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June 15, 2020

The Best Oral Care Products For A Post Quarantine Smile

The Best Oral Care Products For A Post Quarantine Smile By Barbies Beauty Bits

Are you looking for the best oral care products for a post-quarantine smile? If so, continue reading!

I do not know about you, but not being able to go to the salon to get my roots done or worse yet other beauty treatments like teeth whitening or even the dentist, has been a real downer. Especially since I have been drinking a little too much wine, and we all know what red wine can do to our teeth.

Top Three Oral Care Products To Use In The Comfort Of Your Home
I am excited to finally be able to leave the house for more than just going to the grocery store. While I can wear a hat to cover those grays, I can't hide my teeth. We owe it to ourselves to put on our best smile after emerging from coronavirus beauty hibernation with something dazzling that we can show off to the world, a perfect smile. How can we do that? By using the best oral care products possible, and I'm going to share some of my favorites to help you get healthy teeth after quarantine!

Shop Online For Your Oral Care Products
Now I will say that things are starting to open up, more opportunities are available. But getting an actual non-emergency dental appointment is about as realistic as the tooth fairy coming to my house.

But no worries, this just means we have to become creative, even when it comes to a healthy, beautiful smile, and online shopping has made finding the best oral care products for home BEAUTY treatments super easy.

Best Teeth Whitening Products By Barbies Beauty Bits

Light-Based Teeth Whitening
Our teeth are light sponges, as they have pores just like our skin.  If you've been slurping on the coffee or wine like me, it'll eventually take its toll on your teeth, and they'll start to look stained. These stains will never go away unless you actively remove them. The good news is that you can now get a bunch of teeth whitening products that use light to help make your teeth noticeably whiter at a much lower price than going to the dentist!

How LED Light Works To Whiten Teeth
I will first start by saying that the light itself does not whiten teeth. It is the active ingredients in the gel or serum that are responsible for that. The LED simply speeds up the process by helping the product break down on the teeth.
  • The process for at-home light-based teeth whitening involves placing a small amount of tooth whitening inside the tray's front surface.
  • Next, you want to put the tray firmly against your teeth. Wipe away any excess gel that seeps out.
  • Wait 20 minutes for it to work its magic.
  • After several days of use, your teeth should be shades whiter and, therefore, more attractive.
  • BONUS: Dentist professionals recommend whitening before bed, so I suggest doing the same with an at-home product. It reduces the opportunity for staining and gives your teeth the entire night without eating to begin rehydrating and working its magic. 

The Best At-Home Tooth Alignment Kits By Barbies Beauty Bits

At-Home Tooth Alignment Kits
Just because the world seemed to come to a halt, our bodies didn't. Those of you who planned on doing something about those crooked teeth this year, but do not want to wait until the end of Summer to see an orthodontist. The good news is that you can now straighten teeth at home using a series of retainers.

How Do At-Home Teeth Straighten Services Work
Thankfully, the way these services work are pretty straightforward. See the three easy steps below.

Step 1: First Impressions DO Count
To begin your teeth straightening process, the brand will need your dental impressions. Hence, you will be shipped an impression kit. After you make a mold of your teeth, return the impression to them.

Step 2: Let's Get Things Straight
After the mold is received, a specialized team of orthodontists will start to create a customized invisible aligners treatment plan.

Step 3: Go Ahead. Smile.
You will be sent your aligners in the mail, along with the treatment plan. And eventually, your new smile showcasing straighter teeth will soon be on the horizon. 

Treating Your Dry Lips In The Summer By Barbies Beauty Bits

Getting Your Lips Summer Ready
Having optimal oral health after quarantine, is more than a brighter, radiant smile, with great teeth using the best oral care products. Healthy lips are also essential, so pucker up baby; it is time to get your lips ready too!

With Summer comes the warmer weather, the sun is out more, we need to be thinking of our lips. And if the hot temperatures are not enough to punish your pout, the transition from the sultry heat to cool air conditioning can cause the lips to become dry and chapped!

To keep your lips kissable, consider using zinc or a lip balm with added sunscreen. And skip the gloss!

In conclusion, keeping your smile in good condition can be a challenge. But by finding the best oral care products, you don't have to suffer in silence. Anyone can make a radical difference to the appearance of their oral health, all in a few easy, straightforward steps.

Products for healthy teeth post quarantine by barbies beauty bits
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Are you looking for the best oral care products for a post-quarantine smile? If so, continue reading! I do not know about you, but not ...

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  1. I really need to whiten my teeth. They've always been naturally kind of dingy. I don't even drink coffee!

  2. I am happy with my smile but those tooth whitining and straightening aids can really make a difference. I will look for these when i want to really improve my oral look.

  3. Love your tips,those home diy products to straighten up the teeth sounds great.

  4. I have never tried to use these products but I think this is such a great alternative most especially today that most of us are afraid to have a doctor's appointment for our teeth.

  5. I would love to do a teeth whitening system. My teeth are too sensitive for the strips, so I'm glad to get another recommendation!

  6. I would love to try the tooth alignment kits and the LED whitening. Will check them out. -LYNNDEE

  7. I'd love to try the LED whitening. I have sensitive teeth and I think this would be a good product to use.

  8. My daughter looked into getting straighteners for her teeth. But the cost was going to be comparable to regular braces. So she decided to wait.

  9. All these product will help lots! I would love to try the LED whitening.

  10. I will have to try these. I do want a whiter smile. My daughter wants to try the at home alignment service.

  11. I like to use the tooth whitening toothpaste to keep my teeth from looking stained.

  12. It is amazing how much dullness can occur on our teeth and how great that whitening treatment helps. I will need to get this whitening procedure.

  13. I have been wanting to try the LED whitening. These all look like great products.

  14. These Oral Care Products sound so good to use. I will check them out more and see if what suits us better.

  15. Thanks for all the suggestions,I can't wait to try some of these.

  16. I've always wanted to try one of those at-home alignments and the LED whitening could be very beneficial.

  17. I've talked to the hubs about trying one of those alignment kits. Will look into it. -LYNNDEE

  18. It is important to keep up with oral care, and I would love to try out this teeth whitener. Can't wait to be able to smile without a mask on!

  19. These all sound like great ideas. I think I need to try out some of these as well. The LED whitening is one that I've been thinking of giving a try.

  20. Mama Maggie's KicthenJanuary 26, 2021 at 3:28 PM

    All these items sound fabulous! I will check them out more since we are looking for a great oral products.

  21. I have never used anything like these. I just brush 2x a day with an electric tooth brush and I always get a clean bill of health at the dentist!!

  22. Oral care is so important. We always need to use the right product. Thanks for these suggestions!

  23. These home alignments sounds like really nice idea I need to check it out.

  24. All of these oral care products sound cool and useful! I would love to try the LED light to whiten my teeth.


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