January 30, 2017

Top 10 Ways To Pamper Yourself On Valentine's Day

Top 10 Ways To Pamper Yourself On Valentine's Day By Barbie's Beauty Bits.

Valentine’s Day offers the perfect excuse for a little pampering. Whether you are single or have a significant other, you have no reason to be bummed out on Valentine’s Day. A little pampering will contribute to improving your mood, motivating you and helping to avoid burnout, so what are you waiting for?

There are so many ways to treat yourself, and I am here to share my top 10 Ways to pamper yourself on Valentine's Day.

Love Is In The Hair
What girl doesn't LOVE getting her hair done? Therefore, I always make a hair appointment on Valentine’s Day at my favorite salon Dupres Salon and Day Spa.  This is an excellent way to look HAIRtastic on V-Day, whether for yourself, to impress your sweetie or if Valentines is a fun girl’s night out! Many salons have specials on this day, so check with yours to see what they have!

treat yourself to a hair do on valentines day by barbies beauty bits

A Spa Day
I’m a big proponent of having some me time.  We all like to feel like a princess, so why not treat yourself to a Me Day! So, grab your favorite fleece robe and slippers, like this cute set from Adore Me and enjoy a day of pampering with quality makeup, a manicure, and pedicure and let’s not forget about skincare ladies!  Speaking about skincare that leads me to my next way to spoil yourself…

spa day ideas for valentines by barbies beauty bits

snuggling robes for valentines by barbies beauty bits

Show Your Skin Some TLC
Properly exfoliating your skin is a must if you want healthy, glowing skin.  As we get older, the process of cell regeneration slows down. Therefore, the body is slower at shedding dead skin cells and generating new ones. Proper exfoliation removes the old skin and uncovers the new beautiful you below the surface! So, if you have wanted to indulge in some great skincare products, go and splurge.  A company that I recommend if you want to show your skin some TLC is Michael Todd Beauty and their Soniclear.

skincare tips for valentine's day with Michael Todd Beauty and barbies beauty bits

Wine A Bit, You'll Feel Better
You noticed I said WINE not WHINE.  No need to cry on Valentine’s Day.  Instead get with the girls and enjoy a wine tasting! Each of you can bring a bottle of wine and celebrate your loving friendship.  My favorite place for wine is Trader Joe’s, as they have an incredible selection of wine for a fantastic price.

wine tips for valentine's day by barbies beauty bits

Don’t Forget The Chocolate
As Forest Gump, would say “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get.” Or maybe in this case you do since you will be buying the chocolate.  And, chocolate goes great with wine, so you can bring this to your wine tasting or save it for yourself, don’t worry we won’t tell if you do!

chocolate and wine for valentine's day by barbies beauty bits

Get Your Beauty Sleep
Oh, how do we all wish we could be sleeping beauty at one time.  But, the importance of having a good night sleep affects us both mentally and physically, so why not sleep a little more on this day.

Another element of getting a good night sleep is wearing something comfortable! And Adore Me has some great items made for lounging and sleeping.

pjs for valentine's day by barbies beauty bits and adore me

Snuggle Up With A Great Movie
For this, snuggle up in your comfy Pj's and can grab your man or your cat and watch a FUNNY movie. Laughing can have an incredible effect on your well-being, so make sure that you are laughing on Valentine’s Day! And Don't Forget The Popcorn!

cat and valentines day by barbies beauty bits

best pjs for valentines day by barbies beauty bits and adore me

Treat Yourself To A New Bra And Pantie Set
Now some of you may be thinking, what?? How is this pampering if I am single?  But the truth for me there’s nothing like a matching bra and pantie set to make me feel amazing.   It’s the kind of thing we don’t treat ourselves too often enough, but knowing you’re wearing something pretty underneath your clothes can really make you feel great about yourself.

 matching bra and panty set for valentine's day by barbies beauty bits and adore me

These gorgeous sets can be purchased at such reasonable price too, this is why I like to do all of my shopping at Adore Me.
  • 1 set for $19.95 
  • 2 sets for $49.95 
  • 3 sets for $79.95

adore me sets on sale by barbies beauty bits

From demure push-ups to seamless strapless bras, you’ll want their bras & panties to be the foundation to every one of your outfits, Valentines or not, I know I sure do!

