August 18, 2014

Sleeping Beauty; Products That Rejuvenate Your Skin While Sleeping

All views expressed are my own and were not influenced in anyway


It's skincare month, where I will be testing out a few different skin care products all month long.  I am very excited to share with you two new skin care products that I've been using for the past few days, from EXUVIANCE®.  If you follow my blog you know that I’m always looking for maintenance, repair and prevention skin care regimens. And when I was able to try out some products from the EXUVIANCE® line, I was thrilled.

Some Background on The Brand: The creators of EXUVIANCE®, are internationally recognized for making the breaking discovery that AHA's, (Alpha Hydrozy Acids) are beneficial in the treatments of dermatological conditions.  Furthermore, they’ve proven how effective these AHA's are in stimulating prematurely aged or damaged skin to actually rejuvenate itself.  Thereby revolutionizing the treatment of aging how cool is that?  If that wasn’t enough to make me want to try this, the two Drs. that created EXUVIANCE®  also discovered the anti-aging benefits of Glycolic Acid and created/patented the first Glycolic Peel.

Now before I go into the product, I want to let you know that I believe that every person has a different expectation & need(s) of their skin care products.  Therefore, it is important that we are focusing on products that will help our concerns instead of looking for the next big fad.

The Products I'm Testing: The NEW Exuviance Illumination Duo.  This set includes the Evening Restorative Complex, with the 100% pure active formulation of a Vitamin C+ Antiaging Booster, creating a potent antiaging cocktail that combats the visible signs of aging, while you sleep.  Well fill her up, I’m ready for this sleepytime cocktail!

Evening Restorative Complex:  This comes in 1.75 oz jar and has a clean refreshing scent, which was a nice surprise as I am not a fan of strong smelling creams. This cream contains PHA's that offer powerful anti-aging benefits without irritation as well as bionics, vitamins A, C and E.   Unlike some anti-aging products, the bionics are harmless and are natural compounds that deliver great benefits without redness, flaking and most important to me, no stinging! Lastly, this formula reduces the risk of free radical damage.

Exuviance Vitamin C+ Anti-aging Booster, 0.35 oz:  This 100% pure active vitamin C formula, comes in a powder that you have to add to the evening complex.  This booster amps up the effects of the Evening Restorative Complex helping to increase elasticity and firmness.

My Thoughts:  Although, I have only been using this product for 4 days, I can already see a difference in my skins texture and appearance, especially when I apply my makeup.  This product is supposed to improve fine lines, while leaving your skin smoother.  It has left my skin smoother, but the rest, it’s too soon to see those effects. 

How to Use This: 
  1. Use daily, but apply in the evening and keep it on all night.
  2. Place a small amount of the Evening Restorative Complex in the palm of your hands.
  3. You then want to add up to ½ scoop of the Vitamin C+ Anti-aging Booster with the handy little scooper they provide.
  4. Mix the two products together in the palm of your hand. 
  5. Once mixed apply all over your clean face.
IMPORTANT:  When applying you want to take into consideration that you are going to be sleeping with this on your face and it could end up in your eyes.  I'm sure most are aware that you need to not apply to the eye area, but you need to make sure to stay far away from it!  I made this mistake the first night of getting a bit to close and I woke up with it in one of my eyes. So please, be cautious when applying.

Sensitivity:  The 3rd night I started to notice some sensitivity, so I drew back on the amount of Vitamin C+ that I added.  Keep in mind, you should never use more than a ½ scoop per application.

One last thing I want to suggest is to make sure you have your hair up when you go to bed.  The lotion is a bit heavy and you can feel it on your skin.  Therefore, you don’t want to make your face even greasier by adding hair to the mix and vice versa.

Over all I am pleased with the product and looking forward to my “beauty” rest!  So lovelies, please stay tuned as I will have a follow up on effectiveness of the product. In the mean time if you want to find out more about this product you can by clicking HERE.


  1. sounds really great!!! My skin is too sensitive to take Vit C but this sound lovely!!
    Alice|Alice's Beauty Madness

  2. That sounds great. I love that it works while I sleep, but I am so impatient that I would expect to see results the very next morning LOL.

  3. I like products that work while you are sleeping. My favorite new items are my overnight lotions.

  4. What a great product. I really need to focus more on my skin now that I am older.

  5. My skin is so sensitive that I get nervous to try new things. This sounds like a great product I would be happy to try out

  6. I really miss my firm skin of my youth. This sounds like a great product. Sounds great.

  7. I've got to give Exuviance a try. I love that it helps repair my skin while I sleep.

  8. oooh, I wonder if that would work on pregnancy acne because I definitely have a horrible bought of that going on.

  9. I could definitely use something that you wear overnight. It seems to be the only time I have to care for my skin. :)

  10. Sounds like a great product. I may have to look in to this. I love the idea of a beauty treatment while I'm sleeping.

  11. I love products that I can use while I am sleeping. I just have to remember to put it on before falling asleep! This looks great & I cannot wait to hear how effective it was.

  12. I never heard of this brand before. Sounds like a great product! I would definitely check it out.

  13. i'm lucky if I wash my face and that's just if I shower. I used to be better about moisturizing but I haven't in a while

  14. I love trying new beauty products. This one looks like it is exactly what i need i cant wait to try it.

  15. That sounds really nice. I love trying new beauty products so I'll have to keep an eye out for this.

  16. Never heard of this brand before. Sounds like great products. I especially love that they work overnight.

  17. This sounds like an interesting product. Who would not like a product that works while you sleep?

  18. Beauty products that help when you are asleep sounds great, almost too good to be true :) I'd like to try it!

  19. I have really dry skin, and it seems like some products just sit on top of my skin, which is why I love finding night time products that way it has time to actually get into my skin before I get frustrated and wipe it off lol! I will have to look into this brand, thank so much for sharing!

  20. Sounds like a fantastic product. I could use this and great that you can do it while sleeping.

  21. I'd like to try the night cream. Thanks for the tip about pulling back my hair!

  22. Thanks for the review and the product info. I like the though of it working while I sleep.

  23. I always worry about thick creams because my face tends to get oily. Sounds like an interesting product.

  24. What an interesting product! I like the vitamin C!

  25. I love evening treatments. I feel awesome when I wake up!

  26. I'm really looking forward to seeing how these work for you! I love the idea of products working while we sleep.

  27. looks like a great skin cream. I'd love to know how it works in a month!

  28. I don't drink enough water. I'm working on it but in the mean time it's really important for me to keep my skin hydrated.

  29. I love this product. I have sensitive skin and i haven't had any issues yet. I will definitely recommend this to everyone.

  30. I was just at a party tonight where all of the women were talking Botox, but not taking daily care of their skin. I'm always on the look out for something non invasive to prevent wrinkles and other skin issues instead of treating them on the flip side like these women.

  31. I can't wait to hear how this works longer term. Great results to get started though!

  32. That looks like an awesome product! I love that you can adjust the amount of Vitamin C for your own unique needs.

  33. Sounds really great. Love a product that really works.

  34. Oooh, that sounds great! I'd love to give it a try!

  35. This looks like a really great product. I like that you can just put it on and go to sleep.

  36. Sounds like a good product Barbie, I love the thought of waking up with better skin and all the hard work was done in my sleep, I love the Alpha H liquid gold for that reason.x

  37. This sounds great, I love the idea of being able to add more or less Vitamin C depending on your skin's requirements! Great review as always :)

    Jess xo

  38. Looks like a good product :) will have to give it ago.


  39. This sounds great and it's amazing that after only 4 days you noticed a difference too x


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