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March 9, 2014

Tips You Must Know About Contouring and Highlighting

Disclaimer: Post Contains Affiliate Links 
Tips You Must Know About Contouring and Highlighting, By Barbie's Beauty Bits
Videos on contouring and highlighting are extremely popular right.  I’m sure many of you have seen these images or videos all over the internet.  This concept is amazing, but if you’re new at it, it can be hard.  I just recently within the past few years perfected this, after many tries, many product purchases, and tons of wasted money, on tons of products I did not like.   So, today, I’m here to help you, to not do what I did. 

Honesty, what I’ve learned after all of these trial and errors with products, is to stick with what you know.  Because, although a product works for one or many, it might not be right for your skin and more importantly your wallet. I got tips from some of the best vvloggers on how to do it.  But, unfortunately the products they used or suggested, some I ended up hating.  Alot of them sat in my pores, caused false wrinkles, and some were just plain Yuk! Ultimately, costing me tons of money and leaving me disappointed.

So with all that being said.  Your best bet is to stick with what you know.  So, keep reading if you want to find out how to contour & highlight with brands you already love.

Tips Before You Start Anything:
  • Understand the goal of contouring and highlighting.  It’s about that luminous glow, slimming face & nose, with enhanced cheek bones.
    • Contouring will darken
    • Highlighting will emphasize
  • Use a primer! I can’t say this enough. This is a non-negotiable for me. You're applying a lot to your face, if you don't use a primer, you're in for failure.
  • Apply your foundation and cover blemishes as normal, prior to.  Most leave that part out.
  • Be aware of what you are putting on your face. As layering different textures, is what can cause the caked on look or false wrinkles.  
  • Are you a powder or creme person? Use what you like. 
  • KNOW your face shape! This is what a lot of those video’s leave out. You don’t want to look gaunt, or make your face look fuller. I found this face chart image online, that I think is very helpful.
  • Blending is essential, so make sure you use the best blending tool. The wrong tool will mess the entire look up.
  • If you have some products at home, try those first before spending any money.
  • Look for coupons or offers, if you're going to purchase products. 
  • Purchase them from a place that they can be returned.
Product Tips…

This is where I went wrong, purchasing a bronzer that someone suggested.  Instead, I recommend you shop around for this.  There are many bronzers out there, most that are orange, so be careful.  Which leads me to my next tip, which is, to purchase the correct color.  You want to use a bronzer that is a touch darker than your skin. You don’t want to be too dark or like mentioned above, orange, try a bronzer that has a grayish tone to it.

OR going on the theory of sticking with what you know. Instead of a bronzer, try a darker foundation of a brand you already love!  Again, by taking this approach you already know you like the product, you'll just need to perfect the color!

Contouring Your Cheeks: When you are applying the bronzer or dark foundation, you don’t want to brush on a dark line down your face.  I know this is contradiction of most photos you may see. But if you are not a pro at this, it will look horrible, as you will have difficulty with blending it out properly.  Instead, start off lighter and you can work your way to darker.  Your goal is a natural shadow.

Contouring Your Nose:
If you don’t select the right color or apply in the correct area, you can make your nose look wider or dirty.  Start thin when doing this. I found that if I started at the corner of my brows near the bridge of my nose, and worked down the sides, you’ll stay in the slimming area.

Products: In this area I prefer to use a powder as opposed to the liner or cream approach.  The liner sat in my pores and I ended up rubbing off my makeup when trying to buff out. I prefer a darker brown eye shadow for this area, one that is a bit ashy.

Oh my, this is where I wasted so much money.  Depending on the type you select, they do have a tendency to sit in your pores.  So, please be aware of this.  My suggestion is, if you have a foundation you love, then purchase that in a much lighter color to highlight with.  Or if you have a correcting primer in a yellow tone, use this.  I personally think the yellow toned approach looks more natural.

Although I said lighter, you don’t want to go too light as you don’t want to look chalky. Use one that is a couple shades lighter than your skin.  Look for one that has a yellow base to it or like I said before, use a correcting primer.

Blending:  You can use your favorite blending tool here.  There is no need to go and buy one. Keep in mind you want to buff when blending, so if you have a beauty blender, use the tapping motion,  it will work amazingly.

  • Stay away from anything that sparkles, it looks very unnatural. PLUS, if you are in your late 30’s or older it will highlight your skin damage or wrinkles. Matte works better in this instance.
  • When choosing a color, take your skin color into consideration. For example, someone with fair skin a light pink works best. 
  • Apply in the correct places, it is to look natural, not sit in your pores or crows feet. 
So, there you have it, tips you must know before you start to contour and highlight! Until next time beauties!

