May 9, 2019

Beauty Guide To Getting You Beach Ready - With Tempt Me Swimsuits

Beauty Guide To Getting You Beach Ready By Barbies Beauty Bits

Summer is right around the corner, which means the beach, boats, shorts, sandals, tank tops and of course a bathing suit.  But are you ready to sport those shorts, that bikini and show the world your feet, feeling and looking confident?  Well, if not, don't worry as I have partnered up with Tempt Me to share with you my "Beauty Guide To Getting You Beach Ready."

Beach Beauty Tips

Find What "Suits" You Best
The first tip is to finding the right bathing suit, whether a one-piece or a bikini it can be a daunting task and Tempt Me Swimsuit is here to help.

Tempt Me is an international renowned online swimsuit retailer, which specializes in providing  ladies with unique designed swimsuits. They have women's bathing suits for all body types to make you feel more confident and charming.

It is essential when shopping that you are choosing a swimsuit that fits your body type, this works for most of your other summer wardrobe as well, doing so is going to allow you to feel more confident in the way you look.  No matter your size there is a bathing suit that will work well with your body.  The key is to find styles that flatter you and stick with that; this is not a one style for all!!!

I love the variety of styles that Tempt Me Swimsuit has from off the shoulder two piece suits, to high waisted retro bathing suits, vintage one piece suits, and even high neck one pieces! Their swimsuits are fun, unique, flattering and their pricing is fantastic, most suits are $25 or less. This is unheard, especially for ones that are so cute and trendy.

Check out some of my favorite bathing suit styles below and if you see one you like, Tempt Me has been kind enough to offer all of my readers 10% Off Your Purchase.

Best Swimwear Brands By Barbies Beauty Bits and tempt me swimsuits

The second tip when selecting the perfect bathing suit is to get an opinion from someone that you know will be 100% honest.  Thankfully, I have some very blunt friends and of course, my mom will never sugar coat.  I would not advise asking your significant other to help you shop.  For one they may not always be honest as they don't want to hurt your feelings and secondly, they may be focusing on specific body parts instead of looking at your overall appearance. 

Treat Your Toes
Those feet have been cooped up for months, so let them loose. With summer in the air, the shining sun, it's time to show off those feet and toes, but make sure they are ready! One of the best ways to revive your feet and toes is with a pedicure. Because when your feet feel good, your whole body feels refreshed and energized.

Smooth Summer Skin
There's nothing more beautiful than the confidence that comes with smooth, radiant skin and this goes for your bikini line as well! And do I have the product for you to help remove those itty bitty and stubborn hairs… Nair™ Wax Ready-Strips for Bikini & Face!

Say goodbye to showing your private area to the salon and hello to a mess-free, easy, and no expertise required, waxing you can do in the comfort of your home! Plus, you'll be saving money!!! 

Nair™ Wax Ready-Strips for Bikini & Face review by barbies beauty bits

I love Summertime, weather! However, it doesn't always love us back, especially when it comes to our hair and skin. Every year, people suffer from the results of the sizzling summer sun. From sunburns to damaged hair, the sun wreaks havoc upon us in many ways. See below some ways to protect yourself from the blazing sun.
  • Skin And Eyes
    Protecting your skin is essential, hence using a waterproof sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher is a must and make sure you are protecting your eyes with some sunglasses!
  • Covering Your Hair
    When at the beach, I always wear a hat to protect my hair from the hot UV rays of the sun that can damage my hair.  Additionally, the salt water can turn my blond hair brassy, and that is the last thing I need after spending all that money to lighten my hair.
Exercise And Diet Tips To Getting You Bikini Ready
Staying active is so important, and let's be honest, some of us may not be all so happy with our winter bodies, especially our midsection. One significant contributor to belly fat is the evil culprit...SUGAR! While I do not eat sweets, I do consume a few bottles of wine a week.  Therefore, I need to be implementing some quick ways to banishing belly fat, with some of the tips I have listed below.

 7 Tips To Banishing The Belly Fat
  1. Eat low carbohydrate foods with low sugar... You want to stay away from foods that can raise your insulin level.
  2. Look for foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as low in fat and calories.
  3. Excessive sodium can create 'false fat,' making you look bloated and up to 9 pounds heavier than your actual weight, WTH? So a trick to helping with that is to add raw apple cider vinegar to your diet.
  4. Sleep well and avoid stress. Stress causes you to crave sugary food.
  5. Take a daily walk. Try to walk for 30 mins. a day.
  6. Implement some high interval training into your workout.
  7. Try some burning belly exercises, like planks and all types of crunches.
Exercise and diet to get rid of belly fat by Barbies Beauty Bits
Stay Hydrated
Make sure you are drinking plenty of water! This is one thing I am not good at, but drinking plenty of water will help hydrate and give your hair and skin the internal moisture it needs to look and feel healthy. And when you feel good, you will be surer of yourself. There is a great recipe here for detox water.

So, there you have it, our beauty guide to helping you to be summer & bikini ready! As you can see a little pre-planning will ensure that your day on the beach, or at the pool for that matter, can now be about unwinding, having fun, while remaining confident all summer long! And if all that wasn't good enough, we also are going to give you a kick start with 10% Off your Bikini or Bathing Suit purchase at Tempt Me Swimsuits, with code BARBIESBEAUTYBITS

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