November 20, 2014

Beautiful Brows, With A Hint Of Tint

Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post on behalf of  Lashem.
Views expressed were not influenced in anyway.  

Welcome beauties.  Well this is my 3rd post in my bow to the brow series.  Thus far I’ve shared ways to enhance your eyebrows by using a powder with an eye brow wax,  as well as an eyebrow pencil, with a setting serum.  Today, I've saved the best for last, which is a tinting lift with a lash enhancing serum.  I say best for last because this one is fool proof. So, if you are new to perfecting your brows, this one is quicker and the easiest!

For this part of the series I partnered up with the LASHEM brand. Lashem was developed to help women everywhere feel BEAUTYful.  Whether you are a working out of the home or a stay at home mom, Lashem has something for you.

About The Product:
  1. So what exactly is a tinting lift? It a hint of tint, achieved with  a brush on gel, kind of like a mascara for your eyebrows.  This formula helps to keep your eyebrows looking full and perfectly in place, by filling, tinting and sculpting.
  2. Don’t let the name tint, scare you.   While the formula is long lasting, it is not permanent. It comes off easily with a makeup wipe.   This is why I call it a hint of tint!
  3. The applicator: This tapered brush helps to distribute the tinted gel precisely and evenly to fill in gaps while sculpting your brows. I was happy with how it really allows for perfect shaping, enabling you to go from barely there to beautiful brows in a few easy strokes!
  4. This product is paraben-free and contains a brow enhancing serum to promote healthier, stronger, thicker looking brows.
How To:

  • First you want to pick the correct color. The Lashem Colour Strokes Brow Tint is available in multiple shades: Blonde, Brunette, and Raven. IMPORTANT:  I made a mistake in ordering brunette as I didn’t want to go to dark.  The brunette is actually pretty light in color.  So, if you have dark hair like myself I recommend getting Raven. And no worries, Raven is not so dark that you’d have to worry about, here comes the brows.  It too is settle, but does a great job.
  • Similar to all brow products, I like to first start out with the connect the dots approach. When all connected, will form a v shaped arch (with softer angles) for the perfect brow. Click here to see exactly how.
  • You want to apply the gel in short upward strokes along the brow. And no worries, this product is also flake and smudge proof, letting you to use short pressing strokes to fill in the areas where there are no hairs.  

So, if you're looking for full natural looking eyebrows, Colour Strokes Brow Tint gives you just that and with a 30% discount!  Yes you read right! Lashem has given me a discount code to share with my readers.  Simply enter in BROW30BB and you're off to beautiful brows in no time!

The bottom line with this bow to the brow series,  is no matter what product you use on your eyebrows  it is in addition to your eyebrow maintenance.  Getting them threaded, plucked or waxed is not enough.  That is like getting your hair cut but never styling it, you need to taking your brows to wow!


  1. Ahhhhh I am the makeup queen but suck at eyebrows!!! Thanks for the tips :)

  2. I've never used make up on my brows, but always wanted brows like he models. I will look for his product. Thanks for sharing!

  3. This looks interesting. I don't wear makeup, but I might try this.

  4. Thanks for the great tips! I'm currently looking for a new brow gel, and this looks like a good product. I appreciate the recommendation!

  5. Great tips! I'll have to put some of these into action.

  6. I had never even thought of doing something like this before, thanks for sharing an idea for me to try out! I am trying to learn more ideas of what to do with makeup, it never was something I did much with in the past.

  7. I think brows can make such a difference in the look of your face. Thanks for sharing these great tips to having them done right!

  8. I have never used make up on my eyebrows. I always see people with it and it LOOKS like they drew them on. I would need a makeup artist!

  9. Thanks for the review! I never do anything interesting with my eyebrows, but this looks like a good product.

  10. This can really give you really beautiful eyebrows. It's nice that it's also not permanent so you can vary when you want to.

  11. This looks like a product that I need. My brows are thin and blah. This would really help my eyes pop after being framed by nice brows.

  12. I have thick brows so never used this kind of product. I like getting my brows threaded , they give great shape.

  13. I'll have to tell my daughter about this! She loves doing her eyebrows and is always looking for ways to improve.

  14. I agree that brows are very very important! Especially applying on make up!

  15. These are great tips. The brows are probably the most important part of the face as they make such an impact.

  16. I am so bad about caring for my eyebrows maybe because I do not know how to. My mom plucks them but it goes by months and months before she does it.

  17. Great points about the eyebrows to which I don't pay too much attention to ;) Thanks for the tips!

  18. This looks like a great product to enhance eyebrows. I would be interested in trying it!

  19. This looks like a great product for getting a great look. I like when my eyebrows look full and in place.

  20. I need help with mine for sure! Thanks for the tips.

  21. I'm back to wearing makeup and will have to try this. Thanks for sharing.

  22. My brows were waxed completely off in a bad day at class at cosmetology school! They have never grown back properly since. thanks for the post!

  23. I looove - love, love fixing my brows with makeup and just working on the brows changes things beautifully!

  24. Thanks for the tips. I've never used a gel, I think it would be a nice change.

  25. I really need to start giving my brows attention! Thank you for instructions.

  26. I am going to have to give this a try. I am always self conscious about my eyebrows.

  27. I don't o much with my brows these days... these do what I want and that works... however I'm always looking to try things. :D

  28. I def need to try this, it's hard doing my brows sometimes and this looks like it would work great!


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