February 20, 2018

Bloggers Wanted: Get Paid To Post

Bloggers Wanted: Get Paid To Post By Barbies Beauty Bits

If you are an influencer like me, getting paid to do a review is awesome! And that is why I am excited to share with you an opportunity with My Gift Stop.

My Gift Stop, is an online shop offering luxury goods that’s dedicated to giving back to society, donating 5% of every sale to the global medical relief nonprofit, Direct Relief.

In a time where our schedules seem to become denser by the day, it is most common for things to slip our mind here and there- forgetting a gift is no different! This is where My Gift Stop comes in!  They have made it their mission to offer us “present peace of mind!” last minute!

Make Money Posting and Blogging by Barbies Beauty Bits

That’s right, their online shop is the perfect shopping solution. Hence, they are looking for reputable contributors, like yourself, that can write great reviews, blog articles, gift guides, share contests and more to help spread the word about their brand.  And the best part is you will be paid for your time!

If this sounds like you, please read more & apply here!

February 18, 2018

What the Heck Is Activated Charcoal And Why Should I Add It To My Skincare Routine

Everyone wants a radiant looking complexion; I mean who wouldn’t. But what most people do not know is there are environmental factors that we are continually exposing our skin to every day, which can prevent this from happening. Instead, we end up dulling the skin, clogging our pores, all of which can lead to premature aging!

What the heck are these are environmental aggressors that we are exposing ourselves too and how can you avoid them? Well, not all of these can be avoided, you can however limit the time they are on the skin! With regards to the aggressors we are continually exposing ourselves to, they are things like…
  • Pollution
  • Dirt
  • Excess Sebum oil
  • A dirty cell phone
  • Not cleaning your makeup brushes
  • Going to bed with our makeup on, all of which can settle into our pores, dulling our skin's radiance and blocking our skincare products from absorbing correctly. 
But not any longer with activated charcoal. Yes, I’m sure you’ve seen those crazy looking peel-off mask images on the web, but the truth is some of these skincare masks work wonders.  Charcoal masks and activated charcoal skincare products are great for helping to remove pore-clogging impurities while minimizing the pores leaving you with a more radiant, hydrated complexion!

In addition to purchasing a charcoal mask, you can also make some of your own DIY as activated charcoal is sold as a powder and even in capsule form at many health food stores, and online.

So aside from the crazy oh my appeal, you may see when people share these products on social media, there are indeed some significant benefits to adding activated charcoal to your skincare regimen, and I am going to share a few with you today.

The Benefits Of Adding Activated Charcoal To Your Skincare Routine By Barbies Beauty Bits

The Benefits Of Adding Activated Charcoal To Your Skincare Routine

Embracing skincare at any age is essential, and while you may be cleansing and applying moisturizer or anti-aging creams, that is not enough. If you want healthy, glowing skin, you should also be exfoliating.

Exfoliation can be performed in many ways, from products like a Pore Cleansing Bar to using some facial scrubs and masks that contains the activated charcoal all in which will assist in slothing away those unwanted dead skin cells.

The benefits of Masquelogy Charcoal Pore Cleansing Bar by Barbies Beauty Bits

The key is to rid your skin of those dead skin cells that would gather in your pores, stretching it out, which can lead to problematic skin and premature aging. Additionally, by buffing away those dead skin cells, you are also making it easier for the skin to absorb moisturizers and other skin treatments as well as leaving the skin smooth for the perfect makeup application.

Help With Breakouts
Enlarged pores and blackheads can be very unsightly and can impact some’s self-esteem. Hence, understanding the causes along with adding activated charcoal to your routine you can help to minimize, treat and prevent these issues! Enabling you to get the smoother, brighter complexion you’ve always wanted.

What Causes Enlarged Pores and Blackheads
Enlarged Clogged Pores

In addition to the environmental aggressors we mentioned above, our own body can add to it. For example, when the skin produces too much sebum oil it can mix with the dead skin cells in the pore. This oil becomes trapped by the dead skin cells and dirt which causes the skin to swell and the pore to become congested, forming a clogged and enlarged pore.


