October 6, 2018

Banish The Bulge A Review On CoolSculpting And Slim Light LED Therapy

Banish The Bulge A Review On CoolSculpting And Slim Light LED Therapy By Barbies Beauty Bits and Slim Silhouettes

Are you tired of struggling with "Exercise-Resistant" bra bulges, saddlebags, muffin top, or post-pregnancy baby fat? If so, then Barbie's Beauty Bitts want to invite you on my Journey with Slim Light Therapy and CoolSculpting for fat loss.

For me, diet and exercise just have not been enough to help me achieve the lean, toned body I had a year ago. Circumstances in my life changed resulting in me having to move and I live in the boonies, making it much harder for me to go to the gym as much as I want, shopping at a decent grocery store and of course, the wine doesn’t help either.

Hence, I decided to investigate some additional ways to help me get rid of this stubborn unwanted fat. For my fat loss, I decided to take advantage A package called the Total Body Bundle which combines both Slim Light Therapy and CoolSculpting to help sculpt and get rid of fat in those unwanted places. The Slim Light reduces the body fat, and CoolSculpting helps to contour.

Dual Sculpting with Slim Light Therapy and CoolSculpting By Slim Silhouettes and Barbies Beauty Bits

Both are the latest trend aesthetic specialists are seeing as the new generation of treatments and procedures targeted toward the growing population of people looking for non-invasive ways to help address unsightly and unwanted extra fat.  I love that they can safely eliminate fat without the cost, downtime, and risk associated with surgery.

For those of you who are not familiar with these procedures or want to know more about them continue reading.

Banish The Bulge A Review On CoolSculpting And Slim Light LED Therapy

What The Heck Is Slim Light Therapy For Fat Loss
Slim Light Therapy which incorporates Red Light LED technology for non-invasive body fat loss, will basically reduce the fat by melting the fat cells. This type of therapy is based on over forty years of research starting with NASA experimentation and culminating with the aesthetic and orthopedic industries today.  Following the recent discovery that 635nm light influences fat cells, this innovative technology has created an explosion in the body sculpting industry.

The process also increases collagen and elastin in the skin while creating a slimmer appearance. ~Yeah, Barbie's Beauty Bits is all about this.

how does Red Light Therapy help with fat loss By Slim Silhouettes and Barbies Beauty Bits

How CoolSculpting Can Help With Fat Reduction In The Body
Unlike the Slim Light method of fat reduction that uses heat, the CoolSculpting procedure cools fat cells to temperatures that trigger their natural death.  Those cells are then eliminated naturally by the body over the following weeks and months.  During the procedure, a non-surgical applicator delivers precisely controlled cooling to the treatment area to selectively target treated fat cells, leaving surrounding tissue such as the skin unaffected.
How does CoolSculpting Work By Slim Silhouettes and Barbies Beauty Bits
When Do You See Results?
Neither method shows immediate results as the body's own natural processes work to remove and dispose of the dead fat cells over time. And best of all, as a kid, we have all the fat cells we are going ever to have.  So, when we gain weight, we are not getting more fat cells in our body, they are just getting larger (and some can split into very overweight people). Because we do not grow new fat cells, the treated areas fat cells are gone forever with CoolSculpting!

Where does the fat go with coolsculpting By Slim Silhouettes and Barbies Beauty Bits

Where Does The Fat Go From CoolSculpting & Red Light Therapy?
This is a question I asked as well. As I mentioned above our fat gets bigger and shrinks as we gain and lose weight. So, for the Slim Light Therapy, after the fat is released, it is broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol and enters the bloodstream. Once in the blood, the fatty acids can be either used as fuel or quickly eliminated by the body through your liver.

During the CoolSculpting procedure, a percentage of your fat cells (in the target treatment areas) are killed, allowing them to release the fat they have been storing, which is metabolized by the body over a few weeks and gone forever.

However, it's important to understand that neither of these procedures are for weight loss.  Both freezing & melting the fat cells naturally causes them to release their contents so they can be more readily burned off, when you are working out and or with your daily activity.  In addition to these procedures, you do have to eat right and exercise for optimum results.

The benefits of combining coolsculpting with red light therapy By Slim Silhouettes and Barbies Beauty Bits

Why Combine CoolSculpting With Slim Light Therapy
Both procedures offer different results, but combined together are supposed to be the cat's meow when it comes to fat loss, and this is why I decided to take advantage of the “Total Body Bundle Package” 

You start with the Slim Light Therapy first as it melts away the fat (but does not kill it), so when you follow up with the CoolSculpting, there is less fat to work with, so you will get better results quicker, and the cost is much less than if you just did CoolSculpting.  Also, CoolSculpting isn't designed to tighten and treat the skin; it just kills the fat dead. Hence, Slim Light therapy is paired with the CoolSculpting to help stimulate collagen production and improve the appearance of cellulite, helping you to reach your overall goal of total fat loss.

Banish the bulge a review on CoolSculpting and Red Light Therapy at Slim Silhouettes By Barbies Beauty Bits

Who Is A Right Candidate For CoolSculpting And Slim Light Therapy?
I will say that these procedures are not for everyone. They are geared towards people who are looking to lose stubborn fat that just won’t go away with exercise or diet: it's most definitely not an alternative to healthy weight loss.

CoolSculpting review By Slim Silhouettes and Barbies Beauty Bits

My Fat Loss Journey
I am inviting you to join me on my fat loss journey. I recently started this treatment and will keep you guys in the loop on the procedures, behind the scenes, unedited photos, updates, CoolSculpting before and afters, Red Light Therapy for weight loss before and afters, and real results.

In the meantime, check out my video below on my first visit to Slim Silhouettes and my first red light therapy session.



  1. I wouldn't mind trying this out. I still have a mommy gut, but I also know it's probably from having 5 kids. lol

  2. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious about the coolsculpting idea. I have friends who've done it and they say it works.

  3. Thanks for this new tips! Right now, I don't need it yet. That bulge we call it "love handle".

  4. For now, I don't need this yet but who knows right?!
    We call that bulge as "love handle" :D

  5. I have heard alot about cool sculpting recently and this was very well explained. Thank You

  6. This was so informative. I am going to forward this to my friend. She would love this!

  7. I'm a little skeptical. I'd like to see more success stories, as the technology becomes mainstream. Then, I might give it a try.

  8. I have considered trying one of these out. They look pretty comfy!

  9. Looks like a good technology here. Is it safe for people with heart disease?

  10. I've been seeing a lot of Cool Sculpting advertisements in TV and print. It's amazing how far technology has come in this department. This approach seems like a healthier way to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat.

  11. I've been wanting to try CoolSculpting!

  12. Wow, thank you for sharing all this amazing information. I would love to try this.

  13. I have heard of some people I know doing this. I have been interested in trying it out and seeing what it is all about. Maybe now is the time, thanks for sharing!

  14. I would love to try this for my belly fat I had my children 30yrs ago and can't get rid of the little belly bulge no matter what I do. I would try this anytime if we had a place around here.

  15. This is really something I could use.

  16. I would love to someday be able to have this done.

  17. I've heard of this before and would really love to try it out!

  18. I would love to hear what you think of this and what kind of results you get. Oh, and also what the cost is. I have heard from several people that Sculpsure is more effective.

  19. I could definitely use this in my life for my momma pudge. This was very insightful!


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