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November 15, 2014

10 Makeup Tricks To Make Your Eyes Appear Larger

  Disclaimer:  This is post contains affiliate links.
10 Makeup Tricks To Make Your Eyes Appear Larger, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

Are you frustrated with your eyes appearing smaller than you'd like? And wish there was something you could do that would quickly brighten them up?  Well, look no further! As today, I'm going to give you my top 10 beauty tricks that will help to make your eyes appear larger. I will also include some of the products I suggest!
  1. Concealer: If you have dark circles under your eyes, they can look smaller. To counter that, you want to use a concealer that can help to even out your skin tone while brightening the eye. Product: Camouflage Cream Palette.
  2. Using The Correct Color Combination Or Light Colored Eye-shadowsCorrectly applying eyeshadow is an art.  But using the colors correctly is the first step in opening up the eyes.  If you use dark colors only, your eyes will recede. However, if you combine with lighter shades, they will help to accentuate your eyes.  The light colors catch the light, giving the illusion of larger eyes.  Product: Urban Decay Naked.
  3. Eyeliner:  Over applying dark eyeliner can make your eyes appear smaller, so please refrain from applying to the inside of the lower lash line.  It is ok to apply some eyeliner to the outer lower line. And only about a quarter of the way in from the out corner of your eye.  Do not extend to the tear duct. You can also give your eyes that extra pop by using multiple colors. If choosing this option,  you can extend to tear duct & lower lash line. But you need to select colors that compliment your eyes. Otherwise, you'll make them appear smaller.  Product: Urban Decay Ten 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil Set.
  4. White:  Using the color white near the inner corner of your eyes and your waterline, will give the illusion of larger eyes.   You can use a white eyeliner, an illuminator, or white eye shadow. Product: NYX Retractable Eyeliner.
  5. A Great Mascara:  If you follow my blog you know I love mascara.  When choosing mascara to help make your eyes appear larger, you want to use one that adds volume and separates.  Too Faced Better Than Sex and Urban Decays Perversion are my name brand mascara favs.  When applying, I like to add more emphasis on the corner of the eyes as well as near the tear duct.
  6. Eyelash Curler: Curl up baby! An eyelash curler has been around for years; there's a  reason for it.  This bad boy can take your limp lashes to curly in 15 seconds.  A curled lash can make your eyes appeared more open.  Product: Heated Eyelash Curler Or a Regular Version for only a $1.00 by e.l.f.
  7.  False Eyelashes: False eyelashes can do wonders for your eyes instantly.  However, applying them can be tricky. But fret no more as the trick to making this foolproof is using the glue correctly.  You want to apply the glue to the upper lash line, instead of applying it directly to the falsie! By doing it this way, you’ll be able to move the lash around, and it won’t stick to places it shouldn’t.  Product: Ardell Lashes & don't forget the glue Revlon Precision Lash Adhesive.
  8. Nude pencil: As I mentioned above, how dark eyeliner can make your eyes appear smaller. Doing the opposite with a nude colored pencil will make your eyes pop. Nude works great for everyone, including those with darker skin or when you wear dark colored shadows, as white can be too harsh for some.   Using a nude eyeliner or even a contouring pencil can help brighten up your look. Product:  Rimmel London ScandalEyes Waterproof Kohl Eyeliner.
  9. Eyebrows: Similar to a great frame that can take an ordinary picture to a different level.  I view your eyebrows as such.   Great looking eyebrows can form a frame around your eyes bringing your features forward. Product: e.l.f. brow set
  10. Illuminator: Highlighting is all over the internet; there is a reason for this.  Using a great highlighter/illuminator in the corner of your eyes, your brow bone, as well as dabbing it in the middle of your lid, will give you an instance lift and brighten your look instantly.  Product: Laura Mercier Matte Radiance Baked Powder Compact
Bonus: I know I said 10 tips, but I decided to give you a little bonus... With a way to test some of these out, prior to purchasing the products.  And the best part is you can do this right from your phone.  How? With the GlamSt. App. the first virtual makeup tester, it’s a makeup lover’s dream come true.

GlamST is an app for iOS that allows you to discover new makeup by choosing the styles you love and trying makeup on your photo. You can freely experiment from the comfort of your phone, try on makeup by snapping a selfie, choosing your style and seeing how makeup would really look on your face.  The iOS app is NOW available, and it is awesome! 

So there, you have beauties! 10 beauty tricks that will help to make your eyes appear larger, plus a bonus to try some product out prior to purchasing!
Here Are All The Items I Suggested.  You can click on any one to shop! 



  1. Great suggestions! I totally agree with everything you've said! It's incredible how those simple and quick tips can do such a huge difference! :-)

  2. Some great tips you got there :) I do all those things except curling my lashes, that I do only sometimes. xo's

    Pink Frenzy

  3. Ooh there are some really good suggestions here, thank you x

  4. So helpful post.. thank you :)

  5. Great suggestions! I have small hooded eyes and see a huge difference when I do my eye makeup! Yay to makeup!

  6. Ooh this was definitely helpful for me as my eyes are teeny!
    Have bookmarked this page so I can try them on myself soon :)

  7. I will have to try out some of your tips! You have some great ones here.

  8. These are awesome tips. My eyes are small and the eyelids don't even show.

  9. This is really interesting to know. I'm glad to know some of these. I'll have to give them a try and see how well they work. Thanks for sharing these. Can't wait to try them.

  10. My daughters love makeup and use to do some of these tips. It's fascinating what makeup can do.

  11. I am surely gonna try some of these tips! Thanks for sharing this with us this will help me a lot!

  12. These are great tips and I'd love to give it a try, it's amazing what you can do with makeup!

  13. I've never been very good at putting make up on. I'll have to try some of these techniques next time I wear makeup

  14. I did wonder how this was done. I must try some of your tips and see if it helps me.

  15. I agree that eye shadow is an art. One that I never really mastered. Because of this I always went with neutral colors instead.

  16. These are great tips! Ive tried the white under my eyes before and my eyes looked huge!

  17. wow! Love these tips! I will definitely try these suggestions. They are really easy to do!


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