July 30, 2013

Maybelline Tattoo Pure Pigments Review

Maybelline Tattoo Pure Pigments review by Barbie's Beauty Bits

I try to stay away from posting negative reviews, but this one I felt was necessary, as I think that a lot of people may want to give this product a try for the same reasons I did.  If you are a frequent visitor to my site, you know I love MAC eye shadows and pigments, so when I heard about Maybelline Tattoo Pure Pigments I was excited.   The name to me screamed, long lasting, heavily pigmented, bold, oh, and maybe I can find a MAC product (not color) dupe. NOT! It was upsetting to say the least.  In my opinion, this product needs to go on Spikes, Tattoo Nightmares, as it needs a lot of help!


Product: Maybelline Tattoo Pure Pigments

Cost: $5.99

The Skinny: 

  • This product comes in 12 different shades, with claims, they last 24 hours.  The 24-hour  part, I really didn’t believe, so honesty it wasn’t the deal breaker for me.  But I expected at least to surpass some cheap drug store products, which it didn’t.
  • There was not consistency with the colors; some lasted about 4 hours with primer, while the Brash Blue stained my eyelid making me look like I was punched in the eye.  The color was on there for a few days, so thank goodness for my MAC Carbon; I could cover my eyelid.
  • The colors were very flaky, sheer, difficult to blend, applied patchy, and needed lots of layering, urghh.  Unlike the original color tattoo products where they were long wearing cream shadows; this product was a loose powder, which contributed to a lot of fallout, scary if you ask me.  Something promising to last 24 hours, but has such extreme fallouts, so that means it could stain elsewhere (leading to my bruised eye look). 
  • Over all, the pigments were muddled.   While unlike other loose color pigments, where they are highly concentrated enabling you to create a subtle or intense color; these colors each had a mind of their own, making it a grueling process to know what it was going to look like.

Love it or hate it: HATE IT 

The Fine Print: I do not accept money for product reviews of any kind. Nor am I a representative or an affiliate of these products and or companies, unless otherwise stated.  All reviews are from my personnel experience of these products. 

July 28, 2013

How To Make Your Own Surf Spray

How To Make Your Own Surf Spray By Barbie's Beauty Bits

If any of you have ever tried Bumble & Bumble surf spray, you’ll understand why I am in totally in love with this product.  It does some excellent stuff to my hair, especially the way it allows me to create gorgeous beach waves, with lots of body, lift, great hold,  texture and…. I could go on!  And if the spray isn’t enough to rave about, they also have a new line of surf conditioner and shampoo, oh the sexy matte hair, these products give you.  However, the expense of purchasing all them is enough to… gag me with a spoon!   So I had a rad idea, I was like, Dude make your own.  So here we go!  

How to Make Your Own Beach’n Surf Spray

  • 3 teaspoons epsom salt (I prefer this instead of Sea Salt, as it is less drying to your hair)
  • 2 squirts of hair gel
  • 1/2 tsp of a leave In conditioner (optional)
  • 4 ounces of hot water (the heat helps to dissolve quicker)
  • A spray bottle
  • Put the cap on the bottle and shake for 1-2 minutes or until all is dissolved and mixed thoroughly  

Other Primo Options

  • The first batch I made, the hair gel and the conditioner didn’t mix well. So, I remade the recipe, by warming up the two in the microwave prior to adding them to the others. 
  • More or Less Salt:  The recipe I have above with 3 teaspoons, gives you a lot of texture.  So you could use a smaller amount, like 2 teaspoons, if you want less texture.  If you want a beachier look, you could add more salt.   However,  be careful as you can dry your hair out,  causing your hair to become crunchy, making it harder to curl or flat iron.
  • Scent:  The leave in conditioner ( a Bumble & Bumble product), gave it a scent or you could use hair gel that has a scent. 
  • Save even more money! I also love Bumble and Bumble Tonic, which is essentially tea tree oil.  So, I decided to add some tea tree oil to another batch, how genius if I must say so myself, now I have both products in one!  Plus, tea tree oil won’t way your hair down, nor will it make it oily!
So there you have it dudettes, your own beach in a bottle; it’s like a day at the beach without the sand in your hair! 

