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January 23, 2019

The Many Benefits And Uses For CBD Oil

The Many Benefits And Uses For CBD Oil By Barbies Beauty Bits

More and more people are turning to CBD products to treat various medical conditions ranging from anxiety, depression, skin conditions, sleep disorders, chronic pain, and more. The good thing is that you can now buy CBD oil online in different forms, from tinctures, capsules, and topical ointments, to gels, creams, even sprays are available.

If you have not seen any of my previous articles on CBD oil, the bottom line, you will not get stoned, which is why I love it. THC is evil to me! But most companies who sell CBD products remove this evil demon, (as THC is illegal in most states) so there are no worries of getting stoned.

Is CBD legal By Barbies Beauty Bits

Is CBD Oil Legal

Yes, CBD oil is legal as CBD is not marijuana. CBD is a cannabinoid that is extracted from cannabis. Like any other plant species, cannabis comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. One group of cannabis strains is called hemp. Hemp is also known as industrial hemp or agricultural hemp, and unlike the strains referred to as marijuana, hemp is used for building materials, textiles, and food.

And there just happens to be strains of hemp that are high in CBD and have negligible amounts of THC. CBD-rich hemp IS DIFFERENT! Unlike THC, it has no psychoactive effect. Which means that CBD DOES NOT change a person's state of mind when they use it — hence allowing the consumer to enjoy the benefits of CBD without the risk of getting high, which is why it is 100% legal to purchase without a prescription in all 50 states.

One of the brands that we have been using is Green Flower Botanicals, All Health - No High.  Their CBD products are sought out not just for the benefits they bring to humans but also by people looking to help their beloved fur babies, like me, so CBD is also great for animals.

green flower botanical cbd review by barbies beauty bits

Why I Love Green Flower Botanicals CBD Products
In addition to the many medical conditions that research has shown that CBD has the potential to help with, it is also great for skincare. And being the skincare lover that I am, you know I must implement it into my skincare routine.

Now before I get into the benefits that CBD has for the skin. I wanted to talk a bit about the brand as not all companies are the same. So, do your research.

From soil to oil, Green Flower Botanicals is committed to developing products that remain as close to their original form as possible. They start with using the highest quality hemp crops, that are rich in CBD. These cannabis plants are sustainably farmed at U.S. family farms and certified pesticide-free, which is essential when you are looking at putting these into your body.

Next, it is important when you are looking at a brand that sells CBD to make sure that they run a triple lab test.  This type of testing ensures that you are getting safe, pure CBD, that is certified pesticide-free and safe from any potentially dangerous metal content and THC, as who the heck wants that in their body or on their skin, NOT ME!

Green Flower Botanicals skin therapy lotion By barbies Beauty bits

Why CBD Is Amazing For The Skin
CBD has many wellness benefits, but it has some incredible benefits, when it is used topically, especially for the skin. CBD is proliferating in beauty products, and it’s poised to take your skin-care routine to the next level, especially in these chilly winter months.

Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of cannabinoids, CBD products are great at helping with irritation that comes with inflamed, dry winter skin.  Furthermore, CBD is high in Omega-3 fatty acids and being a woman in her 40’s I need this to help improve the skins cellular structure.

green flower CBD infused skin therapy lotion review by Barbies Beauty Bits

One product I have been using this winter is Green Flower Botanicals skin therapy lotion. This lotion is designed to improve the health and beauty of the skin. It is carefully crafted from the full spectrum cannabidiol extract and is a premium blend of all-natural vitamins and botanicals, including Frankincense, tangerine, lavender, chamomile, peppermint, and Aloe Vera.

So not only does it smell wonderful it is also rich with skin nourishing vitamins such as vitamin A, C, and E, which are perfect for promoting the growth of healthy skin. Helping with not only dryness but also supporting the skin's elasticity and balancing out your skin tone.

Green Flower Botanicals ACDC Strain CBD Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Review By Barbies Beauty Bits

ACDC Strain CBD Full Spectrum Hemp Oil
In addition to the lotion, I also tried their ACDC Strain.  This whole-plant, full-spectrum extract has all the benefits of cannabidiol with the added boost of 9 very powerful terpenes (essential oils). The ACDC strain is most famously known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. However, the benefits of this popular extract reach well beyond pain and inflammation. Terpenes also have an abundance of beneficial medical qualities.