Disclaimer: Post Contains Affiliate Links  Videos on contouring and highlighting are extremely popular right.   I’m sure many of yo...

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  1. I don't wear a lot of makeup myself, but I bet this helps a lot of people with their makeup :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment, I appreciate it!

  2. This isbsuch a tricky makeup technique i am still trying to get used to. Awesome tips btw

    1. I agree and this is why I wanted to write this. Application is only half of it as without the right products, you're in for failure!

      Thanks for stopping by,

  3. I usually don't wear a ton of makeup just mostly on my eyes and some bronzer but even then it's good to know how and where to apply bronzer for a more "natural look". Thanks for sharing this useful information.

    1. I'm glad you found it useful! Hopefully, next time when choosing a bronzer, my tips can help!
      Have a BEAUTYful Day.

  4. Great tips. I love the graphic.

    Michelle F.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! Love PICMONKEY, words wonders for graphics!

  5. Good tips. I am so fair !!! With warmer weather coming this will help me look summer ready.

    1. This works all year long. I not tan as it is not good for your skin, so you may want to consider whether or you a tan or not

  6. Contouring just looks so complicated! I think I will give a go eventually, but I definitely can't see it becoming a part of my every day routine! These tips will come in really handy when I do try it though :)

    1. I agree it is difficult. There are some great video's that show you how that you may want to watch. Just keep the tips above above in mind when deciding on the product. If you type in MASKCARA is a google search, she has some great videos on how.

  7. Contouring can make a huge difference! Thanks for sharing your tips :) xo's

    1. Most certainly. Thanks for always commenting. I love comments!

  8. Great tips! That face chart image is actually very helpful. Thanks so much!

    1. I'm glad you found it useful. Thanks for stopping by! Hope you continue to do so.

  9. Great tips and ideas. I can definitely do better applying my make up and I appreciate all the help I can get.

    1. Thanks for the comments. Glad I could be helpful! Have a BEAUTYful Friday!

  10. I am one of those people who have spent the time watching the youtube I have never even tried this before, but it looks so beautiful on the people that do it right. One day I will give it a shot. I think I am intimidated by just picking the right products to eve start.

    1. The video's can be helpful, but if you don't have the right makeup for your face, it won't work.
      Hope you give it a shot sometime! Have a great day!

  11. These tips are so helpful. I am completely clueless when it comes to applying makeup, even though I love wearing it!

    1. Thanks for stopping by my blog, hopefully you can put some of them to use!

  12. I am horrible at putting on makeup. I've never tried to highlight before and only have the bronzer that came with my make up kit. Maybe it's time I found myself someone who knows about make up and started learning.

    1. There are tons of great video's out there, that you can learn a lot from. I hope some of my tips were helpful to you.

  13. Awesome Tip I Definitely Will Use!!

    1. Hopefully my tips can also save you some money!
      Have a BEAUTYful Day,

  14. Great tips, thank you for sharing! I'm just starting to get the hang of contouring :)

    Jess xo

  15. Great tips! This could really be helpful to someone like me. I only wear make-up occasionally and have not had much practice nor experience. Thank you!

    1. Well I hope that you can apply some of my tips. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

  16. This is really helpful. I've seen some video's and they make it look so easy. I love your tips on using a lighter foundation. I can try this without spending money! Now I just need to master the application down. Do you suggest a great Youtuber that can show me, step by step?

    1. Yes I do, here is the link she has some awesome tips!

  17. Thank you for the tips. I never use primer but I think I might now.

    1. Primer is a must. Otherwise, your makeup sits in your pores. I hope you give it a try...

  18. Thanks for the great tips, I really need to learn how to use these techniques :) Thanks!

    1. I hope your find them useful thanks for stopping by.

  19. THANKS!!! This was so helpful! I too have spent tons of money on this and I look like a clown! I'm going to try my own stuff. I never thought of this.

    1. Let me know how it goes. I'm always trying to find ways to do what we need without waste!

  20. Most certainly, thanks for stopping by.

  21. You are awesome!!!!! Your information is always on point. I can really tell you care about your readers and what to give us what we need. No fluff with you. Thanks Barbie for another great tip

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words. I do care and this is why I do all I can to share my honest opinions with everyone.

  22. Barbie
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are always so detailed, and this is why i follow you. It shows me that you actually care to help. I have watched so many video's and wasted my time on trying what they suggested. I would of never of thought of doing it this way. Thanks

    Tiffany Morris


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