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November 23, 2018

Everything You Need to Know On How You Can Effectively Lose Weight With Red Light Therapy

Everything You Need to Know On How You Can Effectively Lose Weight With Red Light Therapy By Barbies Beauty Bits and Slim Silhouettes In Virginia Beach

This is my second post on banishing the bulge, and today Barbie's Beauty Bits will be sharing with you "Everything You Need to Know On How You Can Effectively Lose Weight With Red Light Therapy." As promised I am going to take you on my journey at Slim Silhouettes.

My Review On Fat Loss Reduction The Total Body Bundle, Starting With Slim Light Therapy By Barbies Beauty Bits from Barbara Ritzman on Vimeo.

But please note:
  • While this article is a bit lengthy, it outlines all you need to know about the procedure to get the best results!
  • You can either read start to finish or just scroll to the question that you want answered to skip ahead.
  • Click here if you want to get your own red light therapy for weight loss at home device. Save $50 with code SAVE50 on this belt that offers both red and near infrared
  • Finally, if you want to just see my before and after results, you can just scroll to the bottom of the page.

The Struggle With Weight Loss By Barbies Beauty Bits and Slim Silhouettes In Virginia Beach

Everything You Need to Know On How You Can Effectively Lose Weight With Red Light Therapy

The Struggle With Weight Loss
Losing weight and unwanted fat (not that fat is ever wanted) is a common goal for a lot of us. But, with environmental factors, whether your schedule, stress, or health issues all can prevent the body's metabolic rate from working the way it should. Making the solution not always as simple as a proper diet and exercise.

If you are with me on being frustrated because working out and dieting has not worked, then continue reading as Red Light Therapy (the correct type) can help you to lose weight and I have the pictures to prove it.
How Does RED Light Therapy Work to Reduce Fat?

In a few previous articles, I briefly discussed how red-light uniquely impacts the human body. Our bodies absorb light energy—especially at specific wavelengths —and our cells respond by performing their day-to-day functions at an improved level. Not only does this help with things like anti-aging, skin health and collagen, but it also plays a role in the body’s ability to process fat.

This infrared light triggers selected fat cells to create small openings and release some of their contents, thus helping them shrink in size.

Are All Red Light Therapy Machines The Same?
No, no and NO! During this process I had many people say, oh I tried that at the tanning salon or the gym. While the premise behind these fat burning machines are somewhat similar, it is far from the same when it comes to actual results. And if you are like me, I do not have money to waste.

How Does RED Light Therapy Work to Reduce Fat By barbies Beauty Bits and Slim Silhouettes In Virginia Beach

Why Is Slim Light Therapy Different Than Other Red Light Therapy?
It is all in the device and the strength. The Slim Light device at Slim Silhouettes, med spa delivers up to 100 times the light energy of competing systems, and the fat cells are bathed in the highest level of 635nm energy, providing the deepest and most complete exposure to the light. 

Furthermore, Slim Silhouettes is the only medical facility that carries such a high strength device (level laser therapy) in northern VA. So why would I go anywhere else?

How Many Areas Can Be Focused On To Lose Fat?
The Slim Light controller system comes with six pads and a face mask that can be used at the same time on the treatment areas. This allows Slim Silhouettes to thoroughly treat up to eleven regions including the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, arms, bra fat area, jowls, chin fat region, and face in a single session! 

the benefits red therapy can have on the face by barbies beauty bits and Slim Silhouettes In Virginia Beach
Me During A Slim Light Therapy Session Enjoying The Face Mask Treatment

How Does Slim Light Therapy Melt The Fat Away?
Slim Light is an FDA-approved, non-invasive system that harnesses the power of LED Red light therapy, or low-level laser therapy (LLLT), to enhance blood flow and assist in fat loss. 

This innovative approach encourages fat to exit the fat cells and be released into the surrounding tissues, allowing the body's lymphatic system to eliminate it. The fat is subsequently processed by the liver and utilized as an energy source.

How Does Red Light Therapy Melt The Fat Away By barbies Beauty Bits and Slim Silhouettes

My Successful Fat Loss Program
Not only does Slim Silhouettes offer the red light technology but they also tie in a Melt Your Fat Away plan that helps you to optimize the slim light therapy. See below as I walk you through the entire process.

Step 1: Who Is The Ideal Candidate For Slim Light (red light) Therapy?
Your first visit will include a free no-obligation consultation to determine if you are a good candidate for the Slim Light therapy.

As with any medical procedure, determining whether this is for you is essential as the Slim Light (red light) therapy is not for everyone.

