January 21, 2018

Easy Skincare Tips For Men

Easy Skincare Tips For Men With Harry's Grooming Limited And Barbie's Beauty Bits

If you're a guy that merely washes your face with soap and water and think that counts as your skincare, it’s time for you to reconsider your skincare game. While I am not suggesting going out and purchasing all kinds of skincare products to have a successful regimen in place, it is essential to implement a routine. So, if you want to find out how to up your skincare routine continue reading.

Easy Skincare Tips For Men

A Smarter Shave
Although shaving does exfoliate the skin, you want to make sure to add some additional exfoliation to help remove any impurities and dead skin cells. An excellent skincare approach is to exfoliate your face with a Sonic Cleansing device before a shave. This will allow you to get a tighter shave which equals smoother skin. Also, cleansing and exfoliation before you shave will cut down on the likelihood of ingrown hairs.

The Michael Todd Beauty Soniclear for men by Barbies Beauty Bits

Additional Prepping Of The Skin Before You Shave
Now that you have exfoliated your face, you want to prep the skin/hair, and that doesn't mean just splashing water on your face. At the same time over prepping can also be problematic.

For starters, you want to use a hot towel (but not hot enough to irritate the skin) or plan to shave after a shower. If you have a thicker beard or long stubble, use an electric razor on its lowest setting to trim the hair first, before beginning to prep for your shave.

Water Temperature
Whilst we did mention using a hot towel, the temperature of the water you use while shaving is essential. Thus, you want to avoid exposing your face to very hot water! Why? Because heat causes inflammation and this can break down collagen and elastin making you age more quickly, and no one wants that, not even a man!

Quality razors with Harrys grooming by barbies beauty bits

Razor Tips

You want to always shave with a sharp razor (blades usually last 6-8 shaves). A dull razor can cause you to apply too much pressure which, in turn, can irritate the skin as well as leading to unwanted cuts and nicks. The amount of pressure applied when shaving, seems to be the most common mistake people make, but it’s the easiest to avoid, according to Harry's Grooming. Instead, you want to gently glide the razor across your skin for the best close shave.

Furthermore, you do not want to cheap out, hence investing in a quality razor is a must to avoid nicks, razor burns, and other skin problems.

Mens Shaving Tips With Harry's Grooming and Barbies Beauty Bits

Products To Use When Shaving
Although soaps and shaving creams feel and look like they have comparable properties, soap removes dirt & oil from the skin, working against your shave. On the other hand, some shaving products provide excess moisture and slip agents to decrease friction. Therefore, you want to stick to quality shaving products to find a happy medium. Furthermore, you want to be using shaving products that also provide hydration, like Harry’s Shaving Gel.  This gel has natural ingredients to include aloe and cucumber which are great at hydrating and refreshing the skin.

Your Skin May Be Clean But Is Your Towel
After shaving your face, it’s best to pat dry with a clean towel, but is your cloth clean? Washcloths can become an ideal nesting place for the mildew, bacteria and more. The last thing you want to be doing it putting this back on your clean shaved face and opened pores. Yes, this may seem simple, but it is imperative that you are using a clean, fresh towel after each shave as aside from infections and blemishes, bacteria can cause inflammation which too can lead to premature aging!

skincare and shaving tips for men by barbies beauty bits and harrys grooming

Skincare Tips For Men

Men usually prefer to keep their skincare routine a bit simpler than women, and that is okay, but no matter what YOU NEED A ROUTINE! Some men do not, hence developing and maintaining a daily skincare habit is the first tip in skincare for men.

Skincare Products
Look At The Ingredients
You want to be mindful of your skin type and your skin’s needs as the skincare products you choose will depend on your skin type. For example, if you have sensitive skin you want to stay away from products that have artificial fragrances and synthetics in them as these ingredients can cause your skin to become irritated and dry.

When To Apply
The best time to apply a skincare product is after you have shaved as shaving has sloathed away any dead skin cells, so there is not any bearer to block the absorption of a product.

Products To Use
A toner is a must and the first you should use. By adding the right toner to your routine, you can really up your skincare regimen as toners are great for helping to prep your skin for anti-aging treatments and serums

After using a toner, you then want to apply your treatment focused serums, moisturizer, and antiaging products.

Skincare Tips For Men With Barbies Beauty Bits

Check the Expiration Date On Your Skincare Products
Unlike women, most men are not on top of their skincare and can neglect an essential aspect of it, which is to make sure to check the shelf life on these and don’t hesitate to discard any outdated products. Skincare products are always evolving, so when you get rid of older products, you make room for formulas that contain the latest advancements in the beauty industry. So, if you have wanted to indulge in some great skincare products, this is an excellent time to go and splurge on yourself.

Wear A Sunscreen
Men are usually more physically active outdoors than women thus to help prevent sun damage that can lead to premature aging, wrinkles, sun spots and even skin cancer, before going outdoors, always apply sunscreen to all exposed areas of skin.

In conclusion, just like women, every man’s skin is different, but when it comes to skincare, there is not a one size fits all. But what is for sure is that if you don’t have a skincare regimen in place, hopefully after reading this you will!

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