March 25, 2013

What In The World is BB Cream?

What is bb cream and why are women crazy about it, by Barbies Beauty Bits
BB Cream is all the rage right now, but what in the world is BB cream and why are women so crazy about it?

Well let’s first start out with, what is BB CreamBB cream is an all in one facial cosmetic product; replacing foundation, primer, moisturizer, and it has a sun block, yeah!  This combination allows your skin to appear flawless, while delivering some awesome skincare benefits as well.

Some Important Bits On BB Cream

  1. This product was originally created by dermatologists in Asia as a treatment used by patients who had laser surgery to help with redness.
  2. What does BB Cream stand for? Blemish balm, blemish base, or beauty balm.
  3. How it is best applied? Because BB cream is a foundation, I found it best to use a makeup brush or a makeup sponge, allowing you to blend, cover, and correct your look.
Personally, I love BB creams; therefore, I thought the greatest way to give you some more important bits on this wonder cream was to make a video out of it.  So lights, camera, action; watch the video below!

Click Here To Watch

Which BB Cream?

Well there are a lot out there & the choices can be over whelming. None the less, I decided to give two a whirl.  I tried a department store brand an one from the drug store.  

Drug Store Version: Maybelline Dream Fresh BB

I liked this right away because I could select the one that best fit my skin tone.  I was actually surprised to find it marketed by color, as most BB creams are categorized according to skin types rather than color tones.  This Maybelline creation offers colors from light to ones for darker skin tones. The coverage on this product is very light & sheer, an exceptionally easy to blend; I really enjoyed this Dream Fresh BB Cream a lot for a drug store brand.

Department Store:  Too Faced Tinted Beauty Balm 

Being a Too Faced fan, I thought this would be a great one to try.  This brand was very light weight; it also gave me a dewy look;  enabling that younger skin glow.  This oil-free beauty balm was great for priming my skin while protecting it with a SPF 20 UVA/UVB sunscreen, but with minimal coverage. 

So there you go lovelies, another Makeup Monday Bit



  1. I am obsessed with Maybelline's dream fresh bb cream! LOVE it. ♥ Thanks so much for linking up to Makeup Monday! And if you havent already, be sure to stop by again today and link up any more beauty posts you may have! And also enter for a chance to win $100 to Sephora!



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