Terpenes Found In The ACDC Strain
For a full description of Green Flower Botanical CBD oil terpenes, you can go here. But to summarize quickly, it contains…
  • Myrcene – 50% (Effects: Analgesic, Antioxidant, Sedative)
  • Alpha-Pinene –27% (Effects Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Memory Enhancer just to name a few)
  • Beta-Pinene – 8% (Effects: Expectorant, Bronchodilator, Anti-inflammatory)
  • Limonene – 4% (Effects: Anti-anxiety, Anti-inflammatory, Antidepressant)
  • Eucalyptol –3% (Effects: Anti-Asthma, Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant)
  • Valencene – <1% (Effects: Anti-inflammatory)
  • Humulene – <1% (Effects: Anti-bacterial, Anti-inflammatory)
  • Camphene –<1% (Effects: Hypolipidemic – lipid-lowering, Anti-bacterial, Antifungal)
Green Flower Botanicals CBD oil review by Barbies Beauty Bits

How Much CBD Oil Should I Use
This company is excellent at supplying a detailed insert with your purchase, that outlines how to use this, so please read it. One thing I found beneficial is establishing a baseline dosage based on weight. Also, most people decide to try CBD because of a condition they want to treat. So, it is important to remember that your endocannabinoid system runs throughout the entire body at a sub-cellular level and is the response for maintaining homeostasis with the bodies systems.

cbd dosage by barbies beauty bits

Therefore, because CBD is a whole body, multi-benefit compound, it can potentially help with various effects as I listed above.  However, this article, I, nor this product or company are meant to make any medical claims in place of a qualified physician and their advice, so please consult with your doctor prior.

Save 20% At Green Flower Botanical
Yes, a discount! Not only did I want to be able to share the many potential benefits of CBD, but I also want to give you a chance to try it yourself, which is why Green Flower Botanical was kind enough to offer all my readers a discount. Simply use the code BARBIESBEAUTYBITS at checkout to get your 20% Off Your First Order of Green Flower CBD Strains (Site-Wide). And if that wasn't good enough, they also have a 30 day try & see money-back guarantee!

Lastly, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below and don’t forget to share this post so others can benefit from the use of CBD. Until next time!

The Many Benefits And Uses For CBD Oil By Barbies Beauty Bits
January 8, 2019

The Superfood Qualities Of Mushrooms And Why You Should Add Them To Your Diet

The Superfood Qualities Of Mushrooms And Why You Should Add Them To Your Diet By Barbies Beauty Bits And Naked Nutrient

The term "superfood," depending on where you live has been around for a while. I see it everywhere in California, but locally I only see it at some of the Mom & Pop health food stores. But the wonderful thing is you can go online for these Superfoods, to places like Naked Nutrient, which makes it convenient.

For 2019, I decided to go back to a trainer friend of mine. While I can’t drive to workout with him any longer in person, he did put together an excellent plan for me, and one of them included adding some Superfoods to my daily diet. Now I know you are probably wondering what the Heck Is A Superfood?

Well to put it simply, the term Superfood refers to foods that offer maximum nutritional benefits with minimal calories, which is why they are great to add to other foods, especially a protein shake, smoothie, and soups. Not only do Superfoods have minimal calories, but the benefit is they are packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and boy do I love me some antioxidants!

The Antioxidant Benefits Of Superfoods

Being a woman in her forties, I need as many rich antioxidants that I can get as they are amazing at helping to neutralize free radicals in our bodies. Free radicals can wreak havoc on the body especially the skin as they cause damage to the cellular structure.  This damage can speed up the skin's aging, by breaking down the skin’s collagen, which can lead to premature aging with sagging, wrinkled skin and who the heck wants that?

Antioxidant molecules found in superfoods, can decrease and in some cases reverse the effects of free radicals, which is one reason I am all about them! But it doesn’t stop there. Superfoods are great at basically supercharging your health, immunity boosting, and more!

antioxants food in superfoods that are good for the skin by barbies beauty bits.

 The Superfood Qualities Of Mushrooms And Why You Should Add Them To Your Diet

One Superfood that I am implementing into my diet is a product from Naked Nutrient, SUPERFOOD 10 Organic Mushroom Powder Extract.

The benefits of mushrooms are huge. They have a great deal of nutritional value, are full of micronutrients, are low in carbohydrates and sodium and high in fiber and potassium (more than a banana), oh and they have no fat!