The reason your pores enlarge is to provide room for the oil to flow out. However, the oil can still become trapped. If this happens the oil and dirt can collect at the end of the pore, and when it is exposed to air it will oxidize forming, you guessed it, a BLACKHEAD!

Masqueology, the Charcoal Modeling Peel Off Mask Review By Barbies Beauty Bits

Oil Control
Absorbing the excess sebum oil is one remarkable thing that charcoal can help with as activated charcoal is known to absorb 100 to 200 times its weight in impurities, now how cool is that??

That is right, when the carbon in the activated charcoal encounters the oil and other contaminants, it will pull all these toxins out of the skin and soak it all up.

IMPORTANT: Activated charcoal can be too drying, and as I’ve said before overly dry skin can also cause problematic skin, so don’t overdo it!

To avoid over-drying, always follow up with a toner and a moisturizer.

While there are some great charcoal products out there, I am going to share with you one that I have been using lately from Masqueology, the Charcoal Modeling Peel Off Mask.

The best Charcoal masks Masqueology, the Charcoal Modeling Peel Off Mask by Barbies Beauty Bits

Product Details
This charcoal modeling Mask helps to detoxify the skin while minimizing the pores. The charcoal powder in this mask is a wonderful exfoliant that helps with removing dirt, dead skin cells, access oil, all of which I have mentioned can clog the pores.  Bottom line, this mask is excellent for helping to leave the complexion clarified, refreshed, and hydrated.

BONUS: The bonus is the tip of the Masqueology mask.  I wanted to let you know that each package can provide you with a few uses if you employ this tip! Instead of mixing water into the entire package as they mention. I poured all the charcoal powder into a separate baggy, and then I portioned out a small amount, with a sanitary spoon, mixed it with water in a clean bowl and applied it with the applicator provided. Each package will make about 2-3 masks, doing it this way!

So, there you have it beauties, my third post in my what the heck series, with this tip focusing on “Activated Charcoal And Why Should I Add It To My Skincare Routine.”

Read more of my other what the heck tips here.

February 17, 2018

Top Four Tips To Repair Winter Damaged Hair

When it comes to caring for your hair in winter, there are some things to take into consideration. When the effects of artificial indoor heating combine with the cold, wind and rain, your locks can easily become stressed, and that’s why knowing how to repair them is so important. From learning about what you need to do when there are signs of distress to being proactive about preventing damage, let’s check out some of the best ways of looking after your hair in winter.

Four Top Tips To Prevent And Repair Winter-Damaged Hair

Replace Lost Moisture
We all know that the combination of cold weather and dry heat can play havoc with our hair in the winter and cause it to dry out. But fear not, you can replace lost moisture as long as you know what to do. Whenever you wash your hair, it’s vital to condition it, and use a leave-in conditioning treatment or hair mask to replenish the lost moisture once a week. If you want to know how to get shiny hair, hair masks and deep conditioning treatments are undoubtedly two of the best ways to achieve that. If you’re interested in learning more about how to get shiny hair you’ll find more advice here.

Tips to add moisture to dry damaged winter hair but Barbies Beauty Bits

Embrace Essential Oils
In addition to your hair getting damaged and drying out, your scalp can be prone to the same issues in winter. And just like conditioners rich in essential oils which can help rejuvenate your hair they can also boost the health of your scalp. Oils like rosemary, peppermint and coconut can all provide moisture, and they can also help in many other ways too. Some oils contain antiseptic qualities to boost scalp health, some can increase blood flow to stimulate hair follicles, and others can reduce the chance of dandruff also. Just make sure you mix them with a carrier like virgin oil and test on a small area before diving straight in.

Ways to protect your hair in the winter by Barbies Beauty Bits

Cover Up
This one sits right across the prevention and cure border. By covering up before your hair has become stressed out you’re going to be lessening the chances of that occurring. Covering up after the damage has occurred will give your hair a better chance of repairing itself. Whether it’s a warm hat or headscarf, put it on when you know you’re heading out into the cold weather and your hair will much appreciate it. Just be careful that whatever you’re wearing isn’t too tight, as that could increase the risk of winter frizz.