It is crucial for me to say that this is not a weight loss program for those that are obese. This a non-invasive therapy for those who are close to their ideal weight (within 30 lbs) but are struggling with troubled areas, due to baby fat, stress, muffin top, and areas that no matter how much you exercise it won’t go away. As the trouble with fat reduction when dieting is you can’t target a specific area, but with red light therapy you can.

Visceral Fat Vs. Subcutaneous Fat
I am bringing this up as Red Light therapy does not work on visceral fat. So what is the difference between visceral and subcutaneous fat? 

The fat you can pinch on your waist, arms, legs, or anywhere else is all subcutaneous fat, stored just beneath the skin. Visceral fat is a different beast: the deep, internal fat packed around your abdominal organs.
Evaluating Your Body Fat With Body Composition Monitor with Scale By barbies beauty Bits and Slim Silhouettes In Virginia Beach
Me On The  Body Composition Monitor With Scale
Step 2: Evaluating Your Body With Body Composition Monitor with Scale
During my initial visit, I had a free consultation as well as a total body analysis that allowed them to determine what targeted areas I needed to focus on.

Besides the obvious health concerns related to excess fat, finding out more about your body besides what you see in the mirror or on the scale is essential! Hence the concept of body contouring as the red light therapy has proven itself to be extremely useful when it comes to change your body from the inside out physically.

To determine where you are and where you want to be, you step onto a total body composition machine that measures seven different fitness indicators:
  • Body fat percentage
  • BMI
  • Skeletal muscle
  • Resting metabolism
  • Visceral fat
  • Body age 
  • Weight
Step 3: Prepare Before Your Red Light Therapy Procedure
Once you have all the medical advice and have determined your melt that fat away plan, it is important however to make sure you know what you need to do for the best results, see these below.
  • Before each appointment, you want to make sure that you drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated.
  • Don’t eat 1 hour before or after the appointment.
  • Wear loose clothing, preferably something that is not black as the light does not go through black.

Step 4: The Number Red Light Therapy Sessions Required
Typically it takes 10 to 12 sessions for significant and long-lasting results. This type of therapy is cumulative, and consistency is essential. Therefore, it is recommended that you come every other day to allow your body time to process the extra fat.

How many red light therapy sessions needed for weight loss by barbies beauty bits and Slim Silhouettes In Virginia Beach
Me During Red Light Therapy Session, Mid Section
How Many Red Light Therapy Sessions I Had
I had a total of 10 sessions in which I focused on my midsection, everything below my bra line and above my bikini area.

Treatment is not invasive, they wrap the area in which you want to lose fat with the slim light pads. The experience is very relaxing as you get to lay down, listen to music, and most like me fall asleep.

How Long Does The Red Light Treatment Take?
60 minutes in total. This includes treatment and exercise. The initial visit and final course treatment visit will take an additional 10-15 minutes to take measurements before and after each treatment.

Other Questions And Other Beauty Bits
Why Do You Have To Exercise Post-treatment?

It is essential that post-treatment that you do some type of exercise (10- 20 mins) to speed up the lymphatic system and blood circulation that helps to process the fat that has been released. Slim Silhouettes has a whole body vibrational exercise machine that the clients can use after their treatment while still in the office, thus assuring that the exercise requirement has been met.

Pulser for weight loss with red light therapy by barbies beauty bits and Slim Silhouettes In Virginia Beach
Me Jiggling Out My Fat On The Pulser

Why Do You Have To Do A Liver Support?
Dr. Nichols and staff does recommend this as your liver is the ultimate filter to remove toxins and nutrient byproducts from the body. The fast release of fat requires a healthy liver, and therefore high-quality liver support like Milk Thistle is recommended.

Do I Have To Diet?
You do have to reduce your calorie intake while limiting starchy carbs and simple sugars. They also recommend lessening alcohol as it can affect the liver which will work against the treatment, decreasing the results.

Why Do I Have To Drink So Much Water?
Drinking water is imperative to help flush out the fat. A tip I learned is to drink lemon water as it cleanses your body from the inside out.

Why Do I Have To Use A Body Cincher?
Waist Trainers, Shapewear, and Cinchers are recommended! While these are not an alternative for working out, they do have their benefits. So, adding one of these types of compression garments is a must, primarily as they help mold the area and prevent you from retaining fluid.

How a waist cincher can help you lose weight by barbies beauty bits and Slim Silhouettes In Virginia Beach

How Long Does It Take To Show Results?
Red light therapy has no negative side effects and can produce immediate and lasting results. However, it doesn't eliminate fat cells; rather, it reduces their size and assists in releasing some of their contents. If you consume significantly more calories than you need, your body will eventually store fat once more.

