August 28, 2014

Turning Back Time, With Valentia’s Vitamin C Skin Care Serum

All views expressed are my own and were not influenced in anyway.

As part of my skin care month series, I am bringing you another review on an amazing skincare product.

It is a fact that our skin will change, but if you could turn back time, would you? I know I would!  The changes our skin has over the years, demands a great skincare regimen, and this is why I am such a huge fan of Vitamin C prevention products.  The younger we are the more vitamin C we have in our skin.  But as we get older we lose these nutrients over time, disappointing I know.  This is why I personally believe that it is never too early to start with a prevention and maintenance plan.  Whilst there is no magic wand to instantly reverse these effects. You can do something overtime to replenish you skins Vitamin C levels, while giving you a more even skin tone and diminishing fine lines. With that being said this is why I was happy when I was approached to review Valentia’s Even Glow Serum-Vitamin C 20%.

About The Product:
Valentia’s Even Glow Serum has a foundation of 20% Vitamin C, formulated with strategically selected Skin Super Oils. Each natural ingredient was chosen to enhance antioxidant protection and boost your skin’s radiance.

In addition to the super oils, the serum is enriched with Vitamin E and Botanical Hyaluronic Acid.  This treatment is formulated to brighten, protect and even skin tone, while reducing the appearance of aging.

So How Does This Work Exactly:
Let me start by saying that not all vitamin C & vitamin C products are the same.  Vitamin C however is an important antioxidant in our bodies.  But, as I mentioned early, over the years our skin changes. Aside from natural aging and stress, products that we use every day, expose us to parabens, phosphates, and many other preservatives that can severely disrupt our body’s natural processes. However, products like Valentia’s Even Glow Serum-Vitamin C 20%, can help protect our skin against these age provoking dangers.  They do so by complementing our skin with natural ingredients that further strengthens its durability and protective agents, enabling us to achieve a better, healthy complexion.  Read More...

How To Use:
  • Clean your face with a great cleansing product. (soap & water doesn't count).  
  • You want to apply the serum to your clean dry face. 
  • The natural ingredients tend to separate, so you want to shake the bottle before use.  
  • Use the included dropper and apply a small amount to your face, neck and décolletage. 
  • Allow this to dry before applying your moisturizer. 
  • Can be used daily.  

My Thoughts On This Product:
Although I have only been using this serum for a couple days, I love the way it makes my skin feel.  What is more, the orange scent is amazing.  Even though I am not new to Vitamin C serums, I do strive for products that safely even out my skin tone and this has done it.  It kind of reminds me of what my skin feels like when I use a fantastic face primer; by giving that smoother velvety feeling skin, while minimizing the appearance of pores.  Lastly, unlike some other vitamin C products I have used, this one does not leave my skin with that burning sensation. I believe it is because the ingredients in the Valentia’s Even Glow Serum-Vitamin C are 98% natural, which are most certainly a plus.  

As with all skincare products results can vary with each person.  Furthermore, you want to start off using a small amount to see how your skin will react.  While the ingredients are natural, maintenance and repairing skincare products can cause breakouts in the beginning, as they are removing toxins and more! After a few weeks of use, your skin should adjust and this should dissipate.  To help the process along, I always recommend using a high quality skincare cleanser, so you're always starting with a clean face.  And remember to always moisturizer and use SPF, otherwise you're wasting your time & money!

Want to know more on this great anti-aging serum, then check them out on their website at or on Amazon!  Plus, with a purchase you will receive a FREE age defying facial treatment book, that features over 20 natural beauty recipes!



  1. I have seen this and wondered how well it worked. Thanks for sharing your experience.

  2. I definitely need to try that. I have some little laugh lines creeping up and I need to stop them in their tracks.

  3. I am interested in this serum. Sounds like it could really help me.

  4. I love trying serums! This one looks/sounds like it works pretty good. Thanks for sharing!

  5. I've never seen this before but would love to give this a try! I've always been afraid of serums making my face too oily but this doesn't sound like it does that at all!

  6. I'm going to have to try this, all these lines are forming on my face and I could use all the help I can get :/

  7. Sounds like a great product. I would definitely like to try it out.

  8. The Nevada sun is so hard on skin, especially the face. The Valentia Vitamin C serum sounds like an excellent way to keep my skin supple and fight small wrinkles.

  9. I love serums that make my face feel great. I need to start helping the lines on my face a little.

  10. I want to keep my skin looking as young as possible. I definitely need to check this out.

  11. I have several lines trying to make a home on my face. I'll need to try this out!

  12. I haven't heard of it before, but it sounds really good :) Thanks for sharing! xo's

    Pink Frenzy

  13. I love using a Vitamin C serum, and you're right - it's totally neccessary to use sunscreen with it too. I'd be interested to read a post after a month or so to see what you think of it then!

