October 3, 2014

25 Plus Uses For Tea Tree Oil & Giveaway

Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post on behalf of  Apothecary Extract.  

25 Plus Uses For Tea Tree Oil & Giveaway, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

I haven’t done a DIY tip in a while and this one is sure worth the wait!  Today,  I am excited to share with you the many uses of Tea Tree oil!  I have partnered up with Apothecary Extracts to bring you some of the top uses of this very popular essential oil. So, whether you’re looking to use it for cosmetic purposes or for household cleaning, we have you covered.  Plus, you can register to win a GIANT 4oz bottle of 100% Pure Australian Tea Tree Oil (which lasts many people over 1 year) & a Free eBook with 50+ uses/recipes for Tea Tree Oil.  See below to enter.

About Tea Tree Oil: 
Tea Tree oil is one of the most versatile essential oils out there. The substances found in tea tree oil serve a multitude of purposes. Which is why some consider tea tree oil a miracle ingredient.   Furthermore, this oil is best known as a very powerful immune stimulant. It claims to fight all three categories of organisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses). Which is why I love to use it to help to clean and kill germs around the house.

Learn About the Brand & Product
I was able to get a large bottle myself of this 100% pure tea tree oil and have been a DIY guru to say the least.  I did notice one thing on the bottle, that there is a bottled date on it.  Because there are no chemicals added to this, you need to know the shelf life.

The company, Apothecary Extracts was founded in 2013 because, as consumers, they were tired of not knowing what was in the oils. There are so many vendors that dilute their essential oils, or use extraction processes which contaminate the final product. Apothecary Extracts is committed to selling only the purest essential oils, and they have the tests to prove it.

So without further ado, here are just some of the many uses for Tea Tree Oil.

Skin Care Treatments
The antiseptic properties that are in this oil are wonderful for removing excess dirt and toxins
 from the top layers of the skin.

Cleansing Tea Tree Oil & Clay Masks
Exfoliating Body Scrubs
Eczema Scrubs
Lip Scrub

Hair Care Treatments 
The antibacterial and antiviral properties can help to treat scalp irritations. While the all natural moisturizing properties helps keep the hair and scalp healthy and shiny .

Treats lice
Treats & Eliminates Dandruff
Moisturizing Oil Treatment
Replenishing Hair Mask
Gentle Cleansing Shampoo

Home Care & First Aid Remedies
When used with the right combination of ingredients, tea tree oil can become a 
staple in your medicine cabinet.

Antiseptic Spray
Burn Treatment
Itch Relief
Steam Inhalant
Soak For Sore Muscles

Aromatherapy Options
Whether in the form of a massage or by emitting fragrances, tea tree oil is effective for aromatherapy.

Oil Diffusers
Fortifying Air Freshener
Relaxing Bath Oil
Invigorating Massage Oil
Refreshing Potpourri Mix

Household Cleaners & Solutions
Perhaps the most touted benefit of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree is its bacteria killing
abilities.  Plus no harmful chemical smells!

All Purpose Cleaner
Cleaning & Whitening Detergent
Toilet Cleaner
Dryer Sheets 

Giveaway Time: 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note: Right now Apothecary Extract, is only able to ship this product in the USA. Canada is not yet an option. Nor are any other countries. Contest winners need to have an Amazon account in order to redeem their prize. 

 IMPORTANT: Tea Tree Oil is meant only for external use. If you have a known allergy to tea tree oil you should avoid any kind of contact with it.


  1. Didn't know you could use tea tree oil for this many uses.


  2. Ive heard a lot of good things about tea tree oil, actually my pedicure cream contains it! :)

  3. Tea Tree Oil is amazing!! I like to add a little to my shampoo!

  4. I never knew it had so many uses. I use it in my household cleaners.

    Michelle F.

  5. LOVE tea tree oil! I use it for so many things too like mosquito bites! It is so versatile!

  6. I knew about only half of these. And great giveaway! Who could pass that up!

  7. Wow so many uses, such a shame it is a scent I don't like much x

  8. Tea tree oil is the best alternatives for natural healing. I love it.

  9. I use tea tree oil to clean wounds as well :) Great post and very useful! Thanks for sharing! xo's

    Pink Frenzy

  10. I love tea tree oil for treating spots, i didn't realise it had so many other uses! Thanks for sharing, this was a really interesting read :)

    Jess xo

  11. Great post. I didn't know tea tree oil had so many uses! x

  12. I am a HUGE fan of tea tree oil. My Mother used this on me when I was a child (she was ahead of her time). I will have to check out this brand! Thanks! Also sharing some Sverve love!!!

  13. I love tea tree oil. i use it for so much. the biggest thing i use it for is sore throats. I gargle with it and warm water. works like a charm.

  14. I love Tea Tree Oil. I have used it in my shampoos for years to keep lice away. When I was a teacher I got lice frequently from my students. I am connecting from the Learn to Blog Facebook group.

  15. I never knew it had so many uses. I need to try it!

  16. Jeez, I had no idea there were so many uses for Tea Tree oil. Wow.

  17. Yes indeed this is true! I used tea tree oil for my daughter's sun burnt skin..

  18. I have always mixed tea tree oil in my daughter's shampoo to help prevent lice, especially now that my oldest is in school.

