July 2, 2014

10 Tricks & Tips To Looking Like a Movie Star In Photos

10 Tricks & Tips To Looking Like a Movie Star In Photo’s, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

With social media, selfie's, our IOS or Android phones, bad photos are going to happen, mostly because we are not prepared.  So today, I’m going to give you a few tips on taking photos that will have you looking like a movie star.

So without further ado... Lights, camera, action!
  1. NEVER take a picture facing the camera directly, this is rarely flattering and can add a lot of pounds.  Even if you are overweight you can thin yourself out by turning your head and having about two thirds of your face showing (make sure the side facing the camera is your best side).   Doing this gives you a slimming effect.
  2. Positioning of The Camera: Make sure that the camera is placed at a high angle, you want it above your eye level.This forces you to look up, extending your torso and neck.
  3. How to Stand to Make Your Body Look Thinner: Take the Hollywood approach like you are on the red carpet.  
    1. Place one hand on your one hip..  
    2. Have one foot in front of another and turn your body to the side slightly.
    3. Make sure you place more weight on the back leg or foot
    4. You will not be looking head on, so you will need to turn your head to look towards the camera, in an upward motion.
  4. NO More Double Chin: This is the worst! Especially when you think you’re looking all glam and then someone snaps a photo of you and viola you look like you have a double chin.  To help alleviate this, make your neck appear longer, by pushing your neck & chin out & up a bit,.  Make sure to stand with your shoulders back, it will feel odd but it's only for a few seconds. 
  5. Smiling: To avoid that awkward smile and also to help you appear to have that Hollywood smile, place your tongue at the roof of your mouth, behind your front teeth.  This will make the muscles tighten around the neck & chin, making you appear more fit.
  6. Squinting or Closed Eyes: This is a popular one at photo-shoots.  What you want to do is close your eyes and have the person taking the photo count to three.  (On three open your eyes)
  7. Watch Where You Are Looking.  You don’t want to look directly into the lens, instead look above it.
  8. Practice Makes Perfect: A photographer told me this one; practice in the mirror.  If you are familiar with what looks good and more importantly what looks bad, you can take what you’ve learned to your next photo opt.
  9. Watch out for lip colors that make your teeth appear yellow or grayish. Yellow-orange colors can make your teeth appear yellow, while frosted colors can make your teeth look grayish.
  10. Lipstick Colors to Help Make Your Smile, Hollywood worthy.
    1. Berry Colors: These colors reflect off your lips, helping your teeth look brighter.
    2. Blue Undertones:  These lip shades can reduce any yellow tones of your teeth, making them appear whiter.
Do you have any tips you'd like to share on making you look better in photos?  If so, let me know by leaving a comment below!

Don't Forget Watch The Video TOO! 


  1. These are great tips! I'm totally trying them!

  2. Thanks for these tips. This is my year for my new pic on my driver license! In WIsconsin our license is good for 8 years - so I need a good pic! I pinned your post so that when I get ready to go to the DOT I can refresh my memory on what to do!

  3. These are all really great tips.I am not keen on having my photo taken at the best of times lol.

  4. Great advice. I hate the double chin look.

  5. OMG, I love you so much right now. I am definitley trying a few of these tips! Or all of them.

  6. These are great tips. I do a few of those already but I am going to do the rest of them

  7. I have learned that I have a "good side". But if you have paparazzi on all sides, there's nothing you can do but hope you wore your foundation garments!

  8. Great tips! I'm always trying to improve and be more conscious of how to pose in photos.

  9. I have totally been guilty of practicing this! I need to get better about pictures of me, I hate them all!

  10. These are great tips! Thank you so much for the information.

  11. I have a dslr and I have yet to experiment with the timer or remote. I need to because I really need some new photos!

  12. What great tips! I can always use a little help when it comes to taking photos of myself.

  13. These are great tips! I need to try them.

  14. Thanks for sharing these tips. I'll be sure to try a few of them out next time I'm taking pictures. Love that you had a video too!

  15. These are excellent tips. I naturally do a few of the things you mentioned, but I'll have to try some different tips. (Let's get rid of the double chins, shall we?)

  16. I had forgotten about the tongue behind the teeth. I need to put that back into play!

  17. These are definitely great tips. I have a berry colored lipstick that I totally love. It's amazing how bright and cheerful it makes me look as opposed to no lipstick.

  18. It's funny when my little guy (not even 50lbs) looks like he's got a double chin in pics. It's NOT funny if it happens to me. ;)

  19. Fantastic tips, I hate any photos taken of me if they are straight on and level. I INSIST I get shot at an angel and a little above eye level like you said.

  20. Those are great tips. I usually avoid the camera.

  21. Thanks for these wonderful tips. I will be trying some of these out!

  22. I am all over these tips, especially the double chin tip. Thanks for sharing these!

  23. Great tips! All so very true!

  24. Have I told you I LOVE YOU! lol I always look like a bear in photos I cant stand it, I will be using your tips from now on!

  25. great tips for me!! I need to print htese out. I love the tip about your tongue on the roof of your mouth. One to remember.

  26. These are fantastic tips! With digital photos I am always asking to retake pics because I don't like the way I look in them.

  27. These are great pointers! I always try to put my hand on my hip so I don't looks so chunky:)

  28. All great tips! It's such a good thing to practice in the mirror and find your signature pose.

  29. These are great tips! Like, I'm pinning this haha.

  30. Awesome tips! I'll be practicing plenty of selfies tonight!

  31. Love this post, these are some great tips! I have become the queen of the out and up of my chin to avoid the twins LOL

  32. fabulous post timing!! i'm really trying to get over myself and be in more pics but i need help LOL

  33. Awesome tips, I am always trying to take the best picture when we are at a really nice place. Smile and look straight ahead is my best best.


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