Naked Nutrient Superfood 10 Mushroom Powder Extract Blend
This Superfood blend has 10 different mushrooms. The extract powder is derived from Ancient Chinese Medicinal Techniques. Dating back to 400A.D.  This powder is:
  • Hot water extract (no alcohol used)
  • USDA certified organic
  • Made in an FDA registered facility
  • Gluten Free
  • 100% WHOLE FRUITING BODIES, NO mycelium (grain)
  • Free from fillers, grains & mycelium
  • Vegan-friendly
  • Mostly Wild mountain harvested mushrooms
  • NOT genetically engineered mushrooms
  • 10 PURE MUSHROOM EXTRACTS to include: Reishi, Chaga, Maitake, Cordyceps, Shiitake, Lions Mane, TurkeyTail, Oyster, Phellinus linteus, and Wood Ear Mushroom.
Benefits Of Adding Mushrooms To Your Diet By Barbies Beauty Bits And Naked Nutrient

What Are The Benefits And Uses Of Mushroom Powder Extract
If you’re interested in adding more mushrooms to your diet, this powder is a fantastic way to do it. It can be mixed into your food in a variety of ways very easily. Mushrooms add a nutty taste and can be added to some of the below.

Ways To Add More Mushrooms To Your Diet
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Hot Cocoa
  • Smoothie
  • Breaksfast Superfood Bowls
  • Protein drinks
  • Oatmeal
  • Add to food & broth to enhance their flavors
  • As a meat substitute
  • In soups, sautés, salad dressings and so much more!
Benefits Of Adding Mushrooms To Your Diet By Barbies Beauty Bits
Click Here For Hot Cocoa Recipe

Benefits Of Adding Mushrooms To Your Diet
A diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants can help you live a longer, healthier life. The product from Naked nutrients has many benefits, helping with things such as…
  • Obesity (Mushrooms are prebiotic, which means they nourish the healthy bacteria in your gut, which could also help treat obesity)
  • Protects the cells from free radicals
  • Improves mood- mental focus & lowers stress
  • Immunity boosting & cell health supporting
  • Detoxifying
  • Energy & endurance
  • Increase satiety and reduces appetite
  • Packed with fiber
  • Vitamin Rich:
    • Vitamin C that can help to boost immunity and lower inflammation in the body.
    • Vitamin A which can assist with detoxifying the body, improving skin and hair health.
    • Excellent source of Potassium. Potassium works with sodium to help your body maintain a proper water and electrolyte balance. Hence helping with things like lowering your blood pressure, dehydration, muscle cramps, and much more!
The many Benefits Of Adding Mushrooms To Your Diet By Barbies Beauty Bits And Naked Nutrient

Overall consuming more superfood mushrooms may be one of the most important foods you can eat to improve your health and using a product like Naked Nutrient 10 Pure Mushroom Powder Extract makes it easier to consume!

How to get younger looking skin with mushrooms by Barbies Beauty Bits
January 6, 2019

6 Items Every Woman Should Carry In Her Gym Bag

6 Items Every Woman Should Carry In Her Gym Bag By Barbies Beauty Bits

You’ve finally decided to start going to the gym.  But is your gym bag ready? What do you wear? What do you bring with you? What to do for post-workout pain?

"Being prepared for the gym is important, like anything else in life you want to set yourself up for success, and having a correctly stocked gym bag is no different. And I’m here today to share 6 Things You Should Always Have In Your Gym Bag."

6 Items Every Woman Should Carry In Her Gym Bag

For this post, I have partnered up with Sanare Smart, a CBD product manufacturer who produces topical lotions, tinctures, pet products, soaps, sunscreen and more, all infused with CBD, terpenes, and essential oils to help with pain.

Treat Workout Pain With CBD Oil By Barbies Beauty Bits

Treat Workout Pain With CBD Products
With the New Year comes some new fitness goals. And working out can leave your body with some aches and pains. But you want to make sure that you are prepared. So the first thing in my Gym Bag is CBD oil for pain.

I am a big fan of CBD oil and CBD creams, and Sanare Smart has quite a selection of products.

Sanare Smart products are whole-plant based CBD products, and they are a must add for my new workout routine.  While they offer CBD California Natural with no flavoring, for those, who would prefer they also have available CBD California Orange and CBD California Peppermint.

