March 30, 2014

Lipstick 101: Everything You Wanted To Know About Lipstick & MORE!

Lipstick 101: Everything You Wanted To Know About Lipstick & MORE! By Barbie's Beauty Bits

With all the colors, types and brands of lip products out there, it can become a daunting task deciding what to choose.  I mean, what colors look best, should you use lip liner, gloss or not, and most importantly what colors to avoid.  As you can see, or may even experienced, this isn’t an easy undertaking.  

But fortunately, GlamST. The first virtual makeover has made this task liptastic! When I was going through the process of trying on different colors, I was really able to see what colors were flattering on me and what colors were not.  Believe it or not, the colors we use can actually affect the color of our face, teeth, and appearance of our lips.  The GlamST. virtual makeover came in handy for this. I was able to try out tons of colors, without spending tons of money.

Check out some of my virtual tries below. You can also see the others I tested on Pinterest.

In addition to giving you the opportunity to test of every lip color from a nude to black on GlamSt.,  I’m going to give you some tips on how to choose the right colors.

Tips on Picking the Right Colors
  • Pick colors that flatter your undertones
  • Select colors that will reflect off your teeth in a positive way.

Colors To Help Make Your Teeth Look Whiter
  •  Berry Colors: These colors reflect off your lips, helping your teeth look brighter
  •  Blue Undertones:  These lip shades can reduce any yellow tones of your teeth, making them appear whiter.

Colors to Avoid
  • Yellow-orange Colors:  You want to try to stay away from colors that have these undertones in them, as they seem to emphasize the yellow in your teeth.
  • Frosted Colors: I found that these make your teeth appear grayish.
  • Pale Pinks: Seem to highlight any imperfections in your teeth.
  • Dark Colors: Unfortunately, as we get older we get wrinkles.  These can even appear around our lips.  So in this case, it is very important when choosing a lip color that you avoid really dark colors. The dark colors will run into the lines.  Instead, stick with a nice gloss. Gloss will make your lips appear fuller and add moisture.

Instant Lip Augmentation
  • For a pouty lip: Apply a shimmery gloss to the center of your lips.
  • For fuller lips: Use a flesh-colored lip liner to extend your lip line.
  • Cupid's bow: Another tip for fuller lips is to add some highlighter to the Cupid’s bow (this is the double curve of the upper lip).  The highlighter will draw attention to your mouth, giving you a better shape as well.

Matte or Glossy?
  • Matte lipstick lasts a long time, but it can dry out your lips.
  • Glossy look wears off quickly; however they are hydrating.   

Lip Care
  • Moisturize: Take care of lips the same way you would the skin on your face.
  • You must make sure that you start with a clean lip, and I don’t mean just removing your old makeup.  You want to exfoliate your lips;  this will make your lips smooth, preventing your lipstick from caking on dry skin.  When your lips are exfoliated, your lipstick will apply flawlessly. 

I hope you enjoyed my lip tips and remember to stay pucker pretty & go virtual with GlamST!  Until next time...

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by GlamSt.  While compensation was gained for writing this post.   All views expressed and lipstick tips are my own and were not influenced in anyway.

March 25, 2014

Find My Color; A Pin It To Win It.

DISCLAIMER: This post contains affiliate links from SVERVE.  In which I can receive a small commission from.

Coloring my hair is something I have always done.  Now, as I am older it is a necessity. I have always been a big fan of dark hair with burgundy highlights!  Below you can see my all time favorite color!

But, what’s your perfect hair color? Well, today you can let the world know and by doing so you'll also have a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card, from Madison Reed!
Photo By Hair Envy.
How To:
Simply, repin your favorite hair color image from the Madison Reed board or pin your own image with #FindMyColor to register for your chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Click here to participate!
Regsiter to win a $50 gift card by SVERVE


March 23, 2014

Long Glamorous Eyelashes

Long Glamorous Eyelashes by Barbie's Beauty Bits
 Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post by GlamSt.  While compensation was gained for writing this post.   All views expressed are my own and were not influenced in anyway. 

