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February 4, 2015

The Easiest & Cheapest Way To Remove Your Makeup...PERIOD

Register To Win A MAKEUP ERASER By Clicking Here

The Easiest & Cheapest Way To Remove Your Makeup...PERIOD. With the makeup eraser by barbies beauty bits
There is no doubt I LOVE makeup.  But what I hate is trying to remove it and of the course the cost associated with trying to remove great quality makeup.  But, a few months ago, I had the opportunity to review the MAKEUP ERASER and fell in love at first wipe! This amazing eco-friendly cloth removes ALL of your makeup, and the best part is it does it with only water!  Not only do you use only water, but you can also throw this bad boy in the washing machine with your regular load of towels and dry in the dryer!

Aside from the everyday makeup wearer, anyone can use the Makeup Eraser…It is great for a stage performer, a cheerleader and more.  Even your athlete!  Anyone who puts any kind of makeup or face paint on their face can remove it with just water and the Makeup Eraser. 

 So, you may be wondering like I was, what is this thing made of? The Makeup Eraser is made of a special blend of polyester that is friendly to your face. It is not made of Microfiber, which is important as microfiber pulls and tugs on the skin causing premature aging and wrinkles.  The best part for me, is this eco-friendly cloth is reusable, so there is no need to buy and throw-away cotton balls, 1 time use makeup remover wipes and expensive makeup removers, hence saving you money! 

This little pink beauty is... 
"The Easiest & Cheapest Way To Remove Your Makeup"...PERIOD! 
See why below!
  • Chemical-free. Cruelty-free. Reusable.
  • The Makeup Eraser (MUE) is an All NATURAL method of removing your makeup!
  • The Makeup Eraser is a pink plush cloth, which is made up of a blend of polyester that with just water removes makeup with ease, leaving skin feeling healthy and clean.
  • NO CHEMICALS to irritate your skin!  The MUE removes your makeup without stripping your skin of its natural oils making it ideal for all skin types.
  • Two sides working for you. There are 2 different sides to this little pink beauty.  The combination of the long exfoliation side (the side with the tag), and the shorter (baby blanket/ bathrobe) feeling side that allows you to remove all makeup with just water.
  • The MUE is MACHINE WASHABLE.  Each Eraser will last about 1000 washes. Because it is such high quality, it is nearly impossible to wear out.
  • Not made of microfiber, so no pulling on the skin, which leads to wrinkles and premature aging.
  • Saves on money, as you do not will have to purchase makeup cleansers, wipes, etc.
  • Satisfaction. The best just got better!  If you think something doesn't match up to the description of it, return the unused portion for a 100% refund or exchange, the original shipping & handling charges are non-refundable.  The offer is void if product is more than 50% used. 
  How To Use This

Remove your makeup with only water with the makeup eraser, by barbies beauty bits 
  • You must first wash this, otherwise you will get pink fuzzies on your face.
  • Using Warm Water Thoroughly Wet Your Cloth
  • For waterproof mascara and hard to remove makeup, you want to hold the cloth on your eye for about 15-20 secs.
  • Use Circular Motions On The Short 'nap' Side To Remove Your Makeup
  • Flip Cloth Over To Long 'nap' Side to Finish Removing Makeup And Gently Exfoliate Your Skin(side with tag)

Washing Instructions
 Before Using (Or You Will Have Pink Fuzzies All over Your Face)
  • Pre-soaking works best if you have waterproof mascara or a lot of product on your towel. Dawn works great for this.
  • Wash With Warm Water With Your Small Towel Load.
  • Tumble Dry.
  • Do Not Bleach.
The Makeup Eraser,  eco-friendly cloth removes ALL of your makeup with only water, by barbies beauty bits


IMPORTANT: Avoid These Common Mistakes People Make with the Product

Mistake: Don’t wash it first.
Solution: By washing it first you activate the fibers.

Mistake: Don’t start off by drenching the cloth.
Solution: You have to drench the cloth otherwise it will reject the water.

Mistake: Just start rubbing away.
Solution: If you wear waterproof mascara or high tar products, it is important to hold the cloth on the eye area for 15-20 secs. prior to trying to remove your makeup.

Mistake: Stuffing in a large load of towels.
Solution: Nothing really gets clean when included in a large load, this isn’t any different.   It is important to pre-soak the cloth and wash it in a medium or small load in warm water. 

LASTLY...Where do you purchase one of these? Well, I was so impressed with this little pink beauty that I decided to become a distributor for the Makeup Eraser! Click here to get one.

Want to become part of my Beauty Team and sell these to? Find out how by clicking here!  
See This Little Pink Beauty In Action!

Register To Win A MAKEUP ERASER By Clicking H ere !  There is no doubt I LOVE makeup.  But w hat I hate is trying to remove it and ...

Would you like to comment?

  1. great post! i always wash my face with a cloth, so this sounds great

    from helen at

  2. I've heard of these before, what's actually in it to remove the makeup though!? xxx Thou Shalt Not Covet

    1. There is nothing in the cloth. It is made up of a blend of polyester that with just water removes makeup with ease, leaving skin feeling healthy and clean.

  3. I struggle to see how this can remove all makeup without the need of any remover. I wear a lot of makeup so I'd love to see how this tackles my face! lol x

    1. I was the same way until I tried it. If you look at the video, you will see it removes it.

  4. I have never heard of anything like this before. I would like to try it, but I don't think its available where I am.

    Pink Frenzy


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