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January 30, 2014

The Big Game Day, Makeup & Nailpolish Looks!

Big Game Day, Makeup & Nailpolish Looks, by Barbie's Beauty Bits

I’m a girly girl, and this doesn’t change during the Big Game, this Sunday.  So, today I’m going to share with you some game day looks. Just because it’s football, doesn’t mean you can’t look good! 

Superbowl, game day nail polish looks by Barbie's Beauty BitsSo, I Ask: Are You Ready For Some Football Makeup?  If so, check out my YouTube channel, Barbie's Beauty Bits TV.  I just posted a fun video showing you how to sport your team colors this Sunday during the Big Game. 

Team Eyeshadow is Nyx Cosmetics Hot Singles Eyeshadows, with 88 colors to choose from. And Team Nail Polish is with Esse Nail Polish colors! 

January 29, 2014

How To Use Your Makeup In Multiple Ways

How To Use Your Makeup In Multiple Ways, By Barbie's Beauty Bits and Nina's Bargain Beauty

Looking pretty can sure cost a lot sometimes, right? But, what if I told you, that some of the common makeup products, have multiple uses.  Exciting isn’t it? Plus, it can also help you save money and time. Especially, if it’s one of those days you need to get out the door quickly, while still looking like a million bucks!

Well, if this sounds like something you'd like to know more about, today is your lucky day. As I'm going to share with you, my guest blog post, on the many looks that one makeup item can create. 

You see, I had the privilege of being a guest blogger on Nina's Bargain Beauty.  A popular blogger from Ireland. Nina loves makeup, but doesn't want to spend an arm and a leg on it.  Hence, she has spent the time to search and review bargain beauties, and shares it with the world, literally.  

So, Without Further Ado, Click Here To Discover How To Use Your Makeup In Multiple Ways!

Until Next Time...

January 21, 2014

Take Two Aspirin and…The Different Uses For Aspirin

The Different Uses For Aspirin by Barbie's Beauty Bits

There are a lot of different uses for aspirin aside from medical. Today, I’m going to share with you some benefits for your head; of hair that is. These unusual uses for aspirin work because of the  salicylic acid in the them. So without further ado... 

Hair Color:

This one, fortunately I’ve never had to use.  But my sister (sorry sis), used this remedy when we were kids for her green hair.
The sun and blond may go together, but chlorine isn’t always a blonde’s best friend.  If you’ve ever had your hair turn a greenish color from chlorine, no need to scream, as an aspirin can clear it up.  

How To:

  • Take 8 aspirins and let them dissolve in some bottled water.
  • Shake it up to make sure all is dissolved.
  • Pour the solution into a hair coloring bottle and distribute on your hair. 
  • Leave it on your hair for 10 minutes and wash.
  • Depending on the extent of the green, you may have to do a couple of washes.

Dandruff Control:

No need to purchase two shampoo’s, as you can make your regular shampoo a dandruff control shampoo. By adding some aspirins to it!

How To:
  • Pour some shampoo into a small travel bottle.
  • Crush 2 aspirins in some aluminum foil.
  • Take the aluminum foil and use it as a funnel to pour the crushed aspirin into the travel shampoo bottle.
  • Mix with a stir stick.
  • Wash as usual.

Remove Product Build Up:

Follow the same recipe you would for the dandruff shampoo.  But after shampooing,  you want to make sure that you deep condition,  to add moisture back to your hair.

So hair, there you have it, another pantry to pretty bit!

January 14, 2014

How To Use Your Makeup In Multiple Ways, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

Makeup That Has Multiple Uses, By Barbie's Beauty Bits

Looking pretty can sure cost a lot sometimes! But, what if I told you, that some of the common makeup products, have multiple uses.  Exciting isn’t it? Plus, it can also help you save money and time. Especially, if it’s one of those days you need to get out the door quickly, while still looking like a million bucks!

Well, today ladies is your lucky day! As I’m going to share with you the many looks that one makeup item can create.

White Eyeliner:  This can be used as highlighter on bridge of your nose, corner of the eyes, and waterline.

Mascara: This has a dual purpose, as it can be applied to both your eyelashes and eyebrows.

Lipstick: Can be used as lipstick and blush.  Depending on the color, it can also be used on your eyes.

Eyeliner Pencil: Use this bad boy as an eyeliner, brow liner and to contour your nose!

Bronzer: This one takes the cake! As it can be used as an eye shadow, to contour, applied to your cheeks, as well as to lengthen eyelashes.

Blush:  Aside from the obvious, which is applying to your cheekbones, this little beauty works wonders on your lips.  You can mix it with a gloss or even layer it with another color to create a shimmer lip color.  It also works fabulous as an eyeshadow.

Face Primer: Use this on your face, lips and eyes!

Eyeshadow: Depending on the color of the shadow, you can create numerous looks with this. 

Dark colors:
  • Can be used as an eyeliner
  • To hollow your cheeks
  • Fill in your eyebrows
  • Mix with a gloss for a lipstick
  • Blush (if it’s in the brown or pink family)
  • Contour cheeks

Light colors:

  • A highlighter to both your cheekbone and brow bone

So you see, the possibilities are endless!  All you have to do is be open to try and I guarantee you’ll be sure glad you tried it! Until next time beauties.

January 12, 2014

Greek Yogurt For Your Hair

Now you can have the hair of a Greek goddess, with this DIY deep hair regiment.  Today’s Pantry to Pretty bit is made with Greek yogurt.   There are many benefits from the use of Greek yogurt, as it helps to moisturize, strengthen, while adding shine and luster to your hair.

So How To?  This is actually a simple process, and all you need is only a few items.


  • Plain Greek Yogurt
  • 5 Hair Clips
  • Disposable Gloves
  • Shower Cap
  • Mixing Bowl


  • Take 6-7 tablespoons of PLAIN Greek yogurt and place it into a mixing bowl.
  • Prep your hair, by dividing it into 5 sections. (this will enable you to get the best coverage).
    • One on each side of your head.
    • Two in the back.
    • And the top of your head.
  • Start with the bottom section of your hair, and apply the yogurt with a color brush. Or you can use some plastic gloves and apply with your hands.
  • Repeat this process and work your way up to the top of your head.
  • Once all of your hair is covered, twist it all together, into one bun.
  • Cover your hair with a shower cap and leave for 45 mins. Possibly longer depending on the damage & length of your hair.
  • Rinse your hair with cool water.

So hair there you have it, a deep conditioning treatment with greek yogurt,  that won't break your wallet!