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August 6, 2017

Top Tips To Banishing Adult Acne With ZAPZYT

Top Tips To Banishing Adult Acne With ZAPZYT By Barbie's Beauty Bits and PRIMP

Acne is not something that only 13 years old’s experience during puberty; it can have an onset later in life as well. Think about, life can be stressful, and this stress can have a negative impact on our body, which can lead to an occasional flare up.

Sucks, yeah, I know. So not only could you be fending off wrinkles but also pimples! So what is a girl to do? Why is this happening as I am not a teenager anymore? Well, fret no more as I have partnered up with ZAPZYT and The PRIMP Network to bring you "11 Ways To Help Banish Adult Acne."

Why Do Women Get Adult Acne

While clogged pores can be an apparent reason, most of us in our 30s/40s are pretty good about managing that.  What we may not always be great at managing is the stress in our lives from our work, children, on the go diets, and more.

These stress factors can contribute to those unexpected zits as they can cause women’s hormones to go into a frenzy and when our hormones are out of whack, it can trigger adult acne!

Now I am not going to get too technical here, but for this post, I reached out to a friend of mine that works at a dermatologist office. And she explained that when women experience hormonal fluctuations due to stress, there is an increase in our cortisol levels, AKA stress hormone. This stress hormone gets broken down by our body into testosterone, and causes our skins oil production to sky rocket, causing a breakout!  And if that wasn’t bad enough it can also break down collagen and elastin, ultimately leading to wrinkles!

If you have experienced long-term problems with acne throughout your teens and adult life, you may need to take action. Procedures from a dedicated acne dermatologist can repair the damage of acne scars, keratosis, and skin issues. The non-invasive treatments are a great way to restore a youthful glow. They simultaneously treat the underlying issues.

Rejuvenating the skin in this way will make you feel like a brand new woman. Still, an ongoing plan will be needed to maintain your clear skin. ZAPZYT could be the answer..

11 Ways To Help Banish Adult Acne By Barbies Beauty Bits

11 Ways To Zap Your Zits

While there is not a magic wand that can banish those blemishes forever, there are some steps you can take to help reduce them, and I have outlined them below.

TIP 1: Reduce Stress
While being told, don’t stress about it is easier said than done, there are some things we can do that can help alleviate some stress, like getting a good night sleep, sex or for me a workout. Yes, a quick workout to me is a great stress reliever, as it can help to take our mind off the stressful day as well as contributing to reducing our cortisol levels, by producing endorphins, which calms you!

How stress can cause acne in women by barbies beauty bits

TIP 2: Look At The Great Ingredients
An effective zit zapping product can play a significant role in helping to reduce a flare up. It is important to look for products that have some key ingredients in them like salicylic acid, that helps by exfoliating to unclog your pores and benzoyl peroxide that works by killing acne bacteria.

Given that, I am here to share with you ZAPZYT skincare products, to help you zap unexpected flare ups! Before I get into these products, it is important to understand that this product, as well as my tips, are not for people with frequent acne issues, but rather those occasional blemishes due to stress and other environmental factors.

ALSO, I am not a medical professional, as with all my posts I am here to share my knowledge and experiences with a product. So, if you are experiencing severe acne, I would suggest seeking advice from a medical professional first, as this product I am about to share is not for those with extreme acne.

Zap Your Zits With ZAPZYT Products
This line comes with four treatments options. One thing that I liked about this line is that is great at helping to treat your breakouts fast as the last thing we need is to add more stress because of a pimple!

Zap Your Zits With ZAPZYT Acne Products By Barbies Beauty Bits and PRIMP

Tip 3: Cleanse
Being a busy bee and always on the go, I am exposing my skin to tons of damaging elements every day. Elements like dust, sweat, and even makeup can wreak havoc on the skin. So properly cleansing your skin is the first step in your topical treatment and the unscented, oil and alcohol-free ZAPZYT Acne Wash is great at helping to penetrates deep into pores. It is also…
  • Hypoallergenic cleanser, and free of dyes.
  • Has aloe and chamomile to soothe and calm the skin and reduce redness.
  • 2% Salicylic Acid that encouraging exfoliation of dead skin cells, which is essential in helping to clean out those clogged pores, keeping your skin blemish free.
ZAPZYT Acne Wash review by barbies beauty bits and PRIMP

Tip 4: Exfoliation
Next up is the ZAPZYT Pore Clearing Scrub, this product is great for clearing out your pores of dirt, oil and acne-causing bacteria.

