June 19, 2020

How To Get Summer-Ready Skin, With CBD And Dry Brushing

How To Get Summer-Ready Skin, With CBD And Dry Brushing By Awarding Winning Beauty Blogger Barbie's Beauty Bits

With the change of seasons also comes a change in our skincare routine. And as tomorrow is officially the first day of Summer, Barbie's Beauty Bits would like to share how to get summer-ready skin with dry brushing and a moisturizing CBD body butter.

Let's first start with body butters. These soothing creams play a crucial role in moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Richer than body lotions and creams, these skin-savers have the power to give your skin a refreshing makeover in a short time. One of my favorite skincare ingredients in a body butter for summer-ready skin is CBD.

Why You Need A CBD Body Butter In Your Summer Skincare Routine By Barbies Beauty Bits

Why You Need A CBD Body Butter In Your Summer Skincare Routine
CBD has since taken the beauty industry by storm as a must-have skincare ingredient. There are many benefits of CBD when it comes to skincare from providing healing benefits for the face and dry skin relief to protecting against the damaging effects of environmental elements.

Today I am going to share with you a fantastic CBD Body Butter from Amberwing Organics by NJ Farms.

This CBD product is an amazing moisturizing combination of shea butter, jojoba oil, hemp seeds oil, sweet almond oil, and coconut oil. Each of these ingredients is already great for your skin on its own, but they are even better when they are combined into our skin conditioning-formula!

I love to use this product as it goes great with dry brushing. Dry Brushing Is the World's Easiest Summer Beauty Secret! Most of us still unaware of the beauty benefits it has to offer, but it can keep you to look healthy and glowing from head to toe; find out how below!

Dry Brushing Secret To Smooth Summer Skin By Barbies Beauty Bits

Dry Brushing Secret To Smooth Summer Skin
Dry brushing has some other benefits other than the exterior. It is a terrific way to eliminate toxins and detoxify the body as it increases the blood circulation, stimulates the nervous system, unclogs your pores, and exfoliates your entire body. It is the perfect way to get summer-ready skin.

How To Dry Brush
Dry brushing is easy. All you need is a firm bristle brush, and you want to sweep the brush across your body. Both the brush and your skin are dry; this is not something you do while wet in the tub.

Since dry brushing can leave your skin feeling dry, you want to nourish the skin after a product like Amberwing Organics' body butter. This moisturizing CBD body butter works from the inside out, penetrating deeply into dry, irritated skin. It improves your skin's natural PH levels and is rich in antioxidants. If you want smoother, younger-looking skin, order your CBD summer body butter from Amberwing Organics by NJ Farms to get summer-ready skin, with CBD!

How To Dry Brush By Barbies Beauty Bits

Ingredients Include
  • Shea butter
  • Jojoba oil
  • Hemp seed oil,
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Coconut oil
Save 35% Off On Summer Skincare
Wanna show your skin so TLC this summer, well now you can get summer-ready skin with CBD for 35% OFF at Amberwing Organics by using code BARBIESBEAUTYBITS1.

From CBD skincare to other CBD products Amberwing and Barbie's Beauty Bits has you covered to get summer-ready skin!

How To Get Summer-Ready Skin, With CBD And Dry Brushing By Top Beauty Blogger Barbies Beauty Bits


  1. Nice post!! Thanks for the information. Keep sharing!!

  2. This product sounds really amazing, I have to look into checking it out.

  3. CBD is the next amazing cure all ingredient. I try to take care of my skin so I have to try this new butter.

  4. I would love to do dry brushing. I hear that’s so good for your skin.

  5. I love using CBD products. This body butter sounds wonderful.

  6. Keep sharing beauty tips. You're doing a really great job..!

  7. Great products to try. I'll check out most of these.

  8. These are amazing tips for healthy summer skin. I haven't tried CBD products yet but I heard they do wonders to the skin.

  9. This sounds great. I love using CBD products too. They are so amazing.

  10. I have never heard of dry brushing skin before but it makes sense and I would like to try it out!

  11. I had never heard of dry brushing before but am going to have to look into it.

  12. I love hemp seed products for health and beauty. CBD is a great product that has so many healing properties!

  13. Okay I definitely need this dry brush right now! Thank you for sharing

  14. I have never tried dry brushing. That's interesting. I would like to give that a try. -LYNNDEE

  15. I am sure that my body skin will improve a lot! Once in a while it really needs a treatment like this!

  16. I have never tried CBD infused skincare products and this body butter looks great! I need to check it out.

    Everything Enchanting

  17. I have heard of dry brushing, but was not particularly familiar with it. Interesting to learn some more about it.

  18. I didn't know anything about dry brush.Thanks for sharing this summer tips.


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