September 2, 2017

Why Women Should Shave Their Face

Why Women Should Shave Their Face By Barbies Beauty Bits

Yes, you read that correctly I said that women should shave their face and I am not talking about shaving to remove unwanted facial hair, but rather shaving your entire face to help with improving your skin tone, texture, and reducing fine lines and wrinkles.   I decided to write a series on facial shaving for younger looking skin, as when I tell people I do this; most are like WTF?

So, if you want to find out why and how to have younger looking skin by shaving your face continue reading!

Why Shaving Your Face Can Help You Look Younger

Now before I started doing this, the idea scared me as all I could think about, was will this make my peach fuzz, and yes we all have hair on our face, grow back thick, dark or coarse?  The answer is no it will not. Secondly, while I do work in the skincare industry, I did want to make sure that I was doing this correctly, so I did consult with a professional on this first. Now before I get into how to do this, I want to explain the reasoning behind it.

Shaving your entire face helps to soften the surface irregularities by mildly exfoliating the top layer of dead skin cells more thoroughly than say with a facial scrub and it is less abrasive than microdermabrasion. It can also contribute to getting rid of the vellus hairs (peach fuzz) that we all have, which on some people can make their complexion a bit dull.

Why Shaving Your Face Can Help You Look Younger By Barbies Beauty Bits

Furthermore, exfoliating your face by shaving also stimulates your skin to produce new skin cells and collagen (whenever there’s trauma to the skin, collagen is stimulated to help cell renewal), which gives your complexion a smoother radiant appearance. It can also, according to my sources, soften the appearance of fine lines by removing the layer of dead skin which contained them.

Lastly, shaving your face helps the active ingredients in your skincare products to penetrate deeper into the skin, making them more effective as well as promoting cellular turnover, AKA encouraging new cells to surface. And of course, makeup application is FLAWLESS!

Tips On  How To Shave Your Face For Younger Looking Skin By Barbies Beauty Bits

How To Shave Your Face
Shaving your entire face is something that you can do in the comfort of your own home, and all you need is a few products, and you are on your way to the younger looking skin.
  1. You want to cleanse your skin with a non-medicated cleanser thoroughly.
  2. Lather your face with shaving cream or in my case I prefer to use Skinlogics Foaming Cleanser as a shaving cream can be a bit drying for me.
  3. Using a QUALITY razor you want to SHAVE YOUR ENTIRE FACE, I prefer to do it in sections starting from my forehead, to my checks, and moving my way down.  You can even shave your neck, as none of us want turkey neck as we get older.
  4. You can shave in any direction, but make sure you are careful and paying attention as you don’t want to cut yourself, nor do you want any razor burns. Lastly, you don’t want to accidentally shave off some eyebrow hairs or get too close to your hairline, so do this in front of a mirror.
  5. Rinse with warm water and remove the cream, I prefer to use my makeup eraser for this, but you can use any clean cloth.
  6. Apply your regular skincare products, starting with the ones with the active ingredients first. 
  7. Finish with applying a UVA/UVB moisturizer.
The Makeup Eraser For Younger Looking Skin By Barbies Beauty Bits

So there you have it beauties reasons to how and why women should shave their face. And lastly, please make sure to check back as this is going to be a series of posts, including discussing the difference between dermaplaning and shaving, and dermaplaning products, like the Michael Todd Beauty SonicSmooth that you can use in the comfort of your own home!


DISCLAIMER: As always for techiniques like this, do as I did and consult with a professional.  While I do work in the skincare field, I am not a medical professional. My website it for entertainment purposes only. Read More Here.


  1. Never knew woman had to shave there face. I mean I get little hairs on the bottom of my chin and I just usually pluck them with my fingers, LOL. I would of never thought to actually shave my face, awkward!

  2. Love this post, I have been shaving my face for a long time, Plus micro needling for a while, Love the result it gives my skin.... Love the New Product Michael Todd came out with. Does the makeup eraser work good? I have a cloth thats called the magic makeup cloth:, Had it a long time, it works great and washes up so good ) xoxo

    1. The makeup eraser is amazing. I use it for additional exfoliation. The fluffy side I use to remove my eye makeup, the other side works wonders for exfoliating. Now sure if that is what it is used for, but I use it after all exfoliating products and devices for clean up.

  3. The makeup eraser Sounds like something I need to try. Thank you Barbie, for letting me know about it. Have a fun weekend:) xo

  4. Wow! I had no idea that shaving the face was so good for it! I was also under the false assumption that facial hair grew back thicker.

  5. I always thought women who shaved needed to have unwanted hair removal. I do think that an occasional treatment like shaving would be a good idea so you have convinced me.

  6. Interesting. I've never heard this before, mostly because they say if you shave your face, the hair grows back thicker.

  7. I have a blade tool that I use on my face. Now that I am in my 40's, I am worried about random stray hair growing on my face!

  8. This really surprises me. I'm gonna start to shave my chin now. Thanks.

  9. I tried shaving my face before and my skin felt so smooth. I need to do it again. -LYNNDEE

  10. I have just started doing this and I have noticed the difference, I am glad I did

  11. I love how you showed the right approach as well as suggesting great products.

  12. Mama Maggie's KicthenJanuary 23, 2021 at 4:08 PM

    I never really thought of shaving my face. But Michael Todd Beauty SonicSmooth sounds really amazing! I will definitely check this out.

  13. These arguments sound goo, but it's too strange for me to shave my face.


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