March 19, 2015

Top 5 Beauty Uses For Coconut Oil

Top 5 Beauty Uses For Coconut Oil, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t! And today I do, with my top 5 Pantry to Pretty Bits; using coconut oil in my beauty regimen.

Products: There are two products I use.  First up, is Trader Joe's Organic Virgin Coconut Oil.  It is only $5.99 for a 16 ounce jar, giving me plenty of usage at a great price. I also like using Rahda's Beauty 100% Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil, as it has no fillers and is the highest quality carrier oil available. The cost for this is only $5, when you use the code: RCOCONUT during checkout!

        My Top 5 Beauty Uses For Coconut Oil
  1. To Remove Eye Makeup:  Simply rub this on your eyelids, and it removes your makeup amazingly! It also works great to help soften the lashes too, while removing your mascara.
  2. A Scrub:  Coconut oil works wonders in preventing dryness and flaky patched skin.  Merely, combine some coconut oil with sea salt or sugar and you have your exfoliant.
  3. Lips:  This works miracles on your lips to help moisturize.  If you want to add some color to it, add some bits of mineral eye shadow to the coconut oil and you’ve created your own colored lip balm.
  4. Bath:  No more need for Calgon to take you away, as you can add coconut oil to your bath to help moisturize and soothe your skin and worries of the day.
  5. Hair:  The essential proteins in coconut help damaged hair immensely.  Hence making it a great deep conditioner.  Simply apply it to ends of your hair and comb it through.   Once you have it applied to all the needed areas, pin your hair up and wrap it in saran wrap or a shower cap, for an hour or longer (sometimes I sleep in it). Then wash and rinse the hair as normal.  A bonus:  Coconut oil is fantastic at fighting dandruff as well. 



  1. great ideas, I'm going to use it for more than my hair now :)
    lets follow each other! Following you now, hope you will follow back :)


  2. Love using coconut oil as a hair mask!<3 xox

  3. This is really handy, thanks for sharing! xxx Thou Shalt Not Covet

  4. Ive made my own scrub quite a few times now using coconut oil and it is amazing how much good it does the skin x

  5. Oh wow, I'd never considered using coconut oil for anything like this before. I'd love to try some as a deep conditioner. Great tips :D

    Louise x

    With love from Lou

  6. I have coconut oil on my list to buy because i want to make a homemade sugar scrub! I'll save these ideas as well! :)

  7. ive been using it on my hair and i love it!

  8. There is so many ways to use it. I need to give it a try sometime :)

    Pink Frenzy


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