All varieties are available in strengths of 250 mg, 500 mg, 1,500 mg and 3,000 mg in 1 oz bottles with an eye dropper for ease of use.

Must have cbd oils for pain by Barbies Beauty Bits

CBD Lotion For Pain
The CBD SPORT advanced topical pain relief is also great at providing relief and recovery from painful, tired muscles.  It really soothes my sore muscles while providing a pleasant spicy fragrance.

What The Heck Is CBD And Where Does It Come From
CBD is not marijuana. CBD is a cannabinoid that is extracted from cannabis. Like any other plant species, cannabis comes in a variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. One group of cannabis strains is called hemp. Hemp is also known as industrial hemp or agricultural hemp, and unlike the strains referred to as marijuana, hemp is used for building materials, textiles, and food.

And there just happens to be strains of hemp that are high in CBD and have negligible amounts of THC.
Gym Bag essential for her by Barbies Beauty Bits

Until recently, the best-known compound and active ingredient in cannabis was THC. However, Marijuana contains both THC and CBD, and these compounds have entirely different effects.

The THC that is found in cannabis is what creates the mind-altering "high" when heat is applied to, and a person smokes or uses it in cooking. This is because the THC breaks down when it encounters the high heat.

CBD-rich hemp IS DIFFERENT! Unlike THC, it has no psychoactive effect. This means that CBD DOES NOT change a person's state of mind when they use it. Hence allowing the consumer to enjoy the benefits of CBD creams and other topicals without the risk of getting high.

Top 6 Items Every Woman Should Carry In Her Gym Bag By Barbies Beauty Bits
Workout Wear
Many people are unaware that workout wear is an essential part of the workout, and when you wear the wrong attire, discomfort, and irritation may occur, hampering the exercise’s progress.

While you don't need to spend a fortune on your clothes, it is essential to have something set aside for working out. With sweating and the movement from exercising, you want to make sure that the clothes you are wearing are going to let your skin breath and more importantly one made of wicking fabric to keep that sweat off of you.

Items available to add to your workout wardrobe include shirts, shorts, pants, tank shirts and shoes all made to fit comfortably and fashioned from material that allows free airflow. Keep in mind functional pieces are relevant here, it's not a fashion show!

Gym Bag essentials for her by Barbies Beauty Bits

Sweating is normal, but nobody wants to sit in your sweat or have it land on them.  The gym I go to does provide a cleaner and paper towels to wipe down the equipment, but it is also important to wipe down yourself!

Water Bottle
When you exercise, you lose water through sweat. This water needs to be replaced to help you maintain and get the best workout, so make sure that you pack your gym bag with some water!

Beauty Items
If you are coming straight from work, you want to make sure that you have packed some beauty essentials, see below:
  •     Deodorant
  •     Hair Tie
  •     Cleansing products to remove your makeup and prevent breakouts
  •     Hand Sanitizer
  •     While this isn't beauty, have an extra set of earplugs for your phone. (Music always gets me in the mood for a great workout)

Post Workout Nutrition
Protein is excellent to consume right after your workout as it helps your muscles to recover.  So make sure you pack a protein shake or a protein bar.

20% Discount on Sanare Smart CBD Products At Dealspotr By Barbies Beauty Bits

20% Discount on Sanare Smart CBD Products
After spending all the money getting your gym bag ready, saving money is a must. Which is why Sanare Smart was gracious enough to offer my readers a discount. CBD products are a must add to my workout routine and can be yours too as you can now get 20% off on first order using coupon code BARBIESBEAUTYBITS at checkout. Click here to start shopping.
January 1, 2019

The Benefits Of Black Seed Oil For The Skin

The Benefits Of Black Seed Oil For The Skin By Barbies Beauty Bits

While the weather outside may be frightful, this doesn’t mean your skin needs to be as well. During these chilly winter months, our delicate skin can sure be affected by these blistering cold winds. So, this month I wanted to share with you some less expensive ways to have radiant skin, with my “Pantry To Pretty Skincare Series.” A DIY approach to skincare.

Dry, itchy skin affects a lot of us and can be most prevalent during this time of year when the humidity and temperature drop, making our skin particularly vulnerable to dryness, cracking and worse yet, aging us (yuk). That is why it is essential to take extra special care of the skin during the winter! Furthermore, skincare and makeup go hand in hand, and no one wants to apply makeup to their skin when it is dry and flaky, highlighting our imperfections.

