June 27, 2014

Brow Mapping: The Key To The Perfect Eyebrow

Brow Mapping, The Key To The Perfect Eyebrow By Barbie's Beauty Bits.

A great frame can take an ordinary picture to a different level.  I view your eyebrows as such. Your eyebrows form a frame around your eyes taking them from Plain Jane to Glamorous Brow in 3 easy steps.  These steps are called eyebrow mapping.  Now there is really no map, but rather a method to defining the perfect shape of your eyebrows, by determining where your brow starts and where it ends.  There are 3 points to this map, when all connected will form a v shaped arch (with softer angles) for the perfect brow. 

Start with the corner of your eye, closest to the nose to measure the starting point of your eyebrow.  Place your eyebrow brush or pencil vertically from the inner corner of your nose to the inner corner of your eye... Place a vertical line here indicating the start of your eyebrow.

Point 2: The Arch: Align the brush horizontally from the tip of your nose to the outside center of your pupil or the middle your brow bone, place a dot.  This is the arch & the highest point of your eyebrow, so keep this in mind when placing the dot.

Point 3: The End: Align the brush from the outer corner of your nostril to the corner of your brow to place your final mark.

Once you have completed, you want to connect the dots or lines and fill in the brow with tiny strokes; think of tiny hairs and blend.  Keeping in mind that if you have over plucked or waxed throughout the years, that you may need to fill in some areas to extend your brow to the end line. Finish with your favorite eyebrow kit and viola you've created the perfect eyebrow.


June 24, 2014

Ipsy's June 2014 Beauty Bag Reveal...Pretty In Paradise

Ipsy's June 2014 Beauty Bag Reveal...Pretty In Paradise by Barbie's Beauty Bits

Well this is my first post on a Glam bag program.  If you are not familiar with these, they are programs where you pay a certain amount of money each month and get samples of beauty products.  I searched a bunch before I decided on IPSY.  I selected this company, one because the price of only $10 a month, but more importantly because I would receive 4-5 deluxe & full-sized beauty products every month, that are based on what I like.  The shipment comes around the same time each month and is packaged in a hot pink delivery bag.  Furthermore, all of the beauty items come in a themed bag, what an awesome deal!

So without further ado, I bring to you June’s 2014 IPSY Glam Bag…It’s like a party at the beach minus the sand in your shorts.  Whether you're soaking up the daytime sun or enjoying a golden sunset, being pretty in paradise is just a few moments away! Ladies, your plane has landed and ready to reveal this month’s beach’n beauty items.

The Bag:
Each month your products come in a nice bag.  This month’s bag is designed by Rebecca Minkoff, its tropical look will really work great poolside or while soaking up the rays on the beach.

Dream Waves Beach Spray, By Marc Anthony
I LOVE beach sprays and this one is pretty good. It even smells like the beach with its fresh coconut scent (the fragrance is amazing).  This beach spray does some excellent stuff to my hair, especially the way it allows me to create gorgeous beach waves, with lots of body, lift, great hold, texture and more! Oh and let’s not forget it has hydrolyzed silk and provitamin B5 to protect the hair as it hydrates and leaves a shine.  PS.  You can get this product at Walgreens for only $6.49.

Ipsy's June 2014 Beauty Bag Review...Pretty In Paradise by Barbie's Beauty NYX Butter Gloss:  NYX products are a great drug store brand, they actually dupe a lot of high end products.  Needless to say, I was happy when I saw this in my bag.  The color I received was APPLE STRUDEL (BLG08).  But don’t let the name confuse you as it is not red or brown, but rather a coral color.  This gloss, is very nourishing and has a sheer to medium coverage.  Leaving your lips feeling kiss-ably  smooth.

Shimmer Eyeliner by Nicka K New York: While this eyeliner comes in 14 colors, IPSY subscribers only received one of two colors, which is green or blue.  I received the green color.  At first glance it looks like nail polish when applied, but once on, it can be smudged or kept with a hard line.  Either way it was long wearing, great for a night out!

MDSolarSciences, Mineral Tinted Crème Broad Spectrum with SPF 30:
This works wonderfully as a natural tint.  Plus it has a SPF, doesn’t clog your pores, nor does it feel heavy on the face!  So wearing this to the beach for a bit of color is very optional.  Lastly, I plan on using it as a face primer next, as I loved the idea of a non-greasy SPF, with Vitamin C to boot!

So there you have it dudettes, as you can see being pretty is only a glam bag away. So what do you think? And  don't forget to join me on IPSY and subscribe to the Glam Bag! You get 4-5 beauty products every month delivered to your door, for just $10. Check it out HERE.

Surfs Up...with my IPSY reveal YouTube Video...


June 15, 2014

Lashing Out...With Long Lushes Lashes!

Lashing Out...With Long Lushes Lashes, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

Disclaimer: This is post contains affiliate links.   
 All views expressed are my own and were not influenced in anyway.

Mascara is one makeup item that I can not live without! And after many tries of many mascara's, I took a risk risque earlier in the year,  on a Too Faced product...Better Than Sex Mascara! Finally, the long, lushes lashes I've been lusting after! This mascara lifts, curls, and volumizes the lashes, mostly due to the mascara wand.  This wand, inspired by Marylin Monroe's bombshell shape,  is an hourglass brush that rocks your world!

