March 5, 2013

Beauty Myths & Truths About Gray Hair

Beauty Myths & Truths About Gray hair, by Barbi'es Beauty Bits

 Truth or Nonsense
You should never pluck a gray hair as more will grow back in its place!

Nonsense! And boy we should be thankful for this.  However, this doesn’t make it ok to do it either; I mean really, why would you want to pull your hair out?  Nonetheless, you don’t have to be a cosmetologist to understand that it is impossible to have five new hair follicles,  for example,  grow back from plucking one. If so, don’t you think someone that was balding would pluck away? But, to make sure that my assumption was correct; I asked my stylist to please give me some facts on gray hair.  These are some truths I found out from her:
  1. Gray hair is genetic & it is determined by your DNA. So no, you can’t blame it on work or your husband.
  2. Gray hair is actually not gray. It is transparent.
  3. Ethnicity plays a role, for example; Caucasians tend to be gray earlier than others, like Asians.
  4. Gray hair is coarse & less porous than other hair colors, making it much more difficult to dye.
So what to do?  Your best solution is to see a stylist. But if you only have a few gray hairs, I have some BB Bits for you!

Masc-a-gray-mascara, to cover your gray hairs, by Barbie's Beauty Bits
BB Bit 1: A less expense approach, especially if you have darker hair, you can cover it with Mascara! What? Yes, you read correctly.  Keep in mind this is for minor touch ups, covering only a small area of gray.  It’s simple, just place the wand near your head, and apply on your hair like an eyelash, and go up.  But, if you're okay with spending a few more dollars, Masc-a-gray hair colormascara  has a line for all colors. It is water-resistant and will stay until shampooed out.
BB Bit 2:  You can also use a black eye shadow to fill in some of the gray areas.  Unfortunately, with very dark hair, from afar you can appear as if your hair is thinning, filling it with a dark shadow can help to camouflage some it.

Now, I think we flushed out some myths here don’t you think? Until Net Time…

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  1. Hi, found and followed you through the Wednesday Chronicles blog hop :) I'm very blonde so it's hard to see if I'm going grey, but my boyf defo is!!

  2. I have to say I am very impressed with the way you efficiently blog and your posts. Thank you for talking about every one of these wonderful Posts.I love them and looking out forward for your new posts.
    gray hair


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