Long eyelashes are my addiction. I'm always searching for the perfectly plush, glam lashes, whether it be from fake eyelashes or mascara.   With so many different kinds of mascara out there, you'd think there would be a way to find one you truly love or at least see what it looks like on you first. Well, there is with GlamST; the first virtual makeup tester, it’s a makeup lover’s dream come true. The site allows you to test products, give makeup tips, while sharing the experience with your friends!  It is a really simple process to get started, see below!

  • Create an account by logging in with either your Facebook or Google+ page. 
  • Upload a photo of yourself (without makeup) or you can use one of the models they provide on the site. 
  • Once the photo is up loaded, you need to do a face, eyes, lips, etc. recognition.  By doing this it will enable you to test out the products in the correct areas.
  • You have the option to see before & after photos.

I had so much fun trying out the different products and looks. The site is relatively new, so they are still in the process of perfecting some of the tools. One of the looks I’ve really enjoyed the most was when I applied the heavy mascara. GlamST has some great mascara choices, including BADgal from Benefit!  I've used this in the past, so I thought I'd try this matte-black mascara virtually & at home, to get the glam lashes I've been lusting for!

Virtual GlamST Look: 

Side by Side Comparisons With Before & After:
Virtual Makeup Looks by Barbie's Beauty Bits

Up Close Looks With BADgal Mascara:
GlamSt. virtual make over looks by barbies beauty bits

Real Life Look & How To Achieve It: 
Long eyelashes with Benefits Badgal Mascara, by Barbie's Beauty Bits
About Benefit BADgal Mascara:  
  •  BADgal Mascara, is famous for its big brush!  The brush allows you to get each an every lash.  
  • The voluminous matte-black mascara applies wonderfully. Building dramatic, bodacious, glam lashes!

How To Achieve The Look:
  • First before you ever apply any mascara you want to prep the lashes, as you want to make sure that you start with clean lashes.
  • Prior to application, you want to blot your mascara wand on a piece of tissue, this will help to remove any access mascara.   
  • When applying mascara, you want to do a back-and-forth motion, moving the wand in a upward sweep.  The upward sweep helps to create the illusion of curly eyelashes. 
  • For long lashes, focus on the corner lashes, this will help your eyes look brighter & more opened. 
Want to try your own virtual looks? Simply go to the website and sign up today! You can also stay social...

Stay tuned until next week, as I try some new lipsticks!

March 15, 2014

Coming Soon, Flashback Friday's. The BEST of the BEST Beauty Tips

Best of the best beauty tips by barbies beauty bits
My love of makeup, beauty, and skincare, have made a creative and fun wayfor everyone to enjoy my bits! Plus, being able to help those who may not of know how, or even giving a knew approach, makes me extremely happy! 
With all of the beauty tidbits I've shared, I know that some people have not had the chance to see them all! But, no worries as I bringing to you...Flashback Friday's, where I bring you the best of the best beauty tips! 

If there is something you want to know more about or would like to have me add to Flashback Friday's, please tell me.  


March 9, 2014

Tips You Must Know About Contouring and Highlighting

Disclaimer: Post Contains Affiliate Links 
Tips You Must Know About Contouring and Highlighting, By Barbie's Beauty Bits
Videos on contouring and highlighting are extremely popular right.  I’m sure many of you have seen these images or videos all over the internet.  This concept is amazing, but if you’re new at it, it can be hard.  I just recently within the past few years perfected this, after many tries, many product purchases, and tons of wasted money, on tons of products I did not like.   So, today, I’m here to help you, to not do what I did. 

