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February 11, 2014

How To Increase Traffic To Your Website Or Blog

How To Increase Traffic To Your Website Or Blog by Barbie's Beauty Bits

I wanted to share with my fellow bloggers some great tips to help build your empire.   First, I want to start off by saying: The key to becoming successful in business is being relevant.  But, in order to be relevant you need to remain relevant.  This is why in today’s internet-based society, connections and networking are important to successful bloggers and brands.  In addition to the relationships we build, are how we build them.  Well, today I’m going to share with you some simple 101 tips to becoming more relevant in the internet world, because as we know, traffic is life for a website or blog.

Tip 1:  Social Sharing:  Joining social networking group pages, can really pay off.  The social sharing method is one of the most popular and easiest approach to helping you to generate more traffic to your website or social pages.  Considering most who are members of these groups, have the same goal in common. Which is to build their online presence, and to gain followers, so interacting can be a big benefit. Bottom line, if you are able to increase the number of likes, views and shares of your brand, the more visitors you will have. 

Here are a few great ones to consider.  Simply click and if it looks like you, ask to be invited!
Get Social Group... This one is most social sites
Blog Lovin Link Up
The Beauty Blogger Bunch...This one is for comments to your page.  However, this is only beauty related.   
The DIY Beauty Group Board & MORE This is a group Pinterest Board

Tip 2: Creating Blog Links From Comments:   If you are a blogger you know the importance of incoming links to your page from other sites.  With that being said, did you know, you can also use the comment area on other websites/bloggers pages to make a back link to your page? But, are you doing it right?  Are you leaving a clickable link or are you just leaving your blog or website url? Unfortunately, I’ve seen many people just leave their blog name rather than a clickable link to their page.  Therefore, I’m going to show you how to get this to link to your page in just a few easy steps!

How NOT To Do This:   
Great post, I’ve been dying to try this eye shadow. 
Thanks for sharing,

In the above example, someone can’t link to your site by clicking on the URL.  Instead,  they’d have to copy and paste the URL to get to your page. Furthermore, you are not link building.

How TO DO this:

Great post, I’ve been dying to try this eye shadow.  
 Thanks for sharing,

In layman terms....Insert THE URL TO YOUR WEBSITE/BLOG here.
Replace YOUR TITLE here.

Example: <a href="">barbiesbeautybitsblogger</a> 

So, not only is the link clickable, it can now be picked up by search engines. You can also do the above for a post if you'd like. Where instead of inserting the URL to your page, you'd insert the URL to the post. YEAH!

Tip 3: Optimize Images For Better Search Engine Rankings:  You may not realize, but what you name an image when you save it, can really help you with searches.  Hence, helping you to generate traffic from image searches on google.  For example, if you have an image about makeup dupes.  You should not save the images with a generic file name, like blog post 85.  Although, you may know that blog post 85 is about makeup dupes, this will do nothing for you, to help with your search engine ranking.  Instead, you should use a descriptive file name with the keyword you want that image to rank for.  Also, make sure to include your company name in the image to help linking it to you.  I would also do the same with the image properties of a image you place on your site(s).

Example: Mac Makeup Dupes by Barbie’s Beauty Bits.  

So there you have it! Three easy steps on how to increase traffic to your website or blog.  Also, if you thought these tips were helpful, please make sure to stay tune for more! As I will soon be sharing details about a great photo editing program, that is extremely user friendly and fun to use! Called... PICMONKEY ROYALE. 


  1. Thank you so much for posting this, it was really helpful!

    1. Glad I could be of some help! Looks like you started to use it!

  2. Hi
    Thank you so much for giving us such kind of handy content which will be most useful to me as well.... I will follow your blog always. Thanks!!!

    1. This has been so helpful, I never realised you could use html is comment boxes! I'm trying it out here haha! Thanks :) xx

    2. Glad I was able to share this with you!

  3. Replies
    1. Most certainly! Hope you have a wonderful day, thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment

  4. It's your amazing blog. Thanks for sharing information SEO Company in India. I am so happy because it gives beneficial information for us.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, I greatly appreciate it.

  5. Great Great tips! I just started using Facebook groups and it works! I've increased my traffic, and I've found other really great blogs in the process! ♥b

    Brittany's Secret

    1. I love facebook groups as well, they can really be helpful. Plus, you get to meet a lot of great people.

  6. These are great tips! Thanks for sharing it with us! xo's

  7. Great tips and I need this! Love!!! Thanks for posting and thanks for starting the FB group too. You rock!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I hope these were helpful and you get to use them!

  8. Taking your advice, I am going to try the tag you suggested:

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. You are such a genius, i saw this on your Instagram page and i couldn't wait to read it , I am so glad you shared this, thanks a million.


  11. I love blogging how-to posts like this! But, I thought some commenting systems have HTML disabled? That, and, I'm sure there are some bloggers who may frown upon linking in the comments? I'm just curious about this, since I'm rather new to blogging.

    Love That Lavender Brunette

    1. Some of them have. Some also have implemented commentluv. However, for those who require approval prior to a post, and network with other bloggers, are usually ok with links to other sites. It can help both involved. None the less, do it with tack and respect for others.

  12. This helps a lot! Thank you so much!!

  13. Thank you for your posting.It is very helpful.

  14. Thank you for your posting.It is very helpful.................
    Website Traffic


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