February 5, 2018

Tips To Getting Your Hair Ready For Valentine’s: Hairstyles, Accessories And Care

Valentines Day Hair Tips With Barbies Beauty Bits

There are so many things that you have to consider when getting ready for the most romantic day of the year; from the perfect shoes to the ultimate dress. It can be so easy to overlook the final touches and leave the hair to the last moment. Instead of caring for it and staying one step ahead, you can find yourselves dealing with frizzy, wiry, and uncooperative hair right before you have to leave for your date night. So, it’s important you mix a few essential hair care tips with a bit self-styling, to make sure your hair is looking beautiful and ready in time for Valentine’s day! So, if you want to have your hair looking HAIRtastic this Valentine's Day continue reading!

Helpful Tips To Start Planning And Prepping Your Hair For Valentine’s Day

Choose Simple Go-to Hairstyles
When it comes to getting your hair ready, it is worth having a few go-to hairstyles that you can put together at a moment’s notice. This could be anything from keeping a curling wand on your dressing table to having step by step hair tutorials bookmarked on your phone – after all, you don’t have to have a super fancy up-do to look good on a night out. And knowing a few hairstyle tips and tricks yourself will not only save you a pricey trip to the salon but will also make getting ready quicker and easier.

Simple Go-to Hairstyles For Valentines Day by Barbies Beauty Bits

Add In A Cute Accessory Or Two 
If you choose a hairstyle like a braid, for example, all you need to keep close by is a few thin elastic hair ties, but that doesn’t mean you can’t jazz up the style with an extra accessory or two. Sliding a small hair comb into your hair just above the braid, some beading, or tying a hair ribbon across your hairline can add the perfect Valentine’s sparkle to your hairstyle. Just remember that on this special day you can never go wrong with an accessory in red!

Add Hair-boosting Nutrients To Your Diet
Everybody knows that our diet is the foundation to many things. Putting the right nutrients into our body is the number one building block to promote hair, skin and nail growth. By choosing which foods make up your meals and snacks wisely, you can keep your hair looking great all year long. Protein promotes faster hair-growth; vitamins A and E can help to boost your hair’s natural shine; and Omega- 3, fatty acids and zinc are a great way to improve your hair’s chance of growing longer, shinier and healthier. Upgrade your diet right away and have beautiful hair ready for Valentine’s day and throughout the rest of the year.

healthy food for your hair with barbies beauty bits

Moisturize Your Hair Regularly
During colder months your hair is likely to take a beating, thanks to exposure to everything from cold wind to additional heat from blow drying, styling, and in-house heating. Adding a hair mask into your beauty routine as well as using argan oil products are two of the best hair care tips to get your strands moisturized and healthy – all ready to celebrate romance!

Treat yourself to a hairstylist this valentines day with Barbies Beauty Bits and Dove

Pay A Visit To Your Hairstylist
Part of keeping your hair healthy all year around is to make sure that you visit the hairdressers regularly, and Valentine’s day is the best excuse for the first visit of the year! Colder months are always bound to take a toll on your hair, and split, broken ends are likely to happen. Making sure that you take that all-important trip to your trusted hairstylist before February 14th to get those ends trimmed will help keep your hair looking great on date night.

Give Your Locks A Post-Valentine’s Detox
Looking after your hair doesn’t stop when date night is over. In fact, after Valentine’s is when you should be taking the most care of your precious locks. On the day your hair is likely to be exposed to a plethora of extra products such as mousse and hairspray to keep it in top shape. A great way to remove product build up the next day is to use an apple cider vinegar rinse. An extra post-Valentine’s detox tip is to use a scented shampoo for an extra touch of freshness!

Don’t let the cold wintery weather stop you from looking your best this Valentine’s. Make a note of these helpful tips and start planning and prepping your hair for Valentine’s now!

Treatments for your hair after a special occasion by Barbies Beauty Bits



  1. These are great suggestions for anytime a person has a special event or engagement that they want a dressier hair style. Thanks for sharing these.

  2. Such great tips. With these ideas, my hair is going to look awesome.

  3. These are some great ideas for getting your hair styled. I love the idea of just a few hair accessories too. Such a great idea for a nice touch.

  4. I would love to try some hair boosting nutrients. These all sound like great ways to get a wonderful Valentine hair day.

  5. Such great advice! Having a few easy go-to hairstyles definitely makes getting ready less stressful.

  6. Oh, I need to save this post for ideas for an upcoming event. Need to figure out what will work best for me..

  7. I love your ideas! My hair is just going to stay down I think. I'm all about easy.

  8. These are so wonderful ways to keep your hair looking good! My hair sure could use some of these tips right now


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