April 24, 2013

MAC Dupes

Makeup Dupes; MAC duped by Wet n Wild, by Barbie's Beauty Bits

Sorry, I haven’t posted much in the last 2 weeks I’ve been testing out some alternative eye shadows and lipsticks.  You see I have been an avid MAC fan.  My love for this product lies more so with the eye colors, primarily because they are heavily pigmented.  I’m one that likes to get ready once, and wants to look pretty much the same by the end of the day.  MAC eye shadows have allowed me to do that.  My eye shadows have even lived through a Rob Zombie concert outside in 90 plus degree weather. So why a dupe?

As mentioned, I’ve been sent a lot of products to test, and have found some cosmetics that have surprised me, including drug store finds.  Which lead me to this post… MAC duped by Wet n Wild.  Below is a combination of some of my own tries as well as some I found via, Pinterest.  So without further ado …

Lipstick Dupes
Mac Port Red duped by Geisha's Kiss Wet n wild, by barbies beauty bits

              MAC                                                       Wet n Wild

               Port Red                                                                 Geisha's Kiss
               Jazzed                                                                     903C
               Rebel                                                                      Sugar Plum
               Brave New Bronze                                                  Bare It All

                                        Eye Shadow Dupes
Macs freshe water dupe by Wet n Wild Lagoon 254b, by Barbie's Beauty Bits

            MAC                                                     Wet n Wild

               Brule                                                                   Brulee
               Expensive Pink                                                     Penny
               Fresh Water                                                         Lagoon
               Humid                                                                 Cool As Water

In conclusion, I was surprised how happy I was with some of the Wet n Wild products. I saw more differences in the shadows then lip color.  Shadows that were not up to par I did not list, as I tried many others that were suggested on Pinterest.  The lipsticks on the other hand were great! And. hey there is always one Wet n Wild product that I’ve used since high school and to this day, love it!!!  Lip liner 666. It works splendidly with most lip colors, both as a liner and as a base, it is a must try! 


Well lovelies that's it for now.  Once I get through experimenting with the rest, I'll share my findings.


Any Dupes you want to share, if so let me know! 

Stay Connected With Me



April 11, 2013

Social Media Explained With Makeup

Everything you wanted to know about social media explained with makeup, by Barbies Beauty BitsGood evening lovelies, tonight I’m going to talk to you about a topic that you don’t see me talk much about on this blog, which is social media marketing. Yeah I know; you're probably wondering, why are you talking about social media, and what does it have to do with beauty?  We’ll bear with me, there’s a reason.

To start with, I’d like to tell you a bit about myself. Aside from beauty & blogging, I am also a marketing professional and have been in the field for about 17 years.  Social media is something that I hear a lot of people talk about, whether they are questioning, complaining, or praising, it has been incorporated into our everyday lives.  We see it being used for both business and personnal, helping to spread our existence to the world via the Internet.   However, the biggest issue I see is that people don’t really understand what each social media platform is for.  More importantly which one fits them and which ones don’t, as it is not for everyone.   Plus, let’s be honest social media can be confusing at times.  So, over the next few weeks, I will be giving you some insights with the goal of helping you to understand the differences between the major social media platforms.  Tonight, I’m incorporating a little twist to it. By giving an introduction to these various mediums from a beauty bloggers perspective, focusing on the ones that I use most.  And the best part, it will all be explained by makeup.  Check out the infographics to the right.  

In conclusion, social the media is like any other marketing medium, when used correctly it can help your business.   So before you decide which platform to implement, you first need to have a plan. More importantly you need to know what are your expectations and goals. Keeping in mind those are not necessarily social media goals, but rather your marketing goals. In turn you will select the medium that helps you accomplish those goals.   I mean you wouldn’t sell hairspray to bald man, now would you?

Stay Connected With Me


April 4, 2013

Some Cool Nail Products You Can Bond With

 Disclaimer: Affiliate Links Included

I spy with my little eye, nails, nails, and more nail accessories.  I mean my goodness, there's enough cool nail gadget's out there today that are most certainly worth exploring, making me feel like Agente NailsWorth.

It's no top secret, gone are the days of a simple french tip or even paying to get your nails done professionally, because you name it, you can find it and do it yourself.  So today, as my 2nd post in my I Spy Series, I've been given a license to thrill you, with some awesome nails finds! And let me tell you, I think I nailed it with some of these.

Wearable Nail Soakers: There are 10 nail soakers in each set, and I would say there is some convenience here, as you can soak both hands at once. 

Wearable Nail Soakers by Barbie's Beauty BIts
Cost for the set was under $3 Click Here To See
Some other great bits about these.. 
  • They are great for artificial nail remover.
  • Suitable for nail treatment, nail nutrition, sterilization and UV protection.
  •  Acetone resistant.

Nail Tape Strip Decoration Sticker Hologram:  You'll be lining up for these. 

Nail Tape Strip Decoration Sticker Hologram, By Barbie's Beauty Bits
 Click Here To Get Yours
  • They are self-sticking.
  • Comes in many colors, including silver, gold, laser gold, green, blue, red, purple, rose, white and laser purple.

Premium 3d Nail Art:  More nail art than you can flick a file at and simple to use. Tons of designs to choose from like flowers, bunnies, skulls, smiley faces and more!

Premium 3d Nail Art, By Barbie's Beauty Bits
 Click Here To See Options

How To Use: 
  • According to the website, it's recommended that you use a razor to cut into thin slices. Then apply to your nail with glue or a top coat.

Bundle Monster New Pro 20pc Nail Art Design Tool Kit: There is every gadget you can image in this collection.  Including, painting & detailing brushes, a dotting pen, and a dotter tool set .  

Bundle Monster New Pro 20pc Nail Art Design Tool Kit, By Barbie's Beauty Bitss
Cost is $14.99, Click Here To See

This mixture is sure to get you shaken and stirred as it comes with a lot more goodies, including…
  • An excellent traveling roll pouch, that has two magnetic closures. 
  • Contains 20 nail art tools, enabling you to create some spectacular looks like marbling, dots, rhinestones, lines and more.

Emori, All about Nail 50 Nails Piece Nail Lacquer: Color your nails pretty with this massive series, as you will feel like you’re at a salon with all of these colors. 
Emori, All about Nail 50 Nails Piece Nail Lacquer, By Barbie's Beauty Bits
Get Your Set Right Here 

Set includes:

  • 50 different colors that are long wearing & chip resistant.
  • Colors to name a few include glitters, neon's, coppers, pastels, reds, black and more.
  • Three scented nail polish remover pads. 
  • 0.28 oz each

 Check Out These Cool Nail Items Too!
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