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January 18, 2020

Whip Yourself Into Shape With These Cool Fitness And Wellness Trends For 2020

Whip Yourself Into Shape With These Cool Fitness And Wellness Trends For 2020 By Barbies Beauty Bits
 Top Cool Fitness And Wellness Trends For 2020

Every January, most of us set new goals to make our lives better. Whether stepping stones, short term, or long term goals, most of us place some aspirations for the upcoming year.

And with this goal-setting can come fitness and wellness targets, some that shouldn't even be considered. While others may be worthwhile adding to your fitness and wellness routine.

So if you want to see my top ways to Whip Yourself Into Shape With The Cool Fitness Trends Of 2020, continue reading.

John Carr Fitness In Virginia Beach Barbies Beauty Bits

Your Diet
Calories in and calories out are essential. However, I do not want you to confuse the word diet with dieting. Instead, imagine a healthier life focused on nutrition, knowledge, and with the right mindset.

To me, when I focus on the word dieting, it is restrictive, short-lived with an outcome based on losing weight. But when I think of healthy eating, I think of a lifestyle choice, choosing high-quality foods that can nourish the body, mind, and soul; while maintaining a healthy weight with a focus on nutrition and self-care, not self-control.

With that being said, there are some things you should be considering when it comes to creating a nutritional plan. For instance...
  • Portion control.
  • Enjoy foods high in antioxidants: Leafy Greens, Vegetables, Berries, Nuts, Whole Grains, and Fish.
  • Instead of grabbing those prepackaged foods between work and life that contain too many refined ingredients enjoy foods that are rich in vitamins and essential fatty acids.
  • Create prepared meals you can eat throughout the week and take to work with you.
  • Dining out? Share the meal.
  • Have a realistic plan you can follow and enjoy.
The importance of eating breakfast for weightloss by barbies beauty bits

Eating Breakfast
While all meals are important, breakfast sets the day for success or failure. This is why having breakfast is a must, and skipping this meal is bad news. Studies have found that people who don’t eat breakfast tend to overeat during the day and have more overall body fat. Our body is drained of its fuel sources, due to overnight fasting and sleeping.  Hence to wake the body up, it must be refueled with food.

Also, research has shown that eating breakfast determines how well your metabolism functions for the rest of the day. The benefits of breakfast are just too good to pass up. See some of them below.
  • Helps you to perform and concentrate throughout the day.
  • It gives you energy.
  • It helps to keep blood sugar stabilized, which helps control your appetite and urges.
As busy people, there may seem to be no time for breakfast. However, breakfast can be as simple as a quick piece of fruit, protein, or a high fiber snack! Which brings me to my next tip, which is a snack between meals.

Review of belly crush yellow pea fiber snacks by barbies beauty bits

The Importance Of Snacking Between Meals
Yes, I said snacking. Unfortunately, the word snack has a bad rap. But, a healthy fiber snack between your meals, can give you energy while decreasing your hunger, helping you to keep from overeating at mealtime.

Snacks High In Fiber
One New Cool Diet Trend is yellow pea fiber snacks or pea fiber cookies! What the?? Yes, pea cookies, like these from Belly Crush for weight management! And the best part is they taste great, coming in two yummy flavors. (Oatmeal Hemp and Ginger Flax).

Aside from the great taste, these cookies remind me of homemade cookies. As they are crispy on the outside, soft on the inside, and deliver a burst of natural flavor with each bite! Plus...
  • Assists in maintaining a healthy body weight.
  • It helps decrease unhealthy fatty acids that are aligned with weight gain.
  • Promotes a healthy gut.
  • It lowers your LDL cholesterol.
  • Elevate ketone bodies that help to suppress appetite. 
  • And Much More!
Benefits of adding lemon to your water for weight loss by barbies beauty bits

Add Lemon Water To Your Diet
We’ve all heard it “Drink at least eight glasses a water a day,” while there is no magic number, the magic is that you have to drink plenty of water.

I am first to admit I am horrible at this, as I only drink when I am thirsty, which is not good. One fundamental way to increase your water intake is to add lemon to it.

Now that we've gone over our diet let's dive into some of the fun, cool fitness trends.  One of the reasons I like some of these is because lifting weights every day can be tedious. Hence tying in some fun physical activities can help us to stay on track.

Fitness Drumming for weight loss by barbies beauty bits

Fitness Drumming
Move over Tommy Lee; the '80s are back in session!

Yep, here is your chance to channel your inner Rockstar with this full-body cardio-jam session inspired by the infectious, energizing, and sweat-dripping fun of playing the AIR fitness drums.

mirror co fitness mirror reviews by barbies beauty bits

High-tech Fitness At Home
Meet the fitness mirror. The world’s first nearly invisible, interactive home gym, in the form of a mirror! It's everything in one:
  • A cardio class
  • Yoga studio
  • Boxing ring
  • Personal trainer
  • And so much more
The best Virtual Training apps by barbies beauty bits

Virtual Training
Having a personal trainer on your schedule with either a fitness app., program, or online trainer can be convenient and encouraging. Also, if you are a person who struggles with being consistent, lacks will power, or feels overwhelmed or “stuck” and just need help staying committed and focused on your goal, the virtual approach may be the way to go.

