March 26, 2015

Is There A Fix For Hair Loss?

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Eu Natural.
Views expressed were not influenced in anyway. 

Long hair has always been a favorite of mine.  But the past year after I wash and style my hair, there is enough hair in the sink, to start collecting to make a wig.  Sounds a bit farce I know, but my hair seems to be falling out more so than in years past.   I’ve been to a few Dr's to see what the heck is going on.  While, I didn’t get a definitive answer, most diagnosed it as stress induced. 

One of the suggestions given to me was to try some supplements.  So when I was contacted by Eu Natural to try out their Vibrance Pure Hair Vitamins supplement, I was excited to give it a try.

About the Product:

Vibrance Pure Hair Vitamins is a supplement for hair growth that contains a rich abundance of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. Think of it as taking a multivitamin for your hair. The nourishing ingredients is supposed to support the growth of thicker, longer, and more vibrant hair, which is what I am wanting!

One thing I was happy to find out is that Vibrance Pure Hair Vitamins are purely formulated without fillers, binders, and artificial additives.

I’ve been very hesitant to try a supplement because there is not much regulation on them. So you never know what you are taking, yes these companies can lie.  While they don’t call it that, I DO!  This is another reason I decided to try the product from Eu Natural, as unlike some of those other companies who don't back up their claims, Eu Natural does.  They provide premium health supplements, vitamins, and herbal solutions that are backed with a money back guarantee and made here in the USA following strict manufacturing standards!

The Results:

Well, I just started taking the supplement, so unfortunately I can't say whether or not it will make my hair growth thicker.  I will, however, give you a follow up in a month, so please make sure to check back.  But in the meantime, Eu Natural is allowing me to extend a special offer to my readers! A buy one get one free for Vibrance Pure Hair Vitamins, by using the code BBVRB1G1, during check out!

Please let me know your thoughts on the product as well, as we try this out together!  Hairs till tomorrow!

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