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February 26, 2014

A Guide For Stretching Your Beauty Dollars

A Guide For Stretching Your Beauty Dollar, By Barbie's Beauty Bits
Disclaimer:  This is a sponsored post on behalf of  HSN.
Views expressed were not influenced in anyway. 

If you are like me and love all the new an exciting beauty products; you can see how they can really put a hurtin on your wallet, if you are not careful.  Therefore, today I wanted to share with you, tips  on how to get the most out of your beauty products, straight from some great beauty experts. I have also tied in some ideas of my own.  Enabling you to stretch your beauty dollar.  So without further ado...

Tip 1: Build A Better Makeup Bag: I love this tip from Lara Ramos, a HSN Blogger.  She suggests to start first with making better purchasing decisions.  Instead of making those random purchases, which I'm guilty of, stick with the products you use more frequently.  Allowing you to use every last drop of them. 

Tip 2: Using Every Last Bit
Mascara: I started with this one, as mascara is my beauty addiction.  So, getting every last drop out of a tube is very important to me!  So how do I do this?  
  • First, take your tube of mascara & place it in the palms of your hands.
  • Quickly roll the mascara tube back & forth between your hands for about 30 seconds.
  • By doing this you create heat, which will soften & loosen the mascara and it won't seem as dried out.  It revives and will apply like a new tube. 
  • Another tip, is to add a small bit of rubbing alcohol to it.
  • Now you will be able to get plenty of more uses out of a tube of mascara that you would normally throw away!
  • IMPORTANT, make sure to keep in mind the safe time usage of your mascara.  If it is what we call in the makeup world “expired”, toss it in the trash don’t try to revive it.   
Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Lipstick, By Barbie's Beauty Bits
Lipstick: A great lipstick is like a girl's best friend, so stretching my money on this, is a must! 

BB Bit 1: Make New Colors Out Of It  
This can be easily accomplished by combining many colors of your left over lipstick together. 

BB Bit 2:  Re-tube Your Favorite Color
If you have a few sticks of the same color, you can re-tube them to make a new one! You can do this either in a smaller container, or if you have a lot of leftover of the same color, re-tube them in one larger tube, making a fresh new lip color.

BB Bit 3: Mix With Vaseline
Scrape out the last bits of lipstick & mix it with your favorite lip gloss or better yet, good ole Vaseline in a lipstick container or a travel container. 

BB Bit 4:  You can also whip up some cream blush with your left over bits of lipstick.  There is no retubing or mixing, here.  Simply apply the color directly to your cheeks, considering it's the right color of course.

Eye shadow: If you have any broken shadow or a small amount left, I always recommend to remix to make more.  Simply transfer the broken or left over shadow into a smaller container. Then you want to add a few drops of rubbing alcohol to it, pressing it all together to make a new version.

Nail Polish: If you have a nail polish that is starting to dry out.  You can rescue this bad boy by adding a couple of drops of nail polish thinner! 

Tip 3:
Last but not least is portion control:  This another great tip I found by Lara Ramos on the HSN Blog.  According to her, using only what you need can help you make your makeup last. I love this tip of downsizing, so you are not wasting product.

So there you have it ladies, a guide for stretching your beauty dollars! Still wanting more?  Then check out what else Lara Ramo's suggests to helping you to get your products to last longer

 Resources: Save Makeup Save Money: Tips for Making Your Beauty Products Last


Disclaimer:   This is a sponsored post on behalf of  HSN . Views expressed were not influenced in anyway.  If you are like me and ...

Would you like to comment?

  1. Some great tips. I really like the mascara one. Thanks !

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Hope they were helpful

  2. These are fun tips! Everyone want to stretch their beauty dollars these days. Love your blog as usual.

    1. Thanks for the kind words! LOVE your blog as well! Hope you have a great week! Until next time...

  3. i like the one of the nail polish , sometimes i can't enough of one colour.. great tips .


    1. I know, I love polish, so many colors, not enough nails!

  4. Thanks for the tips! I normally only use mineral makeup and try to not use more than I need for the powder because you don't see it as much as the normal.

    1. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Smart you are conservative with your products. I so love mascara and do everything to make it last!

  5. Thanks for sharing these great tips with us :) xo's

    Pink Frenzy

    1. Most certainly, and thanks for stopping by and commenting! I love being part of your group! There are some great bloggers;love reading them all!

  6. Most certainly, and thanks for stopping by and commenting. I greatly appreciate it!

  7. Thanks for sharing these tips! And thanks for linking up to Makeup monday! Hope to see you back again Next week! ♥

  8. Thank you for these tips! I do not wear stuff like mascara and lipstick often so these tips are great for helping me make them last a bit longer!

  9. Great tips. I have to try that nailpolish thinner.

    Michelle F.


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