Red Light Therapy For Weight-loss by barbies Beauty bits

Red Light Therapy For Weight-loss
Sometimes exercise and eating healthy are not enough to reshape your body the way you want it.

But what if there was another way to get rid of some of that unwanted stubborn fat while toning? Well, there is with Red Light Therapy For Weight-loss. 

Many of you have heard of CoolSculpting, a procedure that cools fat cells to freezing temperatures that trigger their natural death. But the time involved, the number of sessions, risks of Coolsculpting gone bad, and let's not forget about the costs (which are determined on how many areas of your body need the treatment), can be an expensive reality check. 

That is why many people are now turning to advanced body fat loss options, like Red Light Therapy that can eradicate stubborn body fat quickly. There’s no freezing or bruising, and you could lose up to 2 dress sizes in 30 days!   

You mean, there is more? Well, yes, there is! Not tips but some discounts to give you a kickstart for 2020.
  1. 10% OFF your purchase at Bellycrush use code: BARBIESBEAUTYBITS
  2. 40% OFF Greens (five servings of fruits and vegetables without the calories or carbohydrates) use code: BARBIESBEAUTYBITS
  3. 20% OFF Red Light Therapy at Sunday's Sun Spa
  4. Complimentary Phone Consultation with John Carr Fitness
  5. FREE Copy Of Big Fat Lies 

January 9, 2020

Top 5 Ways To Save Money On Your Beauty Products

Top 5 Ways To Save Money On Your Skincare Products By Barbies Beauty Bits

Top 5 Ways To Save Money On Your Beauty Products!
Do you, like most women, have a daily skincare routine, or if not daily, almost every day without fail? For some, it’s a simple cleansing and moisturizing, and for others, like myself, it’s much more extensive.

Whether you are a person who only focuses on skincare when you can or a die-hard everyday person like yours truly. One thing we all need to be taking into consideration is how much we are spending on our beauty products! Yes, for those skincare junkies like myself, this sounds like a question my boyfriend asks me! But in all seriousness, I do spend wisely!  This is why I am here today to share with you some practical ways you to can save on your daily skincare routine without losing your shine.

natural skin care homemade by barbies beauty bits

DIY Beauty Routine
Yes, beauties, don't be afraid to do it yourself. Now, this isn’t a suggestion that you get the chemistry set out and try to recreate every product that’s in your beauty arsenal. However, there are websites like Wellness Mama that can be an excellent source for some DIY natural beauty recipes.  This site has a plethora of information from DIY face scrubs and masks to providing details on which ingredients are best for you and why.

Never Go Without A Discount
Okay, so perhaps you’re not entirely willing to give up on your favorite brands for the homemade approach just yet. However, that doesn’t mean you should always, or ever, pay full price for your beauty and skincare products.

In today's technology, there are tons of online places that curate coupons, vouchers, and discount codes from just about every retailer. One of my favorite sites for saving money has a great selection of discounts on everything beauty from makeup and skincare to even Bath and Body Works Coupons for when you want to treat yourself to some spa day pampering!

Ways to save money on makeup by barbies beauty bits

Look For Recycling Deals From Beauty Brands
Aside from offering deals, beauty brands are always looking for ways to reward their loyal customers, especially those who are a little more sustainably minded. Many of these companies will even recycle your empty containers to help fight the waste of plastics and packaging rife in the cosmetic world. Some of them will also offer a little bonus for those who decide to recycle! Like a free item with your next purchase or some extra savings-now, how cool is that?

How cosmetic procedures can save you money in the long run by barbies beauty bits

Choose A Long-term Beauty Solution
Beauty treatments tend to be more expensive than beauty products. However, when you compare the long term effects, a cosmetic treatment might end up more cost-effective. This is one of the big reasons why some women opt for botox, laser resurfacing, or even fillers, as when it comes to looking youthful, these treatments can get you more bang for your buck than anti-aging cream, alone.

How to get free beauty products from brands by barbies beauty bits and influencers wanted

Get FREE Beauty Products
Sounds like a skincare junkies dream come, doesn't it? Well, it can be a reality as if you’re willing to try new brands (some of which you may never have heard of) there are plenty of influencer platforms out there that you can join, and get products in exchange for a review. You may even want to consider writing a blog or starting a Youtube channel to share your love of beauty.

So as you can see, feeling and looking great does not have to cost an arm and a leg! As the more you save on beauty products, the more you can get. Now that came from the skincare hoarder in me, sorry!

Until next time!

Top 5 Ways To Save Money On Your Beauty Products By Top Beauty Blogger Barbies Beauty Bits