Ways to treat damaged winter hair by Barbies Beauty Bits

Be Pro-active
Prevention can indeed be better than cure in many ways, and these preventative measures will certainly help:
  • Go easy on the heat: Styling tools and excessively hot water can dry out hair, so use your tongs, straighteners and blow dryer sparingly. Also, rinse your hair in warm or cool water, rather than hot
  • Don’t over shampoo: Just like the heat, excessive shampooing can really dry out hair
  • Regular trims: Fight the split end issue by getting your hair trimmed regularly, and certainly when you see any damage
Even if you haven’t followed these guidelines and your hair has become a bit frazzled, taking them on board now will give your hair a better chance of recovery.

So there you have it beauties, four top tips to prevent and repair winter-damaged hair. So what are you waiting for? Put them into practice now and, your hair will soon get back to its glossy best!


February 5, 2018

Tips To Getting Your Hair Ready For Valentine’s: Hairstyles, Accessories And Care

Valentines Day Hair Tips With Barbies Beauty Bits

There are so many things that you have to consider when getting ready for the most romantic day of the year; from the perfect shoes to the ultimate dress. It can be so easy to overlook the final touches and leave the hair to the last moment. Instead of caring for it and staying one step ahead, you can find yourselves dealing with frizzy, wiry, and uncooperative hair right before you have to leave for your date night. So, it’s important you mix a few essential hair care tips with a bit self-styling, to make sure your hair is looking beautiful and ready in time for Valentine’s day! So, if you want to have your hair looking HAIRtastic this Valentine's Day continue reading!

Helpful Tips To Start Planning And Prepping Your Hair For Valentine’s Day

Choose Simple Go-to Hairstyles
When it comes to getting your hair ready, it is worth having a few go-to hairstyles that you can put together at a moment’s notice. This could be anything from keeping a curling wand on your dressing table to having step by step hair tutorials bookmarked on your phone – after all, you don’t have to have a super fancy up-do to look good on a night out. And knowing a few hairstyle tips and tricks yourself will not only save you a pricey trip to the salon but will also make getting ready quicker and easier.

Simple Go-to Hairstyles For Valentines Day by Barbies Beauty Bits

Add In A Cute Accessory Or Two 
If you choose a hairstyle like a braid, for example, all you need to keep close by is a few thin elastic hair ties, but that doesn’t mean you can’t jazz up the style with an extra accessory or two. Sliding a small hair comb into your hair just above the braid, some beading, or tying a hair ribbon across your hairline can add the perfect Valentine’s sparkle to your hairstyle. Just remember that on this special day you can never go wrong with an accessory in red!

Add Hair-boosting Nutrients To Your Diet
Everybody knows that our diet is the foundation to many things. Putting the right nutrients into our body is the number one building block to promote hair, skin and nail growth. By choosing which foods make up your meals and snacks wisely, you can keep your hair looking great all year long. Protein promotes faster hair-growth; vitamins A and E can help to boost your hair’s natural shine; and Omega- 3, fatty acids and zinc are a great way to improve your hair’s chance of growing longer, shinier and healthier. Upgrade your diet right away and have beautiful hair ready for Valentine’s day and throughout the rest of the year.

healthy food for your hair with barbies beauty bits

Moisturize Your Hair Regularly
During colder months your hair is likely to take a beating, thanks to exposure to everything from cold wind to additional heat from blow drying, styling, and in-house heating. Adding a hair mask into your beauty routine as well as using argan oil products are two of the best hair care tips to get your strands moisturized and healthy – all ready to celebrate romance!

Treat yourself to a hairstylist this valentines day with Barbies Beauty Bits and Dove

Pay A Visit To Your Hairstylist
Part of keeping your hair healthy all year around is to make sure that you visit the hairdressers regularly, and Valentine’s day is the best excuse for the first visit of the year! Colder months are always bound to take a toll on your hair, and split, broken ends are likely to happen. Making sure that you take that all-important trip to your trusted hairstylist before February 14th to get those ends trimmed will help keep your hair looking great on date night.