Honesty, what I’ve learned after all of these trial and errors with products, is to stick with what you know.  Because, although a product works for one or many, it might not be right for your skin and more importantly your wallet. I got tips from some of the best vvloggers on how to do it.  But, unfortunately the products they used or suggested, some I ended up hating.  Alot of them sat in my pores, caused false wrinkles, and some were just plain Yuk! Ultimately, costing me tons of money and leaving me disappointed.

So with all that being said.  Your best bet is to stick with what you know.  So, keep reading if you want to find out how to contour & highlight with brands you already love.

Tips Before You Start Anything:
  • Understand the goal of contouring and highlighting.  It’s about that luminous glow, slimming face & nose, with enhanced cheek bones.
    • Contouring will darken
    • Highlighting will emphasize
  • Use a primer! I can’t say this enough. This is a non-negotiable for me. You're applying a lot to your face, if you don't use a primer, you're in for failure.
  • Apply your foundation and cover blemishes as normal, prior to.  Most leave that part out.
  • Be aware of what you are putting on your face. As layering different textures, is what can cause the caked on look or false wrinkles.  
  • Are you a powder or creme person? Use what you like. 
  • KNOW your face shape! This is what a lot of those video’s leave out. You don’t want to look gaunt, or make your face look fuller. I found this face chart image online, that I think is very helpful.
  • Blending is essential, so make sure you use the best blending tool. The wrong tool will mess the entire look up.
  • If you have some products at home, try those first before spending any money.
  • Look for coupons or offers, if you're going to purchase products. 
  • Purchase them from a place that they can be returned.
Product Tips…

This is where I went wrong, purchasing a bronzer that someone suggested.  Instead, I recommend you shop around for this.  There are many bronzers out there, most that are orange, so be careful.  Which leads me to my next tip, which is, to purchase the correct color.  You want to use a bronzer that is a touch darker than your skin. You don’t want to be too dark or like mentioned above, orange, try a bronzer that has a grayish tone to it.

OR going on the theory of sticking with what you know. Instead of a bronzer, try a darker foundation of a brand you already love!  Again, by taking this approach you already know you like the product, you'll just need to perfect the color!

Contouring Your Cheeks: When you are applying the bronzer or dark foundation, you don’t want to brush on a dark line down your face.  I know this is contradiction of most photos you may see. But if you are not a pro at this, it will look horrible, as you will have difficulty with blending it out properly.  Instead, start off lighter and you can work your way to darker.  Your goal is a natural shadow.

Contouring Your Nose:
If you don’t select the right color or apply in the correct area, you can make your nose look wider or dirty.  Start thin when doing this. I found that if I started at the corner of my brows near the bridge of my nose, and worked down the sides, you’ll stay in the slimming area.

Products: In this area I prefer to use a powder as opposed to the liner or cream approach.  The liner sat in my pores and I ended up rubbing off my makeup when trying to buff out. I prefer a darker brown eye shadow for this area, one that is a bit ashy.

Oh my, this is where I wasted so much money.  Depending on the type you select, they do have a tendency to sit in your pores.  So, please be aware of this.  My suggestion is, if you have a foundation you love, then purchase that in a much lighter color to highlight with.  Or if you have a correcting primer in a yellow tone, use this.  I personally think the yellow toned approach looks more natural.

Although I said lighter, you don’t want to go too light as you don’t want to look chalky. Use one that is a couple shades lighter than your skin.  Look for one that has a yellow base to it or like I said before, use a correcting primer.

Blending:  You can use your favorite blending tool here.  There is no need to go and buy one. Keep in mind you want to buff when blending, so if you have a beauty blender, use the tapping motion,  it will work amazingly.

  • Stay away from anything that sparkles, it looks very unnatural. PLUS, if you are in your late 30’s or older it will highlight your skin damage or wrinkles. Matte works better in this instance.
  • When choosing a color, take your skin color into consideration. For example, someone with fair skin a light pink works best. 
  • Apply in the correct places, it is to look natural, not sit in your pores or crows feet. 
So, there you have it, tips you must know before you start to contour and highlight! Until next time beauties!

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