Want More?  Check out the primo video!



July 19, 2013

How To Make Your Eyeshadow Last Longer

How To Make Your Eyeshadow Last Longer And Appear Darker By Barbie's Beauty Bits. I love dramatic and bold eyeshadow looks, especially those created for a Smokey eye look. Hence, today I wanted to share with you a short but sweet FUN FRIDAY TIP on how to make your eyeshadow intense and adhere longer! 

The best way to achieve that dramatic look is by fusing or combining together, both your eye shadow and your eyeliner.  By doing this it wears much better and the dimension is much greater than if you were to use alone.

So How To:
  1. Prime your eyes: This is one step you should never skip, using primer allows your makeup to last longer and blending is easier too.  Apply an eye shadow primer to the entire eyelid, from upper lash line to brow, and don’t forget the lower lash line if you are doing a Smokey eye.
  2. Put your eyeliner on along your upper lash line and smudge it with a short shader brush (214 Mac Short Shader Brush) or some eyeliners come with a sponge at the end to do this.
  3. Take your shadow brush an apply your eye shadow, it is important to blend it into the eyeliner; you can do this my wiggling it along the line creating a dark line of color. 
  4. For the Smokey eye look, .you want one side a bit darker than the other,
  5. Keep color to the lid and just under the lower lash line. Don't extend color above the crease.
  6. Repeat the process one more time, by applying eyeliner then shadow.  And don’t forget to have one darker side and one lighter side.
  7. Use a blending brush to blend out the last application of eyeliner into the shadow.
  8. Mess, there will be some shadow fallouts, but don’t worry you can wipe it off later.    
    • HOWEVER it is important to make sure that you apply your foundation after your eye shadow, otherwise you’ll end up blending the dark eyeshade into your face. 
    • To remove shadow fallout, I prefer to use eye makeup pad removers. But you can also use loose powder under the eye and wherever else some color may have dropped.  Once you have applied the powder, take a large powder brush and sweep both the powder and shadow away.


July 14, 2013

Essential Tips For Contouring Cheeks

How To Properly Contour Your Cheeks

Tips on how to contour your cheeks by Barbie's Beauty Bits

I had the best experience at Sephora a few weeks ago!  I learned how to contour my cheeks the correct way.   I knew it was important to select the right colors, but all along, I’ve been doing it backwards, I was highlighting the area that should have been low lighted.  Most of us who have attempted to contour, understand the purpose is to create a shadow effect but are we doing it right?  Well, now you can see what I learned.

Why Do We Want A Shadow Effect?

In the process of writing this, my mom asked me, why I would want a shadow on my face.  Therefore, I decided to explain this first, so here goes… by creating a shadow, you are making some of the areas darker on your face (low lighting), with the hopes to highlight another area, like your cheekbones, for instance. When you properly contour the area under your cheek bones, it should make this area appear to be indented so to speak; hence making your cheekbones seem more prominent. 

How To Create a Shadow Effect For Your Cheeks:
  1. You want to choose a bronzer that has undertones that are similar to the color of a shadow. Well, that made sense, I guess that is why whenever I used a shimmer color it didn’t look rightSo don’t use a shimmery bronzer; it is a big no, no according to the girl at Sephora.  
  2. Stay away from extremely tan bronzers, as they can make you look like you have dirt on your face or that you have a bruise.  
  3. Don’t use a bronzer that has heavy orange undertones.
  4. DO select a bronzer that has more of an ash tint to it.
How to Make Your Cheeks Pop:

Color:  Apply a rose color blush, this helps for the more natural cheek look.

Makeup Brush: Put the blush on with a blush brush.

Where To Apply:  Spread the blush over the apples of your cheeks.

How To Contour:

Color:  The bronzer she used on me was Benefit Hoola.

