a medical professional. Hence, if you feel you want to speak with someone over the phone, you can call the OWH Helpline at 1-800-994-9662 or contact the following organizations:
  • National Cancer Institute (NCI), NIH
    •  Phone Number: 800-422-6237
  • National Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases Information Service, NIDDK, NIH
    •  Phone Number: 800-860-8747
  • American Thyroid Association
  • Hormone Health Network 
    •  Phone Number: 800-467-6663
  • Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc.
    •  Phone Number: 877-588-7904
Online thyroid testing companies by barbies beauty bits



  1. Very informative and a helpful post to read. I have a relatives and friends who wanted to go to the Doctor for thyroid testing and I am so happy to know that you can now undergo a thyroid testing in the comfort of your home by using this kit. Thank you and will share this information with them.

    1. Thanks for commenting. To clarify this service is not at home testing, but what is cool is that not only can it save you money, but also time by skipping the middle man, the doctor's visits, and go straight to a testing facility, after ordering the thyroid testing panel online.

  2. It's cool to know you can do this! I get tested for my thyroid like once a year because of my energy levels. Good to know you can do it this way too.

  3. I may have to ask our family doctor about thyroid testing soon. Thanks for sharing all these facts. -LYNNDEE

  4. Modern technology is amazing. It is really great that you can take tests like these from the comfort and security of your home and get results.

    1. Thanks for commenting. To clarify this service is not at home testing, but what is cool is that not only can it save you money, but also time by skipping the middle man, the doctor's visits, and go straight to a testing facility, after ordering the thyroid testing panel online.

  5. It is such an important part of your body to keep a close eye on. This article is perfect for people who take the initiative.

  6. I didn't realize you could get tested for thyroid problems without going to the doctor. I wish I'd know about this before taking my daughter to the doctor!

  7. Oh, wow. Testing has come so far. I knew there were lots of tests you could do at home, but I didn't know a thyroid test was one of them!

    1. Thanks for commenting. To clarify this service is not at home testing, but what is cool is that not only can it save you money, but also time by skipping the middle man, the doctor's visits, and go straight to a testing facility, after ordering the thyroid testing panel online.

  8. It is amazing how important the thyroid is for so many bodily functions. I get ana nuual test to check mine every year

  9. Very important information and so glad to know that we can be proactive taking care of our health.

  10. This article is very educative and informative.Thyroid disease should be taken seriously as I've learnt a lot from reading this.

  11. I would LOVE to do one of these - however thyroid testing is weird because there is such a wide range of being "normal" - however... Normal is relative and even if you're within range yet on the lower side, doctors just tell you you're fine and move on.

  12. It's great to have the option to test like this. Will definitely keep in mind for the future.

  13. Modern technology makes testing like this possible. One of the best things about modern life is the ability to handle many medical testing needs from the comfort of your own home.

    1. Thanks for commenting. To clarify this service is not at home testing, but what is cool is that not only can it save you money, but also time by skipping the middle man, the doctor's visits, and go straight to a testing facility, after ordering the thyroid testing panel online.

  14. Thank you for the test review! I've been wanting to get a thyroid test.

  15. Wow! Thank you for sharing this informative article. Its a big help for a lot of people. I will bookmark this. Thanks.

  16. As someone who comes from a family with an array of thyroid disorders I know just how important this is. Great that you can get tested without going to a doctor. So importamt to stay on top of your thyroid levels.

  17. This is really helpful! We all need to know how to do Thyroid Testing at home. Thanks for sharing.

  18. This is very helpful. I had no idea I could order a kit and do a test at home.

  19. I've never thought about my thyroid before but those are all symptoms that I've been having lately. Great information.

  20. This will be really helpful. I thought I had a thyroid problem and ended up talking to the doctor about it. Turns out that my vitamin levels were very low. I wish I would have seen this post last year.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. I had no idea you could get your thyroid checked without going to the doctors! This is such a good service to be able to access.

  23. This is so convenient. I haven't heard of this before. I hope there could be things like these in the Philippines.

  24. I feel like one or two of us here could use that test. My youngest is always cold and has memory issues. Now I am concerned. It's great that they have multiple different levels of options.

  25. This is awesome. This will help so many ladies and it will save money too.

  26. Thank you! I'll check it out. I always want to be sure there isn't anything odd going on with my thyroid.

  27. I will have to check this out! as a child i had thyroid issues that I had outgrown in my teen years but i'd be curious to see how it is doing now.

  28. This is such an informative piece. My sister has thyroid issues so I know it can really give you problems. It is nice you can check it without having to go to the dr. especially with the covid happening.

  29. Great information you have mentioned here..glad you shared such valuable information with us..this is so helpful and useful one..

  30. Thanks for sharing, I am going to check this out!

  31. I looked at the site. There are a lot of tests I am interested in. I guess this is for people who do not have insurance, as they are costly. I just do not want to go to the Dr. first.

    1. You can get 20% Off your purchase. Use code: Thyroid20


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