  14. This sounds really lovely, I love Vitamin C products and the fact they always smell amazing is a definite bonus!
    I also love eyedroppers - no idea why but a product that uses one is always more likely for me to buy it ;D

    Jess xo

  15. This sounds like a great product, I am a recent convert to facial serums and oils and they are amazing x

  16. It sounds amazing. Like the benefits of this. Will be checking it out.

  17. I am confused on how soap doesn't count as a cleansing agent - I'm going to check the website to see what that's all about. I have been looking for something like this because all of the anti-aging products I've tried make a different the day I use them, but they don't seem to actually fix the problem, they just gloss over it.

    1. Per one of my friends who is an Estheticians … The skin on our face is more delicate than the rest of our body. It has fewer cell layers and because of this the skin can become irritated more so. You can use a facial soap, but regular old soap you’d use for you hands for instance, is usually much harsher and not recommend to use on your face. These soaps wash away the oils that we need on our face. Oiler skin can be a built in moisturizer, it creates a smoother skin texture. When skin is dry or dehydrated, any amount of wrinkling or flaws look more exaggerated. Applying a moisturizer, anti-aging, serums, etc. can help minimize pores and can help the wrinkles look less apparent, hence giving the appearance of younger looking skin. However, as I mentioned these is no magic wand. You have to do it regularly for maintenance and prevention... Otherwise it's just a band-ade so to speak.

      None the less, thanks so much for your comment. If you have another question, I can ask my friend again.

  18. I think I've found life entirely too amusing. I have laugh lines EVERYWHERE all of the sudden!

  19. VItamin C is awesome for your skin! THanks for sharing!

  20. I tend to have breakouts with serums because they are so heavy on my skin. I wish I could find one that wasn't like that.

  21. Most will give you a break out in the beginning as they are removing some of the toxins in our skin. I always start off with a smaller amount then most suggest to see how my skin will react. Especially has some Vitamin C formula's, can be a bit strong.

  22. I just started using a Vitamin C regimen today. I have heard fantastic things about the benefits of vitamin C.

  23. I heard so is one of the worst thing for your skin. I have heard of this and did hear it will get worse before it gets better but results will be worth it.

  24. I so need this. When I look in the mirror I notice more and more lines.

  25. I think the orange scent alone would be enough to make me want to use it. That's such an invigorating scent. Of course, the actual benefits are a definitely plus too!

  26. Vitamin C is an absolute miracle for the skin, it's nice to see that there's a good brand on the market for me to try. I want my skin to feel nice and who can resist an orange scent?!

  27. I'm all for turning back the clock after all I act 16 most days.

  28. This serum sounds amazing. I've heard about the wonderful effect of Vitamin C on the face for years. My mom used to rub orange peels on her face in the summer when I was a little girl.

  29. Sounds like a great product. I like how it evens out your skin tone and acts like a great primer. I would love to give this a try.

  30. What an interesting sounding serum - I love trying out new products so will have to add this to my list :) x

  31. I've never heard of this serum before, I'd like to give it a try though. It sounds like it works.

  32. I am always on the lookout for good serums that have the added benefits of not only making my skin look great but is also healthy for me, so I really like that this one is enriched with vitamins. Vitamin C is especially great for anti-aging!

  33. What a great review, I tried this serum and like it as well. Anything with antiaging benefits is a must have in my beauty regimen!

  34. I would be interested in trying this serum to see if it makes the tiny lines in my face less noticeable.

  35. I love how this makes your skin look young and radiant. It will help a lot during the winter months too.

  36. Willing to try anything that helps with wrinkles. This serum sounds like a great product!

  37. Let's definitely turn back time. I'm all for that! Amber N

  38. I have such bad skin. My face breaks out easily and there isn't a lot of things that goes with my skin. I'd want to try this one out to see how it works on my skin.

  39. I haven't heard of this but it sounds like a must-have. I love the idea of a serum and the Vitamin C is so beneficial.

  40. if it feels like a good primer it must be good first step
    I like that it helps with minimizing pores

  41. I have heard about these serums. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  42. I would like to try this. thanks for your feedback on it

  43. I have always heard vitamin C and E are really good for your skin. This sounds like a great serum.

  44. I tried this before & got hooked on it. I love how it evens out my complexion!

  45. I think I'd really like the orange scent. Citrus just smells good, it makes me feel happy. :)

  46. I always wonder about products like this. So if you use it and it helps renew your skin and fight the aging process or delay it what happens if you stop using it do the benefits just go away and cause other issues? Is it something you need to be using all the time? I love the thought of it all just wonder. Thanks for sharing your experience.

    1. Yes, this is why it is always good to have a maintenance, repair and treatment skincare regimen, otherwise it's a loose band-aid!

  47. It looks like this provides great benefits for skin, I will check into this!

  48. I'm a huge fan of vitamin C for skin care! Please share an update after you've used this a few weeks, I'd love to hear more about your experience and results. I use vitamin C face wash & moisturizer but I don't have serum in my routine yet.

  49. I' starting to show more signs of aging - I'll have to see what options are out there. Thanks for this lead!

  50. I have always wanted a Vit C serum! I wish I can have one soon.


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