Makeup Brush: Use an angled brush.  The brush used on me was a flat brush that came with the bronzer.  However ELF has a perfect contouring brush 

Where To Apply
  1. Apply under your cheek bones first.  The best way to locate this area is to suck in your cheeks, then apply bronzer to the reseeding area (parallel to your jaw line). It is important to blend well, so you don’t see the line of makeup. 
  2. Bring the color to your hairline and edge it out there.  
  3. Smile! Yes, I said smile, when you do this,  you will be able to add some color to the corner part of your cheek bones nearest your nose & lips. This will help minimize this area as well, allowing for that great cheek pop.   
  4. Finish this look by applying some highlights above your blush by using a luminzer.   

A Picture Perfect Cheat Sheet

How to contour by barbies beauty bits
Items Used: 

Another Suggestion:  I located a product after the makeup artist had contoured my face.  This is an all in one kit, making it easier! MicroSmooth Baked Sculpting Trio

Areas To Contour:
  • Under Cheekbone
  • Along Both Sides of Your Nose
  • Jawline
  • Above Cheekbone

So there you have it! Great cheeks that any movie star would envy! 

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July 10, 2013

10 Tips To Prevent Your Hair From Being Used & Abused

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow!

Top beauty tips on preventing your hair from being damaged by barbies beauty bits

In one of my recent posts, I talked about how to control the oil in your hair as well as some other tips to healthy hair.  Well, today I have another one for you.  If you have not seen this video that is on the web about this girl burning her hair you have to see it (CLICK HERE TO SEE VIDEO). Devastating, to say the least, which prompted this post;  hair today, gone tomorrow! Because if you don’t take care of your hair today, it can be gone tomorrow.

The Heat Wave; and I’m not talking about the weather here but rather styling tools for your hair.   I understand the importance of having great looking hair, and I know how hard it is to keep away from using these.  So instead, I’m going to give you my top 10 tricks to help reduce some of the exposure your hair can have to these tools.

Don't overheat your hair by Barbie's Beauty Bits

BB Bit 1: Air dry your hair instead of blow drying it; your hair will be much stronger if you do this. Blow drying your hair and then immediately using a flat/curling iron can cause your hair to become damaged.   According to my hair stylist, drying your hair before using a flat iron will make your hair look dull as the heat from the dryer causes the cuticles to open.  Not enough time? Then, I suggest washing your hair at night and letting it air dry.  If that is not an option, you can allow your hair to air dry while you're putting on your makeup and getting dressed.

BB Bit 2:  Protector… Make sure if you are using any heated device, that you also apply a heat protector on your hair. In addition to a thermal protector, you should invest in a UV protector along with some Moroccan or argon oils or a trendy hat (there are plenty that we keep you looking chic)

BB Bit 3:  Unlike the girl in the video I mentioned above, do not leave the device on your hair for an extended period of time. It is not necessary. You should keep it on about 1 second per inch of hair while moving down the hair.

BB Bit 4: You get what you pay for, meaning it does pay to get a high-quality styling tools; some are better for your hair than others.

BB Bit 5: Hair trends today give us many of the options for a beach wave or partially curled hair.  For instance, you can braid your hair for a wave; try the sock bun method or even some soft non-heated rollers

Ways to curl your hair without heat by Barbie's Beauty Bits

BB Bit 6: Don’t wash your hair every day.  In my recent post, I talked about the reasons for this, but today I have another reason for not washing; if you don’t wash it every day, you don’t have to expose it every day to these styling tools and products.  So what do I mean?  If you style your hair say on a Monday and have taken the correct steps mentioned here and in this post, you can have that style last for days with only minimal touch-ups.

BB Bit 7:  Dry shampoos are the best.  They give your hair an extra day, sometimes two depending on how you take care of your hair.  

BB Bit 8:  Sleep with your hair up, by doing so you will prevent your hair from getting dirty. Dirt can be picked up from your face and bedding, so keeping it away from these can give you a few more days of hair not having to be exposed to a hair dryer.

BB Bit 9: Avoid using too much conditioner as it can weigh your hair down.  This can cause you to have to wash it quicker or try to compensate with another hair product or hot rollers.  Sulfate-free conditioners work best.

BB Bit 10: Never flat iron your hair while it is wet.  Your flat iron is HOT, some up to 400 degrees. 

Tips for flat ironing your hair by barbies beauty bits

So hair, there you go, my top 10 BB Bits to alleviate your hair from being abused and products being over used.

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