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February 24, 2016

Facebook Adds Emoji Buttons To It's Platform!

Facebook Adds Emoji Buttons To It's Platform, By Barbie's Beauty Bits and Barbie's Social Media Bits

Back in October on the Kevin Makes Sense Radio Show, I shared that Facebook was going to be giving people more ways to express their emotions more by adding some Emoji's to Facebook.  If you missed that radio show, click here!

Well, friends, reactions is no longer a talk IT IS A REALITY! As Facebook is rolling out its new “Reactions Feature”, for all of it’s users in the next few days!

On the Today show this morning, they shared that Facebook users will now have five new ways to express their feelings on Facebook.

The new Emoji’s include…. Love, Haha, Sad, Wow, and Angry.  Add that to the like button, we now have six ways to let people know how we really feel!

Now business owners, don’t worry this is not a dislike button, but rather a way for people to express, empathy as well as happiness!

Page Admins: With these new icons, you can also check the reactions of your posts in Insights. So love it! 
...We’re kicking butt with Love! 
Or that thought of the day, got a lot of HAha's!

To read more on Facebooks new Emoji’s CLICK HERE Back in October on the Kevin Makes Sense Radio Show , I shared that Facebook was going to be giving people more ways to express their e...

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