Ladies, if you want to look beautiful, you need to feel beautiful.   It is no secret that beauty is more than what is on the outside.  My grandma always used to say,  “If you  don’t feel good about yourself you won’t look good.”  And I agree with her! Beauty is more than our physical appearance; it is a state mind! There are many great things that we all can be doing, not just on Valentine's Day that will help us to look and feel beautiful from the inside out.

Until next time!



  1. Love your pampering ideas!!! I could definitely go for a little pampering here - it's been a while.

  2. All about happy hair to pamper myself - but those chocolates look fab too! And - I am so all about cozy loungewear!

  3. OK I'm down for all of these VDAY pampering options! I actually booked my monthly massage for Valentine's Day as a treat for me :) Enjoy the holiday!

  4. I will definitely be whining and WINING on V-Day this year! We just moved to TN and everyone here says it's been a LONG time since it hasn't snowed on V-Day. So i'll be bundled up inside with my wine!

  5. This is an awesome list. I haven't tried the soniclear but I have a Clarisonic that I use all the time and love.

  6. Two things: that bra is seriously so pretty and I need it anddd you've inspired me to go for a spa day on the 14th! I love all these ideas, too :)

  7. Great ideas! I still have a gift card to a spa place from a few years ago. I really need to use it! And how can we forget the chocolate! We can't! LOL.

  8. You definitely can't go wrong with wine and chocolate!! Love these ideas, so important to pamper yourself!

  9. Great ideas! I just made spa appointments for my man and I to get massages! So excited be able to relax and feel great!

  10. Same here: I can't remember the last time I had a pampering. Definitely before the birth of my 2nd baby a year ago! Lots of great ideas here. I dream on...

  11. I'll take a hair appointment, spa day, chocolate, wine, and new pj's! I totally need to pamper myself.

  12. A spa day sounds so relaxing, I could really use something like that right now.

  13. Oh I love all of these ideas! And I wish I could do all of them on VDAY! Thanks for the great ideas!

  14. I have been tempted to sign up for Adore Me for awhile, I just don't know if I want to buy lingerie or sleepwear every month. But they do have gorgeous stuff!

  15. I loved this post. Sometimes I get caught up with kids and life and work that I forget to pamper myself. It's so much easier to love others when you love yourself. Thanks for sharing.

  16. Ok I am ready to be pampered ASAP now!!!! I love getting my hair done and a good pair of PJ's is my favorite!

  17. I'm totally a treat yourself to a new lingerie set and cuddle the cats kind of person haha! I think that's what we gonna be doing this Valentine's Day to be fair - just be at home with the kittens and watch a movie! x

  18. Ummm can I do all of those things because I want to pamper myself with everything. Bwah! What fun ideas!

  19. As a military wife who could barely handle her busy schedule I am truly glad I came across your post. I totally agree with these wonderful list of ideas on how to pamper ourselves on Valentines Day! Especially the Spa part!

  20. I love all of these ideas to pamper yourself for Vday! Especially buying yourself some new panties make yourself feel sexy!

  21. These are all great ideas! I love pampering myself. I've been suggesting to my boyfriend that we go for a spa day/weekend - we could definitely use one!

  22. My friends and I are always talking about doing a spa day. I know I could use some pampering this time of year, or really any time.

  23. It would be nice to pamper yourself on Valentine's Day! These are all great ideas, I would love to treat myself to the spa or have my hair done!

  24. Even though I'm married I'm sure we will be snuggling up with a movie. I'll try to sneak in some pampering.

  25. Valentine's Day is all about pampering. That is what I look forward to the most. It's the one time of year I get gifted a spa day.


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