For this reason, after the desired results are attained from the Slim Light Therapy,  Slim Silhouettes recommends their Total Body Bundle which combines both Slim Light Therapy with CoolSculpting.

My Results
You can see my results here and as you can see it does work. I lost over 4 inches in my midsection.

My Before And After

My Final Thoughts
Overall, red light therapy has shown positive results for fat loss and body contouring for me, and you will see the results in my next article. This type of treatment offers a safe, non-invasive alternative for helping people improve their looks and their overall health. 

But as noted before, wavelength and intensity are incredibly important when it comes to light therapy. Make sure you choose a medical facility that uses a device that delivers red light with the correct wavelength with an optimal amount of power.

best red light therapy for weight loss at home device, barbies beauty bits
Nushapes LED Lipo belt
Click here to order your own at home red light therapy device SAVE $50 with code: SAVE50

Everything You Need To Know On How You Can Effectively Lose Weight With Red Light Therapy By Barbies Beauty Bits and Slim Silhouettes
This is my second post on banishing the bulge, and today Barbie's Beauty Bits will be sharing with you "Everything You Need ...

Would you like to comment?

  1. I hae never heard of red light therapy before so I was glad to come across this article. You really can learn something new every day if you try.

  2. I had never heard about this until now. It's really interesting to see. I can see those results and you can really tell a difference in them.

  3. Wow.. that's a really huge difference. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  4. I was not aware of Red Light Therapy , you have given valuable information about this unique method for losing weight.

  5. Thanks for sharing about this,glad to know more about this therapy.

  6. Congratulations on your weight loss. This is the first time I’ve ever heard of red light therapy and it’s pretty interesting

  7. Yes, I need to loose some weight. It's great to find out so many new things about red light therapy

  8. Yes I would love to loose some weight especially my belly fat. Thanks for sharing this I will check it out.

  9. I never heard of this before and I would really love to try it and see the effect. But for now, I'll continue my diet and exercise. I hope everything gets back to normal so I can try this too.

  10. I’ve never heard of red light therapy for weight loss. Red light therapy seems to have multiple benefits. I’ll have to check it out.

  11. I’ve never heard of red light therapy for weight loss. Red light therapy seems to have multiple benefits. I’ll have to check it out.

  12. I’ve never heard of red light therapy for weight loss. Red light therapy seems to have multiple benefits. I’ll have to check it out.

  13. Wow the before and after photos were so impressive. I have found that exercise and dieting help the most but these therapies really do work too.

  14. Wow I have had red light therapy before for other reasons but didn't know that it could be used for weight loss. That is fascinating!

  15. I hadn't heard of this therapy before. I will have to keep it in mind. I might have to try it!

  16. This post is really informative, this is my first time learning about Red Light Therapy.

  17. My husband was just complained about his neck and chin. I should have him try this treatment.

  18. Oh how I wish I could get this therapy here in my area. Seems promising.

  19. A lot of people will definitely love this treatment, including myself. Thanks for knowledge!

  20. I got small fats in some areas even if I lose so many weights, this treatment sounds perfect.

  21. It sounds to be an easy way to loose weight. Thanks for sharing all these details!

  22. Red light therapy seems like a good way to lose your weights and a kind of treatment that I can consider. Thank you!

  23. This is really interesting to know. I didn't know a whole lot about red light. Sounds like a great option for those who may want it.

  24. This was really interesting. Someone told me it was good for aches and pains. I didn't realise it could be used for weight loss too.

  25. That a good non-invasive procedure to target the problem areas of the body.

  26. It's good to read about a non-invasive procedure. I've never heard of red light but it sounds like a great option. Something to keep in mind. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Nice Article. Thanks for sharing this information.

  28. While I don't think this is for me, I loved learning about the process and the tips you shared.

  29. A lot of us make losing weight on top of our new year's resolutions list but only a few of us make it to the goal. Great tips here

  30. The Red Light Treatment sounds promising. Thanks for delivering results. I'd love to lose some weight

  31. This was so informativ3! I am going to have to check it out! Thank you~

  32. I was told to try this for muscle pains. I didn't know there were other uses too.

  33. I am not familiar with Red Light therapy. So interesting! It is nice to learn about it and know that it is an option.

  34. This is such an informative post! I hope to try this Red Light Treatment soon, I need to remove my stuck watermelon inside my tummy!


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