Today’s Pantry To Pretty product is with Organic Black Seed Oil or Nigella Sativa. This plant native to Asia has been around dating back to ancient Egypt times. The Queen of the Nile herself, Cleopatra, is said to have slathered it on herself!

So, if you want to see the many Benefits of Black Seed Oil For The Skin, continue reading.

The Benefits Of Black Seed Oil For The Skin

Best Black Seed Oil
The oil of black seed has many benefits from antibacterial & antifungal properties to anti-inflammatory effects, balancing sebum production and is excellent at calming inflamed, itchy winter skin; even eczema and acne-prone complexions have benefited from this oil! It sounds like a wonderful oil doesn’t it?  Well, beauties it is, and one place I found that offers this oil in its purest form is Naked Nutrient.

Not compared to other Black Seed Oil, this brand oil is "VIRGIN, FIRST PRESSING" cold pressed oil. Which means that it is unrefined so that the oil will retain as many nutrients in its purest form, with no additives, solvents or alcohol added.  It is 100% pure and natural that is extracted from black cumin seeds and can be used topically as well and ingested.

Before I get into the many benefits that black seed oil has on the skin. Let’s take a gander at the nutrients found in black seed oil that contributes to beautiful skin.

The Nutrients Found In Black Seed Cumin Oil That Are Great For The Skin
Being a woman in her forties I am looking for products that have omega fatty acids, vitamin B & C, as well as some other antioxidants and black seed oil, has all of these!

Yep, you read right.  Until recently, I only looked used black seed oil for its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.  It wasn’t until I discovered the many anti-aging benefits it had, thanks to an aesthetician friend of mine. She has great looking skin, and she shared with me that black seed oil has rich and powerful anti-oxidants like…
  • Omega-3 fatty acids that help to improve the skins cellular structure.
  • Vital Amino acids that are the building blocks of both peptides and proteins which have an essential role in skincare. Amino acids also maintain the skin's hydration and overall healthy appearance. Furthermore, it can help the skin to generate collagen and elastin!
  • Skin Nourishing Vitamins: Black seed is an excellent source of vitamins B and C. As well as Zinc, Calcium, and Potassium who would have thought?  All these combined are great at helping to promote the growth of healthy skin tissue, support the elasticity and tone of the skin, and can even help with minor acne flare-ups.

Why Go DIY With Your Skincare Routine?
The DIY approach to skincare has been something I have done forever! I got it from my mother and grandmother, who both have gorgeous skin. It's no secret that DIY can save you money, but when it comes to dry winter skin you want to stay away from products that have artificial fragrances and synthetics in them as these ingredients can cause your skin to become more irritated!  While they may smell pretty, they are not pretty for the skin!

What does black seed oil do for you By Barbies Beauty Bits

Black Seed Oil Skincare Recipes
Many have asked me how to take black seed oil? What is black seed oil good for? Well, black seed oil can be used in many ways, but today I am going to share with you my top 3 black seed oil skincare recipes.

For A Glowing Complexion
  1. Mix 1 teaspoon of black seed oil with a carrier oil.
  2. My two favorites carrier oils are Coconut and Olive Oil.
  3. Rub the face with this mixture and leave on for one hour.
  4. Or I prefer to leave it on overnight. However, you want to be careful not to get it in your eyes. Also, leaving it on overnight may be too strong, so test it first before applying to your face.
  5. Wash off with gentle foaming facial cleanser. Never use a body soap to wash it off, it dries the skin!

Zap A Zit
  • This one is easy. All you need is a Q-tip
  • Simply soak a clean Q-tip with black seed oil and dab it onto your pimples.
  • For those extra troubled areas, I combine it with organic honey.

A Facial Mask
I love me a facial mask, and this one takes the cake as it is combined with Turmeric.

Turmeric has been used in India for thousands of years as a spice and medicinal herb. The plant’s intense healing power primarily comes from Curcumin, its main active ingredient.  Curcumin is packed with anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory firepower that promotes an incredible range of healing benefits. Combine that with the Black Seed oil, and you have the remedy for younger-looking radiant skin, so check out the video here.

So, there you have it beauties, my first winter skincare Pantry to Pretty Bit.  Make sure to stay tuned for my others that will talk about Organic Black Maca and Organic Mushroom powder. Until next time!