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April 1, 2014

Coffee Facials

Coffie facial by barbies beuaty bits

It’s been a while since my last Pantry to Pretty bit.  But today's is one that will really PERK you up!

This tip is from a close friend of mine, who pick this up while in California.  I guess with all the sun there; this spa treatment has been a "Grande" beauty bit… A skin treatment from espresso coffee grounds!   Yes, coffee grounds.  You see coffee grounds contain anti-oxidant agents that help in protecting the skin from free radicals, hence decreasing the risk of skin cancer.  In addition to this, the caffeine contributes to tightening the pores.  Yeah!

Considering, I consume a lot of coffee; this D.I.Y. coffee facial was easy to test out. See the recipe below I brewed up.

Coffee Facial Scrub:
  • 1/4 cup of ground espresso beans
  • 2 table spoons of olive oil or you can use a combination of coconut oil & olive oil
  • Apply to face in a circular motion
  • Leave on for a 4 mins.
  • Rinse
A DIY coffee facial by Barbies Beauty Bits

I applied the mixture to my face, neck and decolletage. I found that this mask helped to remove the dead skin cells, plus I liked how it made my skin feel.  One downside was the grind.  If you are one that is not used to doing a lot of facials, you may want to consider sticking to a finer coffee ground for your face. A larger grind works better for areas you can be a little rougher on. Lastly, the area will be red for a bit, so don't be alarmed.

So there you have a beauties, another Pantry to Pretty Bit, until next time!


  1. Antioxidants for my face as well as for my belly! Yummers! I'm going to try this for sure.

  2. This facial sounds great! Thanks for sharing :) xo's

  3. This sounds great and I bet it smells amazing!! Thanks for sharing :)

    Jess xo

  4. Barbie,

    So love your tips, especially the pantry to pretty ones. We loved to have you be a contributor to our DIY beauty page. Your ideas and writing are wonderful and I think you would be a great addition to this page. I will send you an email about the details.


  5. That is such a great idea. I have to try this since I love the smell of coffee

    Michelle F.

  6. Never heard of using coffee as a face mask. Bet it smells great!

  7. And then you smell like heaven all day, too!! I would LOVE to try this.

  8. definitely something I want to try!!! :) great recipe!!
    Alice|Alice's Beauty Madness

  9. I love the sound of this, it looks so easy to DIY as well x

  10. looks good will have to try this!


  11. Oh LOVE coffee, doesn't get any better than coffee and pampering!

  12. This is new to me but I have heard of using mud, milk and honey for beauty routines. I have even used seaweed.

  13. I've never heard of a coffee facial before. That's really cool!

  14. I love making coffee scrubs! It works so well!

  15. I would LOVE to try this! Sounds fantastic!

  16. I'm totally going to try this. Thanks.


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