September 21, 2015

Insiders Top 10 Tips To Looking And Feeling Beautiful

Insiders Top 10 Tips To Looking And Feeling Beautiful, By Barbies Beauty Bits

Turning older can be upsetting to some, but it doesn’t have to be.  I read an article a few months back about women who suffer from the Beauty and Beast Syndrome.  Which means that one day you make the effort to look and feel good about yourself! But the next time around, no matter what you do, you can’t conquer the beast of feeling bad about yourself.  Ladies, if you want to look beautiful, you need to feel beautiful.   It is no secret that beauty is more than what is on the outside.  My grandma always used to say,  “If you  don’t feel good about yourself you won’t look good.”  And I agree with her! Beauty is more than our physical appearance; it is a state mind! There are many great things that we all can be doing on a daily basis that will help us to look and feel beautiful from the inside out.

So, if you want to find out the insiders top 10 tips to look and feel more beautiful continue reading.

Beauty Tips To Help You Emotionally:


Celebrating Ourselves:

As I mentioned above, the way you feel about yourself shows to others. So why not radiate!  Celebrating yourself is something I think we all need to do more often.  I know it is something that is hard for me to do. But studies show, women who celebrate their accomplishments are much happier!

Unfortunately, most of us don’t give ourselves enough credit for the things we do.  Big or small they are worth celebrating. 

Embrace the good with the bad: 

There is no reason to put yourself down.  None of us are perfect, we all have flaws! So accepting the good, the bad, the happy and the sad is a good thing.  Remember mistakes are opportunities for us to learn.

Remove Negative People From Your Life:  Mark Twain said it best, “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”



BEAUTY TIPS TO PAMPERING YOURSELF, By Barbie's Beauty Bits and Origns

For the pampering tips, I have partnered up with Origins.  Their mission is to create high-performance natural skincare that is powered by nature and proven by science.  They use potent plants, organic ingredients and 100% natural essential oils.

I’m a big proponent on having some me time.  We all like to feel like a princess, so why not treat yourself to a spa day! Enjoy a day of pampering with quality makeup, a manicure and pedicure and let’s not forget about skincare ladies!  It is important that you are comfortable in your skin. When it comes to skincare, it isn’t just about targeting lines or fighting wrinkles; instead the goal is to find ideal multi-dimensional products that make you look and feel radiant!

With this spirit in mind, I am thrilled to introduce to you Origins Three Part Harmony Oil-infused Serum and Three Part Harmony Nourishing Cream. Both were designed with three goals in mind: to renew, repair, and restore radiance using the power of nature to help create your most optimally youthful and healthy skin.  IT IS THE MOST Dynamic Age-defying Duo!

Origins Three Part Harmony Nourishing Cream & Serum, by Barbie's Beauty Bits

Hydrate and Moisturizer Your Skin Daily:  

Yes, I said daily and honestly this is something that we should be doing at any age! But if you neglected it in your younger years, you need to start, and you can do so with Origins Three Part Harmony Nourishing Cream and Origins Three Part Harmony Oil-Infused Serum.

This intensely rich cream and serum help to renew the skin's hydration levels!  They also contribute to producing youthful supplies of natural collagen to help visibly repair skin's structure, refine the tone and brighten the skin to impart a healthy, vibrant glow.

How To Use The Three Part Harmony Products: Use twice daily as part of your renewal regimen.
  •     Step 1: Wash face with your favorite cleanser.
  •     Step 2: Apply the Three Part Harmony Oil-Infused Serum.
  •     Step 3: Massage the Three Part Harmony Nourishing Cream onto your face.


Exfoliate Your Skin: 

Properly exfoliating your skin is a must if you want healthy, glowing skin.  As we get older, the process of cell regeneration slows down. Therefore, the body is slower at shedding dead skin cells and generating new ones. Proper exfoliation removes the old skin and uncovers the new beautiful you below the surface! Origins has plenty of exfoliators as well; you can check some of them out here.

Beauty Tips To Help You Physically:


Get Your Beauty Sleep: Oh how do we all wish we could be sleeping beauty at one time.  But, the importance of having a good night sleep affects us both mentally and physically. The goal is to have 6-8 hours of sleep at night.

Get Your Beauty Sleep, By Barbies Beauty Bits

Smiling & Laughing:  Smiling and laughing can have an incredible effect on your well-being.  We frequently hear that a warm smile is the universal language of kindness.  Smiling helps to present a more positive image to others! So, if you want to look beautiful on the outside, the best way is to start with a smile.

Eating Healthy: The statement you are what you eat is truer than you think.  Eating healthy and safe food every day will make our body fit, slim and also look younger.  Additionally, portion control and starting off the day by eating breakfast can make a big difference in how we look and feel

Exercising Regularly: By having a consistent exercise routine, you can feel happier, healthier, energetic, and confident.  It also increases our bone density and muscle that can make our body look and feel much younger. 

So there you have it ladies, the Insiders Top 10 Tips To Looking And Feeling Beautiful.

Do you have any types that you would like to share? If so, they me know!

Top Beauty Blogger Barbie's Beauty Bits

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Origins. The opinions and text are all mine.


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