A Few Teasers About The Mascara:
  • For starters, this mascara contains carbon black pigments, giving you a banging dark intense lash.
  • One coat adds fullness and separation.
  • Two coats adds curl and length.
  • Three coats help you build up to the deepest most intense lashes ever. 
  • Without parabens.
  • Smudge proof.
Sounds good?  It's better than good, it's better than sex! Until next time lovelies! 


June 8, 2014

7 Tips To Make Your Hair Appear Thicker

7 Tips To Make Your Hair Appear Thicker, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

 As we get older the appearance of our hair changes.  It gets dryer, turns grays and worse, thinner. On average, we lose about 50-100 hairs daily, seems like a lot doesn't it?  However, if this is happening while we are growing the hair back it's OK.  But, what if you aren't? Especially, if you are a female thinning hair can be devastating.  Today, I wanted to share with you,  some tips to help your hair appear thicker or even become thicker over time.

Use Vitamins: According to Dr. OZ, the most important vitamins for hair loss are the B group (B6, biotin, and folate for slowing loss, and pantothenic acid and niacin for promoting hair growth).

Biotin: Biotin vitamin for hair growth is a natural solution for richer, fuller locks. Unlike a lot of products which dry out your hair with artificial ingredients and toxins, bioton is purely formulated to support healthy hair, glowing skin, and strong nails.

Go Ombre: Having a darker top portion to you hair and lighter ends, creates the illusion of thicker hair.

Protectors: Breakage can make your hair thinner. So, if you are using any type of heated devise, you need to make sure you are applying a heat protector on your hair. In addition to a heat protector, you should invest in a UV protector along with some Moroccan or argon oils.

Your Hair Style:  Your stylist can make your hair appear thicker with the way she cuts & colors it.  Adding soft layers can create volume.  Furthermore, adding multi-colors to your hair, increases the  dimension and movement.

Don't Over Dry: Blowing drying your hair all the time can cause your hair to become britle and flat.  Partially air drying your hair will allow your hair to be stronger.  According to my hair stylist, the over exposure to heat on your hair can make your hair look dull, as the heat from the dryer causes the cuticles to open, which can lead to frizz and breakage.  A tip to save on drying time, don’t apply conditioner to your entire hair, only apply to the ends of your hair.

Dry Shampoo:  Keeping your hair clean is important, but washing it often can actually thin your hair.  A great tip to have it appear thicker is using a dry shampoo! Not only does it absorb the oil in your hair, it also gives your hair extra volume and lift.  I always apply dry shampoo to my hair in the beginning, when it is clean, at the roots.  Why wait till it’s dirty, this too gives you a few more days of clean thick hair.  

So hair there you have it, my 7 tips to making your hair appear thicker and fuller!


June 2, 2014

Acne Face Mapping: What Are Your Zits Saying About You?

Acne Face Mapping: What Are Your Zits Saying About You? By Barbie's Beauty Bits

I heard the end of a TV talk show recently, where they were discussing face mapping, so I decided to do some research on it.  I was surprised to see how many dermatologists have adopted this philosophy, as this viewpoint is from ancient Chinese medicine.  The definition of  face mapping or Mien Shiang means reading the face. Basically, the belief is that your face is map with different zones and each zone represents a different area of the body, that is contributing to the blemishes in that particular region.  Now I am not a medical professional, so read at your own risk.  Furthermore, just because you have a zit between your eyes, I'm not suggesting you are an alcoholic, with a failing liver.  Additionally, this is not an exact science,  I just thought this view point was interesting.  Please read at your own risk and if you have some serious issues, make sure to get with a dermatologist on the matter.

So now that I got that out of the way, let me share with you the different zones and the internal area's of the body, in which it is connected with.


Zone 1 & 2: The forehead, this is connect to your digestive  system & bladder.

Zone 3:  Between your brows, this is associated with your liver.  My allergist told me about this area years ago, that is was associated with food allergies.  I read that alcohol too, can also lead to blemishes in this zone.  

Zone 4 & 5: Around your eyes: Kidneys.  Any dark circles here can represent that you are dehydrated, so make sure you drink plenty of water.

Zone 6: Your nose... The heart. Do you have high blood pressure?  If so, according to the ancient belief this can contribute to redness or blackheads on your nose. Also if  you have issue's in this region it could be a lack of vitamin B.

Zone 7 & 8: Your ears: Kidneys are associated with this part.

Zone 9 & 10: Your cheeks are your respiratory.  If you smoke or eat a lot of sugars you will see problems in this spot.

Zone 11 & 12: Jaw area:  Hormonal imbalances or if you are under a lot of stress, you may see a breakout during those times.

Zone 13: The center of the chin is related to the stomach.  If you have some digestive issues for instance or eat a lot of greasy foods, you may see a breakout on your chin.

Zone 14: The neck area... An Illness:  If your body is fighting a sickness, you may see zits in this section.

So there you have it, whether you believe in this thought process or not, I think it goes to show that there is a correlation with what we eat, both internally and externally within our bodies.  In my opinion, the statement "we are what we eat" proves to be true here.  So, next time you wake up with dark circles under your eyes or a big zit between your brows, remember it could have something to do with that bottle of wine and bag of Hershey kisses you consumed a few days prior.

Do you know anyone who studies this or do you have anymore insight on the topic?  If so, please leave a comment and share with my readers and I.

Until next time, lovelies.


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