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February 16, 2016

Twitter Is Making It's Platform More User Friendly, But Is It Too Late?

You hear me talk a lot about Facebook, and that is because Facebook remains to be king of the social media networks with continued increases.  But today I wanted to talk to you about some changes with Twitter, that was published in a few articles I read this week.  One being in Entrepreneur Magazine and the other a blog post from Twitter.

Twitter has been confusing to a lot of users and, more importantly, there are too many rules, which personally I think has affected them negatively. 

While Twitter is third in social media networks with about 56.8 million users this year, according to Emarketer,  it is having a hard time gaining new followers.

From the article I read from Entrepreneur Magazine, “The company’s market value is down to around $10 billion.  They are not gaining new users.  Beyond a core group of social-media enthusiasts, the media, celebrities and their followers, Twitter never managed to engage mainstream users”.

Some Changes To Twitter

Twitter realizes they need to step up their game so to speak and are attempting to do some of that with some new changes to the platform. While there have been talks for a while about changing their 140 character limit, that is not one of the changes taking place (yet).  Some changes that they did announce included the ability never to miss important tweets from people you follow, to changing the rules around tweets starting with a @username. 

Bottom line Twitter has not stayed ahead of the curve when it comes to social networks. Unlike Facebook, who is continually changing and adding new features to make its users happy. Twitters fear of alienating its current users has prevented them from growing and gaining new ones. 

In conclusion, while these changes may seem good, are they enough to put Twitter on the road in the right direction?  Facebook and others appear to get it, so the following suit, by starting with making the platform easier to use is a good start!

What do you think?  Do you use Twitter?

Until Next Time...


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