Give Your Locks A Post-Valentine’s Detox
Looking after your hair doesn’t stop when date night is over. In fact, after Valentine’s is when you should be taking the most care of your precious locks. On the day your hair is likely to be exposed to a plethora of extra products such as mousse and hairspray to keep it in top shape. A great way to remove product build up the next day is to use an apple cider vinegar rinse. An extra post-Valentine’s detox tip is to use a scented shampoo for an extra touch of freshness!

Don’t let the cold wintery weather stop you from looking your best this Valentine’s. Make a note of these helpful tips and start planning and prepping your hair for Valentine’s now!

Treatments for your hair after a special occasion by Barbies Beauty Bits


February 1, 2018

What The Heck Is Microdermabrasion And Why Do I Need To Add It To My Skincare Routine?

What Is Microdermabrasion And Why Do I Need To Add It To My Skincare Routine By Barbies Beauty Bits

This is my second skincare post in my "What The Heck" series and today I am going to be talking briefly about Microdermabrasion and why it should be added to your skincare routine. But before we get into that I wanted to first start off by letting you know that there are a few forms of microdermabrasion, those that are an actual procedure performed in a medical office and those devices that are sold for in-home use that can offer many similar benefits of exfoliation.

The devices used for Microdermabrasion procedures performed by a medical professional are much more powerful and precise and penetrate deeper into the skin. While these are a wonderful luxury, they are just that and can be costly, therefore at home microdermabrasion devices can be your answer, especially if you are on a budget.

The Michael Todd Beauty Total Refresher 3-in-1 Derm Rejuvenation System Microdermabrasion By Barbies Beauty Bits

Why Do I Need To Add Microdermabrasion To My Skincare Routine?

No matter which option you choose, if you want healthy, glowing skin, you should be exfoliating! You see as we age our cellular turnover slows down, meaning that our body is slower to shed dead skin cells and produce new ones.

This buildup of dead skin cells can have a negative impact on our skin leaving it looking dry and dull, or worse this accumulation can result in excess oil production and clogged pores, which could lead to problematic skin.

Additionally, this build of dead, dull skin can highlight any imperfections on your complexion, and sometimes can create false wrinkles and no one wants that. Furthermore, if you are not removing your dead skin cells, it will create a barrier for your skincare products. So those expensive serums and creams that you’re spending all that money on can’t get to the fresh new skin which is hidden below this barrier of dead skin cells.

Hence, Microdermabrasion is a non-surgical procedure that mechanically exfoliates that outermost layer of dead skin cells (the stratum corneum) helping to speed up the process of shedding old skin and making room for new skin to emerge.

That is right if you are continually exfoliating your skin, you do not have to rely on your body’s natural rate of desquamation to keep your complexion looking radiant and beautiful. As when you are removing that outermost layer of dead skin cells, your body interprets it as an injury, so it quickly replaces the lost skin cells with healthy new ones.

A microdermabrasion device not only buffs away that dead skin, but it also polishes and refines the skin's texture using a diamond-encrusted tip or fine crystals. Furthermore, some at home devices have an added suction, and when the wand touches the skin, a vacuum is created to gently but effectively rejuvenate for softer, smoother, younger-looking, radiant skin.

Other benefits are...
  • Help to diminish fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Minimize and unclog pores.
  • Aid in reducing the appearance of age spots and other sun damage.
  • Stimulate blood flow to help improve the skin's elasticity. 
  • Microdermabrasion can aid in the penetration of skincare products by up to 50%.
While Microdermabrasion is a wonderful thing to add to your skin routine, it is not something I would recommend if you have skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema, widespread acne and fragile or broken capillaries.  In cases like this stay away from home devices and seek medical advice first!

Want to know ways to prepare your skin for Microdermasion? Then click the image below!

Tips to Prepare your skin for Microdermabrasion by Barbies Beauty Bits

DISCLAIMER: As always for techiniques like this, do as I did and consult with a professional.  While I do work in the skincare field, I am not a medical professional. My website it for entertainment purposes only. Read More Here.

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