The ZAPZYT pore scrub has powerful 2% Salicylic acid and natural wax microbeads that gently exfoliates the skin opening the way for the other ZAPZYT products to penetrate more deeply, making them more efficient.

I like this product because proper exfoliation is essential at all times. Not only does it helps to remove that barrier of dead skin cells that can clog our pores, revealing fresh new skin cells, but it also stimulates cellular turnover that can help with making your skin look brightly polished and radiant.

Exfoliation tips to help acne prone skin by barbies beauty bits

Tip 5: Pore Treatment
ZAPZYT Pore Treatment Gel
This pore treatment gel uses 2% Salicylic Acid, oil and water soluble to cut through greasy skin and penetrates the pores putting the treatment in the heart of that nasty pimple!

I liked that this product was an oil free soothing aloe gel formula as sometimes excess creams can clog your pores and dull the appearance of your skin. Plus, aloe when used in skincare, can help in reducing redness while hydrating aging skin.

Tip 6: Always Have A Spot Treatment Handy
ZAPZYT Acne Treatment Gel
10% benzoyl peroxide – Maximum Strength
The original ZIT Zapper

Nothing is worse than waking up with an unexpected zit on the day of a big event or wine night out with the girls. And this ZIT zapper was created for moments like those to help zap those zits away quickly! Therefore, I keep small sample tubes of this stuff in my purse, at my desk, in my brief case, an overnight bag, as it helps pretty darn quick at Zit Zapping.

A bonus for me, especially with my maturing skin is that it contains no alcohol, so I don’t have to worry about flaky, dry skin.

ZAPZYT Acne Treatment Gel Review by Barbies Beauty Bits and PRIMP

Additional Product Details:
  • Kills acne causing bacteria
  • Clears acne pimples and blackheads fast
  • Oil free, odorless gel vanishes as it clears your skin
  • The maximum strength formula in ZAPZYT Acne Treatment Gel is the same formula recommended by dermatologists.
  • ZAPZYT penetrates deep into your pores where pimples begin, delivering the fastest results possible.
  • ZAPZYT vanishes instantly into your skin giving you quick results.
So as you can see ZAPZYT is a safe, effective and economical skincare solution designed to give you the clear skin you’ve always wanted.

Tip 7: Stop Touching Your Face
Stress can cause us to pick, but don’t! Not only can it cause inflammation, but our hands encounter millions of germs, which you could be transferring to your face. And not only can this make a breakout worse, but bacteria can also lead to premature aging!!!

Tip 8: Your Makeup
Look At The Ingredients
I could do an entire blog post on this, but I will save it for another day.  However, the makeup we are using can cause irritation and dehydration, potentially making your acne stay around longer or lead to more breakouts. So, when you are choosing a foundation, you want to stick with a water-based foundation and stay away from those with alcohol, acrylics, and fillers like mica, silica, and talc.

Makeup ingredients that can cause break out by barbies beauty bits

Remove Your Makeup Before Bed
It is important to remove your makeup every night before you go to bed. Makeup can be magnet and during the day you have picked up dirt and other oils, sleeping in this can lead to clogged pores, it can also contribute to a dull complexion while preventing your skincare products from properly absorbing into your skin.

Tip 10: Beauty Sleep
Beauty sleep is real! The goal is to have 6-8 hours of sleep a night as lacking sleep can cause a lot of adverse effects on your skin besides breakouts, like dark circles under the eyes, bags, and that darn stress hormone can get elevated hurting your skin's quality!

How the lack of sleep can ruin your skin by Barbies Beauty Bits

Tip 11: Eating Healthy
The statement you are what you eat is so true!  Eating foods on the healthier side will make our body feel and look younger.  First, you want to avoid highly processed and preserved foods.  Secondly, reduce the intake of alcohol & salt as these both can cause affect the skin in a negative manner.

So, there you have it, an approach to banishing adult acne that combines quality skincare products from ZAPZYT, alleviating stress, and a daily routine dedicated to improving and preserving one’s skin health!

Where To Purchase ZAPZYT
In addition to purchasing these products on the ZAPZYT website, you can also purchase at some of your local retailers, just in time to ZAP those ZITS!

Until, next time!

Acne is not something that only 13 years old’s experience during puberty; it can have an onset later in life as well. Think about, li...

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  1. Thanks for the great review. I would love to try these out as soon as possible!

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