  19. Great info. I never tried tea tree oil, but I love products that you can use in many situations!

  20. Lots of uses for tea tree oil! Probably my favorite is for use in hair and face masks!

  21. Tea tree oil is amazing stuff. I can't believe how many uses it has.

  22. Thank you so much for this giveaway! I have only used tea tree oil on an ingrown hair once but would love to try out some of its other uses!

  23. I have never heard of this, and all the uses. Amazing! Thanks for sharing. Definitely going to tell my daughter about the preventing lice note. Very cool.

  24. I have ten grandchildren and four of those kids belong to my oldest daughter. I have four children and their spouses so this tree oil is going to come in handy being as all of them are still in school except one. Thanks for the wonderful tip. I truly appreciate you sharing this wonderful news.

  25. We have used this in the past for cuts.. it seemed to work pretty good!

  26. I had no idea there were so many uses to tea tree oil! I knew it was good for hair because it's in a lot of shampoos.

  27. Good uses for Tea Tree oil. It's a good one to keep on hand in your first aid kit.

  28. This is great. We use Tea Tree oil in our sons cloth wipe solution. Thanks for the giveaway.

  29. My wife is making fun of me because I've never heard of tea tree oil before. thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  30. Thanks for leaving such detailed info. I've never tried essential oils before, but they look great!

  31. Detangler??? I so need to try this for my daughter. She hates her hair brushed and this would be great for no more tears for both of us!

  32. I've used a tea tree oil based acne product, as well as seen it used in some cleaning products. Great giveaway!

  33. Great information here about this tea tree. Tea's are really healthy drink for it detoxify and cleanses our body

    1. They are. But tea tree oil YOU CAN'T consume. It is the oil of Melaleuca alternifolia, which is for external use only.

  34. Ironically enough I just went out to purchase some tea tree oil today! That and vinegar fix everything! I bought it today to help get rid of a blood blister I have had for 3 weeks!

  35. I use tea tree oil literally 3-4 times a week for my kids. Bug bites, scratches, etc!

  36. Tea tree oil is awesome, I always add it to my Shampoo!

  37. Tea Tree Oil is one ingredient I love to have in my hair products among others.

  38. I had no idea you could use it for so many things. I love that you can use it in cleaning and beauty.

  39. I love the smell of tea tree oil. I use it on cuts, eczema, hair, scratches, rash, athletes foot, bug bites.. so much!

  40. I use Tea Tree oil and a conditioner for my hair. I love that it has so many other uses as well. I'm going to start using it to make my home smell nice as well.

  41. I love tree tea oil! It has so many wonderful benefits! Thanks for the great giveaway too! Can't wait to enter.

  42. I had no idea how versatile it was. I'm amazed at all it can help with.

  43. This Tea Tree Oil is amazing and has so many uses. I have never used it but need to get some. Thanks for sharing.

  44. Wow! That's a big bucket list of uses! Now, I think tea tree oil is a must-have for every household!

  45. I love love love tea tree oil. Totally a must have!

  46. I love tea tree! Grew up on it! We used it for a few other things that are not on your list! ;) but I definitely picked up a few that I hadn't heard of! Thanks

  47. I'd love to try tea tree oil. It seems so helpful!

  48. I love Tea Tree Oil! But I have to say that I had no idea it could be used in so many ways.

  49. I got a bottle of this stuff, it's so amazing, there ideas for this is endless really.

  50. SO many uses for the tea tree oil. I think I must have one at home now.. Need to buy!

  51. I have been dying to try tea tree oil! I never knew there were so many uses for it though!! Awesome!

  52. I have heard of tree oil but have never come across it. It is amazing everything that it can be used for.

  53. I have also loved the many uses of tea tree oil! I also love the smell. A great oil.

  54. I had absolutely no idea that Tea Tree oil had this many uses. Wow. I would be interested in trying it for my hair and skin but really would love to try it for cleaning.

  55. Awesome tips! Thanks for sharing!

  56. I know several people who swear by tea tree oil. I didn't realize there were so many uses.

  57. I recently started hearing a lot about Tea Tree Oil. It's so versatile! One of my shampoos has it.

  58. I've used tea tree oil for itch relief with great results. I did not know about using it on hair. Thanks for all the tips.

  59. I have used to to make my own cleaner. I need more ways to use it.

  60. TTO is amazing. I use it all the time, for everything! It's really great stuff and it has so many uses as you pointed out!

  61. I've been using tea tree oil for years!! Haven't used it for cleaning though - I'll have to try some of these tips!

  62. I like that there are so many potential uses for this product. I think it's super interesting.

  63. I'd heard that it could be used to repel lice, but had no idea about the rest. That's a lot of uses!

  64. I love tea tree oil but I didn't know it had that many uses. I am bookmarking this post for future reference, thanks!

  65. I love mixing a bit of tea tree oil in my shampoo or face wash! Thanks for the great post!

  66. My daughter always prefers using natural products when it comes to her hair and skin. She loves using Tea Tree oil as a treatment for acne and cold sores.

  67. I am a long time Tea Tree Oil user, and I love having it in stock at all times! I entered the giveaway, thanks for sharing!

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  68. I knew there were a lot of uses for it but I didn't know there were that many. I've got lots of bottles sitting around my house.

  69. I used Tea Tree Oil to get rid of a skin tag. I may have to try it for a wart on my finger.

  70. I get tea tree essential oil at least once a year. The bottle lasts quite a long time and I use it for so many things. It is nice to see others appreciate it too.

  71. tea tree oil is the only thing that has helped my acne so far. i love the stuff!!


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